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Old 29-05-2004, 22:21   #1
haku haku is offline
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Star Trek : Enterprise

I like the Star Trek Universe (especially the TNG and DS9 series) and as such i watch Star Trek: Enterprise.
I don't know if i'm the only one on this forum who's watching this series but i saw the finale episode yesterday and there are a few things i wanted to say.

Enterprise is definitely not the best Trek series but i rather liked this third season, i even enjoyed the last episodes leading to the finale. There were some good moments when former enemies realize they have to go past their grudges to work together, but it's already been done and better in DS9. The CGI was good (the scene with the Xindi-Aquatic ship that was dismantled by the spatial anomaly and had water pouring out and freezing into space was cool for example.) but the finale itself was a bit disappointing.

The whole thing was inconsistent. First the Xindi weapon enters the Sol system escorted by only *one* Xindi-Reptilian ship? And where are Earth defenses? Not a single Sarfleet ship, not even a Vulcan battle cruiser? Earth knew they were going to be attacked, there should have been a planetary defense perimeter, and i can't believe the Vulcans would have just left the system. A single Xindi-Reptilian ship would have been no match for a Vulcan battle cruiser, of course it would have been cooler to have dozens of ships on both sides. Instead we only got an Andorian battle cruiser which adds to the inconsistency, if the Andorians could spare a ship to defend Earth, why weren't there any Vulcan ships?

And what about that final cliffhanger, what was that? First i thought they had traveled back in time, but i'm guessing they would have noticed the stars weren't where they were supposed to be if that was the case, not to mention that Enterprise was traveling with the Xindi-Aquatic ship and they would have noticed something. So what is it? A parallel universe? Or maybe someone has messed up with the time line again? (speaking of which, how come we haven't seen the Sulibans and the "future guy" who's commanding them at all during this season, more inconsistencies.) In either case, i'm wondering if the rest of the universe has been affected too. Does the Vulcan high command exist? Can Enterprise ask for their help, because the ship is a total wreck! They need some serious repair before doing whatever it is they have to do to get back to normal.
Ooh and yeh, how did Archer go from being inside the Xindi weapon to being a prisoner of the Nazis in WWII? LOL, and why is there an alien there?
I hope season 4 is not going to be entirely in this WWII parallel universe or whatever because it's already been done and it could get quite boring.
And showing more of naked T'paul or Captain Archer's hairy chest (depending on personal taste, lol) won't suffice. Well... a lot of naked T'Paul might do.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 30-05-2004 at 00:19.
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