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Old 22-12-2003, 16:00   #5
freddie freddie is offline
Sad Little Monkey
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I posted this theory a while back in the supernatural thread but for the life of me I can't find it anymore...
So I'll post it again, since this thread seems to be even more appropriate... I wrote this when I was 17 so forgive the clumsy writing


When I mention the word "ghost" I think mostly of apparitions - images of certain objects or people that apear to be in a non-materialized form, which many saw with their own eyes, while some have even made a photographic proof of them.
We know all sorts of apparitions: from people (living or dead), animals and all the way to phantom doubledecker buses, washing machines, vibrators... in short: all sorts. Many people have been asking themselves (including me),what is this thing that modern science can't explain to us? But on the contrary with an average bloke I didn't just schrach myself on the head. I rather developed my own theory on what this phemonenon really is. The only problem is that it's impossible to authenticate it empiricaly.
I'd like to add just one thing for the begining of my train of thought: There are some people who belive that ghosts are the "spirits of the dead" that came back to earth so they could warn us about something blah, blah, blah... You could easily explain an apparition of a dead relative in this way. But what about the apparitions of the still living folk (ghosts of people appear 1000 kilometers away, while they are peacefuly sleeping at home)? Or good forbid, the appaertions of inanimate objects???? (Like I said I read in one book about an appartion of a phantom doubledecker bus that was haunting a crossroad in London? And you all probably heard before about the legend of the Flying Dutchman - the phantom ship that was seen by many sailors in the 18th & 19th century). Those are the things that can't be explained simply by proclaiming that every single case of apparition sightning is a soul of a dead person. So let's dismiss this theory in the begining.

OK so lets begin now. The most interesting fact for me, as far as this phenomenon is concerned is that most apparition sightings have been known to taken place in houses or places where a traumatic event has occured once in the past (example: In a house where a woman was murdered, her "ghost" is scarying the tenants that live in it after the event. Another example: An apparition of a hichhiker appears to motorists on exact same part of the road where a fatal crash has occured several years ago. Maybe the most famous ghost phenomenon are the apparitions of ancient battles - for instance different people at once often report that they still hear the screams of the ally soldiers who are landind on the shores of Normandie (50 years after the battle), or they see an appparition of the heavy artillery and fallen soldiers from the Gettysburg battle (150 years after it took place).
So here is the begining of my theory: a ghost is somekind of an "emotional recording" of a being, that remains saved in the air, just like a magnetic needle saves data on the tape in a tape recorder. The difference is that the carrier is different: while the data on the tape-recorer is saved on a special ferric tape, the data of the traumatic event is saved in the space where a traumatic event has occured. Of course such a "recording" has to be strong enough to last trough time...and it's strenght is determined only by the intensity of the experiance. A person experiances the most intense emotions when he's in a mortal danger. Imagine a person who is hystericaly affraid, because he knows he's going to die and there's no way out of danger he is in - enormous amounts of adrenalin are discharged. The brain is literaly sparkling with activity, in the process producing a lot of energy- mainly electric current, while desperatly stuggling to survive. All that violent emotions (which are in reality just the reaction of our nerve sistem and the brain to electric current), manifest themselves as a repeat performance of a tragedy that once occured in that exact same place. But not everybody is able to see apparitions eventhough they are literaly always "in the air". And apparition is like an audio CD-record. A CD on the table is nothing more then a piece of melted aluminium moulded into a cirrcle shape. If you want to hear music you need a suitable carrier, in this case a CD-Player which will recognise the data on the CD and start playing music (simply put). An apparition needs a carrier as well. A carrier that will interpret the information that is in the air as visual data - so the key is understanding the data, or the recording that is already there and interpreting it to a certain visual or audio form (even more simply put). Such carriers for apparitions are Mediums - people that we sometimes say have the so called "6th sense". Apparition is in the air for the whole time - as a recording of an emotional trauma that once happened to a person - like the recordings of the forgotten battles, where thousands of people died in horrible pain. You just have to get the right carrier (medium) that will be able to interpret the data that is floating around in the air - emotions that physicaly died down centuries ago, but echoes of the past tortures remain trapped in time. Forever? Probably not, considering that this images are caused by a dying brain, which produces a wave of electric energy, which fades away with time.

