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Old 11-12-2004, 17:54   #8
Mossopp Mossopp is offline
a kind of fresh madness
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Age: 41
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Although technically there is no "graduation" in Scottish high schools (you finish 6th year and you have to leave regardless of how poor your exam results are) my final day was certainly memorable.
It was complete chaos. Everyone in my year - with the exception of a couple of people who don't know how to have a good time - was drunk. In fact, one girl got so drunk that she passed out and started to throw-up blood.
Now, none of us bothered to go to classes that day so we were all just living it up in the common room. Most of the boys were busy trashing the place and trying to set things on fire. I, however, was just playing cards with a couple of people.
When Michelle started to lose it noone knew what to do. We couldn't go get a teacher cos then we'd all be busted, so some of the girls decided that the best thing to do would just be to shove her in the cupboard and take turns keeping an eye on her to make sure nothing really serious went wrong.
Then one of the sober people went and told the Assistant Head Teacher what was going on. This was of course the sensible course of action and the right thing to do. However, at the time we didn't see it that way and the snitch well and truly got his arse kicked.
So, with us all in various stages of inebriation and the Assistant Head well on his way to the common room, we all ran en masse to the hill up behind the football pitch and bribed the younger kids (it was lunchtime at this point so practically every student was milling around up there) to hide our drink for us.
It must have been a strange sight - the entire 6th year sitting in silence on the hill, watching the ambulance pull into the school car park and Michelle get carried out on a stretcher and loaded into the vehicle.
This signalled - for most of us, anyway - that the fun was well and truly over and a lot of us just got our booze back off the generous 2nd years who were kind enough to "look after" it for us and went home. I however found time to watch some fellow pupils procure a 'slippery surface' warning sign from the cleaners closet and then proceed to lob it into a tree.
There was talk of a goat being let loose in the Mathematics Department, but I believe that was just hearsay.
All in all a very productive day.
Do they even cure you...
or is it just to humour us before we die?
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