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Old 07-11-2003, 17:27   #13
Stop it! Stop it! is offline
Losing it!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 28

I know that my body is going to be tender/sore after this weekend.
LOL. 6-Srep is a very basic move. Unless you're practicing it for 12 hrs straight, I don't think youЎ'll be in any pain. But your getting the right idea. Breakdancing is basicly a workout. YouЎ'll understand next week.
I have one question: When you do breakdancing you need some muscles, right?
This is a common misconception about Breakers. Yea, muscles help, but you donЎ't realy need them. If you look at a lot of the moves in the BOTY clip you will see that it's more about balance! Balance is key in almost every power move.
I know that the right tecnique is important but I think it`s not enough, you need also strength.
Your half right. The right technique is important but you need your balance and good coordination more than you need strength.
So my question is, how do you develop your muscles? Do you have any particular ways to do that? Or do you just practise those moves and that`s all?
Well, I personally only have one exercise that I use to build up my upper body. I place my feet on a high chair, you can use anything, and hold the position for as long as I can. Each time I hold it longer than the last. If you do this easy exercise along with breakin your arms and abs will be cut!! Mind you, this will hurt more than 6-Step. Don't forget to strech before and after everything you do.
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