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Old 29-12-2003, 06:51   #2
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Chapter 2

“Home sweet home” Lena said as she turned into her driveway. “We have about 40 beautiful acres of land, mostly forest as you can see. There’s a nice field by the pond where Rebel, my beagle, can most likely be found. He can’t seem to stay away from those field mice.” Lena said with a smile on her face.

“Mice? You have mice here?! What is this, a pig sty?!?” Yulia said, alarmed.

“No. It’s called Mother Nature.” Lena said in an annoyed tone. Then with an evil glint in her eye, Lena said “We have lots of animals here so if you don’t like something as small as a mouse, then you’re in for a real trip” as they pulled up to the house.

The Katina’s house was quite nice for the area. It was a two story log cabin complete with a chimney, decorated inside as a typical country home with various wolf, black bear, deer, and raccoon nick-knacks spread out all throughout the cabin giving it a wilderness feel.

“My brother’s room is down at the end of the hall. It’s a disaster area so don’t even try to go in there unless you’re ready to go through an obstacle course. The spare room that we did have has been turned into an office so you’ll be staying in my room.” Lena said.

“I have to share! I don’t even get my own room? You’re joking, right?” Yulia asked in disbelief.

“Does it look like I’m kidding? Come on. At least we each have our own beds. I get the bottom bunk so I hope you’re not afraid of heights.”

As they walked into Lena’s room, Yulia stopped abruptly and said, “Wow. Obsess much?”

Lena’s room was covered in “The Crocodile Hunter” memorabilia. She had posters, the calendar, talking figurines, book, even the bobbing head Steve doll. Not to mention all the crocodile, alligator, and snake figurines and stuffed animals along the various shelves.

“You mean Steve Irwin? Oh my gosh he’s the ultimate man! I would *love* to visit his zoo in Australia. Oh and that Australian accent! Could he have a sexier voice? Not to mention all the work he’s done for animal conservation. He’s just awesome!” Lena rambled enthusiastically.

“Okay, okay. I get it. You’re a--AHHH!!! What the hell is that?!” Yulia screamed as she leaped back out the door.

“That is Stevo, my pet ball python. Wanna see?” Lena said as she reached into the cage.

“NO!!! Keep the bloody thing in the cage. In the cage!” Yulia screeched.

“Oh come on. He’s not going to hurt you. He won’t bite. Well, not that hard anyway.” Lena said.

“NO! Are you crazy?!” Yulia said in high-pitched voice.

“Alright, alright. We’ll save the introduction until later then.” Lena said. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the family dogs.”


Just as Lena was about to introduce Yulia to Gabby, the husky/Dalmatian mix, Mrs. Katina walked in the door.

“Hi! You must be Yulia. I hope Lena has made you feel welcome. We are so happy to have you here for the year.” Mrs. Katina said.

“It’s nice to meet your Mrs. Katina. Thank you for having me.” Yulia said as she extended her hand.

Oh *now* she decides to be friendly and suddenly has manners. Lena thought.

“Well girls I have some great news! I’ve arranged for you to have a two week long camping trip up at the national park. That way you can get to know each other a little better.” Mrs. Katina said.

At the word ‘camping’ the color drained from Yulia’s face and it looked as if she was going to faint.

“Yulia, are you okay? You look really pale.” Mrs. Katina asked with concern.

“Fine? Oh, of course I’m fine. Just dandy. Yep, no problem with me whatsoever. I’m perfect.” Yulia replied desperately trying to be polite to this woman yet at the same time trying to fight the urge to strangle her. Great. Two weeks outdoors with no cell phone, running water, no civilization!! And with Miss wanna be alligator hunter or whatever the hell that’s called!!

Joy. Two weeks with Miss Priss. Hmm, this could turn out to be a very funny couple of weeks for me. Oh yeah. I’m going to have some fun.
Lena thought as she laughed to herself. Lots of fun.

I would greatly appreciate *any* feedback. Even if you want to say it sucks, go ahead and say it, just please tell me why. So do you all want me to continue?
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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