But the main question my theory deals with isWHY apparitions occur in the first place. There must be a reason. Did evolution have a hidden plan for this unusual occurence. The problem is that as the humans gained independance from nature, we lost a lot of natural senses - which animals still posses - in the process.For instance: animals usualy have an exelent eyesight, sense of smell, sense of hearing...Humans didn't need them as much anymore to survive so those senses gradualy faded away or becaume less precisioned. So our senses are not as sharp as those of some animals who still count on them for survival.
The evolutionary process goes like this: if you need something to survive, it will develop with coincidental muatations or you will die. Cats needed a tail for ballance and got it coincidencentaly - it was a useful change, the offspring of the animals with tails were more successful (better balance for hunting and climbing trees) so they survived. But it goes both ways: if you don't need something, the evolution works degeneratively as well, if you don't need something you lose it (humans and other primates lost their tails, the appendix lost it's meaning and athropy occured ). I mentioned the animals keept a lot of their senses which we didn't need anymore The animals kept a lot of natural senses, which we didn't need anymore, so our own instincts in that regard went into misuse and are now nearly non-existent. What if the so called 6th sense, which would enable us to see apparitions,is one of them?

It is possible that a special sense developed in some species? That a kind of "warning sign" evolved trough the selective process of evolution that warns an animal: STOP!!!! DANGER!!!!
Like this: an antelope is walking trough the african steppes. It doesn't know that pack of lions reigns in the area. The lions see it and eat it for lunch. When the lion is ringing her neck, right before it dies the antelope is unknowingly emitting signals into the air...a signal that is interpreted by the others of the same species, which warns them not to enter this area because it is morataly dangerous. The heard of antelopes that live nearby, will see an aparition of a lion killing their peer for months, years, maybe centuries. It will be a warning sign for generations of antelopes to come, not to dare wonder of to the forbiden area despite the rich pastures there.
A radio station emits invisible radio waves trough the air. A home stereo picks up those waves and transforms them into sound waves, which we perceive with out eats. In similar fashion the antelope emited an invisible electric charge, which other antelopes interpret as a visual signal - an aparition, a ghost.

People once had this "warning signal", however it faded out trough time because it wasn't important for survival anymore. In old tribe cultures paranormal events are not considered unusual at all. They are a part of the everyday life - people are not afraid of them, they except them as part of nature, just like the sun and the rain.
The mediums are just those rare individuals who have this special sense developed - we can interpret this as a sign that this warning signal ability in not completely gone in our species, but it's just underdeveloped. Our great ancesters in the wild had this mechanism developed much better then we do now, but in time we lost it or at least it got much weaker, due degenerative evolutionary process. Just like the appendix it became an unneeded leftover from the wild.

Researches confirmed that at least some animals still retained the warning sign instinct. This is a fragment from the book Ghosts, Apparitions & Hallucinations:

"'s been known for some time that animals, especially cats and dogs can sense paranormal activity. Paraphychologist Dr. Robert Smith from the state of Kentucky used the animals as a control group in his experiments. His experiment took place in a room in the haunted house where a tragedy occured. He used 4 animals: a cat, a dog, a rat and a rattlesnake. When the dog came into the room he started snarl at his owner, dragging him back towards the door. Despite the owner trying to calm him down no one could persuay him to stay in the room and even later it never dared to enter that room again. The cat was brought in the room on it's owners lap. The minute they entered the room the cat leaped on to it's masters shoulder and grabbing her tighly with the claws, before jumping to the floor and starting to stare at the chair in the room. The cat hissed at that chair for some minutes before the owner took her away. The rattlesnake moved into an attacking pose the minute it entered the room and started staring at the same chair the cat did just minutes before. After minutes of standing still waiting to strike infront of an apparantly empty chair the rattler leaned it's head towards the window, retreted and still remained ready to strike. The rat was the onlyone who remained completely calm. After a while they tested the animals in a different room where their behaviour was completely normal."

What exactly are this signals that a proper receiver can turn into visual projection? I don't know. IMO it's some sort of an electrical current that developes a proper charge in the air, with the help of earths natural magnetic field. Our brain can then recieve and interpret that charge as a visual projection (an image of a ghost).
All the things we see in out picture of "the real world" are really just light waves that our environment emits,and which our eyes are recieving and our brain is interpreting as a visual projection...the process that occures between the eyes and the brain is a transfer of signals which travel trough neuron network with the help of electricity. All the informations within a biological body are transfered with the help of electricity. If there is an unusual charge in the area, and maybe the conditions are just right (possibly humidity, temprature...) our brain can interpret an electrical charge in the air (that has been left there by another dying brain) as a projection of a ghost. So in short you could say that the vision of a ghost is an emotional recording of a dying creature, captured in the air as an electrical charge that others can interpret as a visual image.

Evolution developed many skils and instincts that allow a species to survive. An instinct that would warn animals of the dangers that are lurking in the wild would certainly be a very useful tool in the game of survival. Infact it is unlikely that such a mechanism did not develop in all the billions of years life was evolving on earth. Even today we like to say that animals sense danger approaching...

by Freddie (tm)
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freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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