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Old 21-02-2003, 03:01   #2
Echoed Echoed is offline
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Russian consonant clusters threw me for a whirl. But thank whatever powers that be for my Asian descent. I can curl around almost any sound. And the Cyrillic alphabet is funky, but fun. I'm almost getting the hang of it. (All by just idly glancing at t.A.T.u. related things. Crazy.)

I'm sure that with enough practice, you'll master the art of Russian pronunciation to a T.

As for the Cyrillic alphabet, I think you can change the encoding or some such thing. In the "View" option up yonder. But actually making Cyrillic letters? No clue. I know that my French й turns into a funky Cyrillic letter when I change the encoding. So does и. And all letters with accents and stuff.

Quietly weaving,
Tiredly leaving,
Another today,
Again tomorrow
Together dismay,
And raining sorrow.

Le noir, la gloire... On se demande bien.
Mais comm' je t'adore, lorsque je m'endors...
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