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Old 17-02-2004, 02:10   #85
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Originally posted by simon
Thank you sunny poison

Pasha idolises Jean-Claude van Damme! So he has neither looks nor brains. What does Yulia see in him?

I agree with a lot of spyretto's analysis, but I completely disagree that Ivan is talentless. I think he had some great creative ideas and his videos for YSSU and NND were the best I've ever seen. He's turning into a Shakespearian tragic hero. His fatal flaws have been greed and egotism. He drove away first Galoyan (the goose that laid the golden eggs), Kiper (the co-creator and Ivan's much-needed reality check) and now it appears Yulia and Lena.
ok, musically talentless then. He had some good ideas but his luck run out. And I doubt the ideas were all his, he was working with all those people, it was a collective project after all. Then all of a sudden he appears as the sole creative force behind Tatu. It doesn't figure.
He was so cocky in that "30 minutes making off" video, he thought he was creating the masterpiece of the century or what?
Yulia and Lena probably didn't know him well enough or they were too ecstatic to bother. Either way, those collaborations, like Kiper, Galoyan, etc. were left behind in the race for the big dough but somehow Ivan lost track of his masterplan along the way...

King Lear? or perhaps Othello? Or maybe there's one even better ?

Last edited by spyretto; 17-02-2004 at 02:19.