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Old 19-10-2003, 19:16   #68
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Chapter 13 – A Heated Discussion (part 1)

It was Sunday morning and Lena felt deeply troubled. She still couldn’t work out why she had been fantasising about Yulia when she was having sex with Roman. She had orgasmed for the very first time and had nearly called out Yulia’s name, she felt tainted, like Roman and Yulia would both shun her if they found out.

Once Roman had gone home and Yulia had come out of her bedroom after waiting for Roman to leave she could sense that there was something wrong with Lena as she was so preoccupied that she did not even notice Yulia as she walked into the living room.

“Morning Lena” Yulia said cheerfully.

“Morning Yulia” Lena replied on autopilot, only briefly glancing up at Yulia. She felt too ashamed to look her friend in the face just in case she was able to tell what she had been thinking about.

“Fancy some breakfast?” With Yulia working now, she rarely cooked for Lena like you had used to so with it being Sunday she wanted to treat her.

“Erm, I was just gonna grab a shower and go out” Lena said awkwardly. Yulia then realised that Lena was probably slightly embarrassed about the fact that she knew Yulia would have heard her having sex with Roman.

Lena’s screams had rang out loudly throughout the apartment and Yulia had listened for a minute feeling more jealous than she had felt for a long time, if only she could be the one to make her howl with pleasure like that. Yulia had stopped herself listening feeling a sadness beginning to consume her at the thought that Lena would never be hers and she had put her walkman on to drown out the sound of Roman and Lena with the rock album she was listening to.

“Oh right, erm where you off to?” Lena’s awkwardness seemed to be contagious.

“Just thought I’d go to the shops or something,” she shrugged.

“Oh right” They had gone to the shops yesterday, so was that just an excuse to get away from Yulia?

“I was just gonna go for a few hours, grab a few bits and come back” she said excusing herself further.

“Oh, ok then, see you later then I guess” Yulia felt hurt, why was Lena being so off with her?

“What you gonna do?” Lena said as an after thought seeing the hurt expression on Yulia’s face at her exclusion, feeling bad for taking her own discomfort out on her.

“Just some stuff for work I think, I have a few designs in mind, could be good ” Yulia felt like she was talking to a stranger.

“Cool, I’ll see you later then” Lena said discontinuing the conversation and getting up to go into the bathroom.

“See you later” Yulia said with a wave of her hand.

Yulia was dumbfounded by the way Lena had just behaved, had Lena found out that she was in love with her? She was acting like she couldn’t bear to be around her. Had Roman said something about her to Lena?

Yulia’s mind was whirling with a whole host of scattered thoughts; she just hoped Lena was having a bad day. Oh well, she supposed she should get down to some work seeing as she wouldn’t be spending the day with Lena like she usually did. She would catch up with her later, Lena would be fine then she was sure, her imagination was simply working over time.
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