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Old 29-06-2004, 01:17   #1
Kate Kate is offline
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Movie: The Terminal. A Steven Spielberg film. Cast: Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks have made, in "The Terminal," a sweet and delicate comedy, a film to make you hold your breath, it is so precisely devised. It has big laughs, but it never seems to make an effort for them; it knows exactly, minutely and in every detail who its hero is and remains absolutely consistent to what he believes and how he behaves.

The hero is named Viktor Navorski. He has arrived in a vast American airport just as his nation, Krakozia, has fallen in a coup. Therefore his passport and visa are worthless, his country no longer exists, and he cannot go forward or go back. Dixon the customs official (Stanley Tucci) tells him he is free to remain in the International Arrivals Lounge, but forbidden to step foot on American soil. More...


I truely enjoyed the movie from the beginning until the end. It was funny, moving and most of all it carried a meaning and a new idea - unlike most of the recent Holywood movies.

And the sountrack was GREAT! Jogn Williams showed his true genius in the movie's theme, "The Tale of Viktor Navorski", a light yet melodical composition that brings laughter and color to the movie inself.

If you havn't seen this movie yet - GO!! Go see it now. Or download it: irc:// #TMD-Moviez

I hope you will enjoy the movie as much as I did.
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