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Old 26-12-2003, 16:40   #19
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 4,990

Originally posted by denial
3. Go to work ontime
Denail, that's a good one.. I will start with it too then!

1. Go to work on time ! In fact, go to 'anything' on time - I am ALWAYS late

2. quit my current job - it is making me VERY unhappy

3. Finally GET myself together and work more on my own projects and fix my prtofolio (it's been about 1.5 years since I've been trying to do that)

4. apply and get accepted in a nice Graduate school

5. Move out of this place

6. Learn more swedish - so i can at least understand people when they speak to me

7. Exercise moreeeeee

8. Get my butt over in Europe as sooooooooon as possible (Feb)

9. Dont be so lazy

10. Get off the comp. more often

.. basically to sum it up.. i should get more organized, meet deadlines, start working on thing from the begining and not wait for last minute ...*meet deadlines* ..*get organized* ...*meet deadlines* ...*get organized* ...

I know I am forgetting something.. will be back to say it when i remember...

I really never make resolutions - this is more like what i need to accomplish next year
oh... o!