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Old 04-01-2004, 04:03   #17
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally posted by freddie
Ops! Sorry Coolz! *blushes* My bad. I think there were "Bulgars" but they were a tribe that came to bulgaria from Asia and weren't slavic at all, but just mixed with the slavic population. Or maybe I'm completely wrong here again. *hides*
no need to worry Yes, there was a tribe that came from Asia that wasnt Slavic and they mixed up with the slavics+Original tribe(Trakians) that already lived in the lands of what is Bulgaria today- and all those 3 tribes formed Bulgaria - out of the 3 slavics were the most though- that's why the language Bulgaria adopted was the Slavic. In Bulgarian we call them praBulgari or I think in english it is protoBulgarians .. but maybe they can also be called Bulgars in english - am not 100% sure. But freds the slavic tribes also came from the East the Ural... as far as i remember (my memory might be not too fresh) but i remember reading Asia

I understand the language codes - I've seen it being refered as serbo-croatian a lot too... the reason i said it was- sounded to me when I quoted you that you were refering to groups of people and not language groups, like: 'the serbo-croatians and the bulgars' .. you know what i mean, like: the Serbs, the Croatians and the Bulgarians... instead of: The serbo-croatian language group or the bulgarian language group
oh... o!
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