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Old 07-02-2004, 23:55   #17
Kappa Kappa is offline
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Dees, I've yet got to know when did I offend DDR so you would go and diss Pump It Up. Not freakin' fair. Excuse me, but before trying PIU I *did* try DDR and I couldn't get my feet right.

Now that you think that PIU is a DDR rip-off, let me blow you bubble . DDR is a rip-off of one of the first dance games, which wasn't even for a mat, it was for a controller: it was called Bust A Groove, and like DDR, it had horizontal/vertical controls. It was a pain to play, but fun nonetheless, and it could peel off the skin of your fingers faster than any other game. When you had enough combos accumulated, you could even punch your oponent with a special combo. :P

Continuing the dance games discussion, I enjoy PIU far more than DDR because I stumble across my feet while playing DDR. The PIU mat's got more sense: when you walk, you don't walk putting a feet in your left and a feet in your right. You put one in front and then the other, side by side. Blasfemy: if you're good at DDR, you aren't good at PIU, and viceversa.

Sorry if I lost my patience, but claiming PIU is a DDR rip-off is like saying Backstreet Boys was the first boy band.
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