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Old 06-11-2004, 19:15   #6
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by freddie
This is odd. Pain is nothing but a normal sensation pushed to it's limits
No, the sense of touch and pain is not the same thing (you can have pain in a part of your body which doesn't have the sense of touch).

People with this desease have the sense of touch, if they hold an object, they can sense that object, but if that object is harming them, they don't feel any pain.
So if they put their hand on a hot plate, they sense the plate, but they don't feel the heat, and they don't feel that it's buring them.

I remember seeing a documentary on that desease, and people who suffer from it have to be extremely careful about everything, even to simply put their clothes on. When you have a piece of clothing which is not well positioned and rub your skin in a wrong way, you feel it and correct it, those people don't. I remember that woman explaining that she had to be very careful when she put her clothes on, especially her underwear, that everything was perfectly set because she could end up with a bad cut from a piece of clothing rubbing her skin all day long without her noticing it until she saw blood.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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