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Old 01-01-2004, 00:53   #12
rANdoMtATuFaN rANdoMtATuFaN is offline
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Having spent the first 8 years of my life in India and the last 9 in the U.S., I guess, I have a different way of looking at this subject. OK - so, I've been raised in the U.S. in an Asian family so I constantly see these differences. I mean, I spend most of my time w/my friends (esp. since I live in a dorm) and when I come home or talk to my family, it's like a completely different way of thinking. If u go to India, everything's sooo relaxed where as over here, it's a super fast-paced world. But then, in India, everyone's working towards the future, while here, the present is more important. I don't know how many times I've thought "that's so Indian" when dealing w/things. Like, I've noticed that in Asia, not just India, kids are trying to please their parents more than anything and respecting elders is such a big deal. Over here, u think about yourself first, then u're parents. There's so many other things and they're all hard to explain. So, like, my way of thinking is something totally different where I totally appear western in my thinking but the basis is still eastern and a lot of things in my thinking contradict themselves - ppl have a hard time understanding me. Anyway, u can't combine the two cultures to co-exist naturally - to combine the two is like a puzzle put together when all the pieces don't match. OK, I'll shut up.

Seriously, though, my mind is like that puzzle that i just mentioned - that is why i'm so intrigued by Russia 'coz it seems to be like my mind. Anyway, I confuse myself a lot of times.
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