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Old 28-02-2004, 00:52   #235
Linda16 Linda16 is offline
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Sorry, going back to some previous posts by sunny poison.

Originally posted by sunny poison

They (well, Ivan mostly) tried to cure you from what u are doing now actually - from making fast decisions and sticking to ur own opinion. They tried to show that there's nothing in this world u can be sure of. That there are different ways to see one situation, interpret one word. That nothing is really what it seems.
Originally posted by sunny poison
While in Russia Lena and Yulia were just 2 brave and sincere girls, nice, funny and animated... and they were singing cool songs about love and freedom... and sure they weren't lesbians but they seemed to love each other in their cute way, in the West all that mattered was 'are they or aren't they?'.
I think this was something neither TATU, nor Ivan were ready for. These were another rules they had to play by. First it was funny but then became tiresome and painful. It's hard to explain things that seem so obvious for you, its hard to be constantly missunderstood. it's hard to survive in the wold u don't belong to.
I think that these two remarks are extremely important. We can consider that the statement "Nothing is really what it seems" - is one one of the key messages of Tatu. I think it is even more important than the classical "Be yourself. Don't be afraid". Tatu's message is about opening our minds, climbing out of our mental prisons. Have we succeeded in this?

And I believe also that actually Ivan/Tatu were not prepared to face the West. Rules were different, attitudes were different and like sunny poison said "First it was funny but then became tiresome and painful". Maybe this was the main reason behind Ivan's inactivity, boredom and tiredness.

Very good and useful posts, sunny poison!

Last edited by Linda16; 28-02-2004 at 01:17.