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Old 23-04-2004, 12:11   #24
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
Gimme some sugar!
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,572

self-update again. oh well...

Lena felt them go into another set of doors and Yulia's warm hands clapsed over her ears. Lena felt herself being led down a corridor and then Yulia guided her into a chair. She opened her eyes and saw she was in a salon.
"Oh my god, Yulia I cant!" Lena panicked. Yulia kissed her cheek and held her in the chair.
"Yes you cant sweetie, she won't know, I swear!" Yulia ran her fingers throgh Lena's crimson locks. Lena glanced at her brunette goddess helplessly. Yulia smiled and kissed her forehead. The tall blonde hairstylist came over to the happy pair.
"And how are we doing today?" She asked cheerfully. Lena managed a nervous smile. Yulia grinned impishly.
"see you soon," she whispered in Lena's ear softly. Lena turned around and pulled on her arm, she didn't want her to go. Yulia smiled and kissed her nose softly then walked away to the nail counter. The tall blonde was playing with Lena's hair.
"Hmm..." she mused softly, "highlights...moisturizing...maybe so styling." She smiled at Lena.
"you could be a model you know, I can tell you have the figure for it, even behind that dress." Lena blushed. The blonde smiled.
"You know, I've known Yulia for about three years now, and I've never seen her so...crazy for someone, its obvious that you are together." Lena almost laughed.
"well...umm...I guess we are aside from the fact she's with someone." The blonde laughed.
"Kelsey? ohh I've seen her before, she wouldn't be so bad looking if she did more than scowl." The blonde smiled to herself. "But you have something." Lena closed her eyes and relaxed, but she was tense about the highlight.
"they will be very subtle, I promise." they colourist said. Lena nodded, a bit tense. It took a long time, it seemed, for the colour to finally get in her hair. It smelled foul. She sat under the dryer for about fourty five minutes before the woman took her over to the sink and cleansed her hair. Lena sighed and enjoyed the way the lady massaged her head, and played with her hair. The woman blow dried her hair. Lena looked in the mirror and noticed that it was very subtle, but when it caught the light it sparkled just enough. Lena smiled, her mom surely wouldn't notice this. Lena allowed the woman to deep moisturized her hair and style it so it wasn't so poofy. Lena smiled so bright everyone was sure that when they looked at her they were seeing the sun. Yulia wouldn't stop playing with her hair. Nick was laughing at the two of them as he led them into a store, called Bootlegger. Yulia began to tear through the store, grabbing only a few items. Nick picked up mostly everything from the racks. They both handed the contents to Lena.
"try them on, I'ma buy them all for you." Lena's mouth fell wide open.
"No.." she muttered, unable to speak.
"Yes!" Yulia insisted, kissing her nose, leading her to a change room. Lena looked at what Yulia had gotten for her. It was a skimpy, baby pink spaghetti strapped shirt, with a white over shirt, and a matching pink floral mini. The undergarments were a pink/black flamed bra, with a matching thong. Lena smiled to herself, if she even got close to bending over everyone would see her ass in that. She tried it one and gazed in the mirror. She saw a whole new person standing before her. She smiled and walked confidently out of the change room. She looked in Yulia's direction and she saw the brunette's mouth fall wide open. Lena grinned as she stepped over to her.
"L-L-L-L-?" she muttered, unable to speak properly. Lena grinned.
"So Stud Man, unable to speak? Cat got your tongue?" She whispered seductivly in the brunette's ear. Yulia allowed her body to go limp, leaning on the redhead, she smirked.
"No cats here," she put her lips to Lena's bursting cleavage. Lena leaned into the brunette as her tongue glided over her soft, ivory breasts. Lena bit her lip as she felt her breath catching in her throat.
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