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Old 18-10-2003, 23:13   #65
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Roman's back amikana! Here's the end of Chapter 12 for you!

Chapter 12 part 4

To make the events of the day seem so much worse Roman came around that evening to spend the night with Lena. He managed to do what he always did so well, destroying the cosy atmosphere that existed in the apartment when Lena and Yulia were alone. His presence created huge tension because Yulia hated him and the feeling was pretty mutual.

Yulia hadn’t seen Roman since the night she had heard Lena tell him that she was leaving as Lena had very subtly only mentioned him briefly and when she saw him she had been going around to his apartment because she had known that it would take time for them to get used to one another. However, here he was again in front of Yulia, larger than life and grinning at her arrogantly.

“What happened to you? Head transplant?” he sneered at Yulia.

“No, haircut” She informed him curtly not wanting to get involved in an argument.

“You don’t look such a mess now” Roman continued looking for a reaction on her part but Yulia couldn’t be bothered, he wasn’t worth it.
“Cheers” she said monotonously, barely moving her attention away from the television.

“Roman!” Lena warned seeing that he was trying to wind Yulia up.

“Ok, ok, it was a joke!” he protested, “You know I don’t mean it don’t you?” he said to Yulia.

“ Yeah, gotcha!”

“See, she can take a joke” Roman insisted to Lena as if Yulia wasn’t in the room.

Lena rolled her eyes tired of his childish behaviour towards Yulia. “Come on, let’s leave Yulia in peace.”

“Goodie, we going to bed?” he asked cheekily.

“I said come on!” Lena was losing her patience now why was he so indiscreet all the time.

“Yes miss” Roman saluted her.


That night when Roman and Lena were having sex Lena shut her eyes preparing to do her customary fake orgasm. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t enjoy sex with Roman. She just couldn’t get into it, but she knew it was part of any healthy relationship even though she didn’t particularly like it. However, that was her fault not Roman’s. The least she could do was make the right noises that she liked it.

Lena pressed her eyes shut concentrating as he penetrated harder and harder into her and then Yulia’s face popped into her head. Every kiss and every touch, all of a sudden it was Yulia she was with, sucking her nipples, kissing them softly, tasting her, tormenting her, making her come..

“Oh god, you’re the best Roman, the absolute fucking best, mmm” Roman rolled off Lena satisfied now he had got the affirmation he wanted while Lena lay on her back as he turned away from her and stared at the ceiling. S**t, she had really orgasmed but she was thinking about Yulia. That was so wrong! What the f**k was wrong with her?

Yulia was her best friend, not anyone she could…she wasn’t gay, so why the hell would she feel that? Why did it make her come? It was because they spent so much time together wasn’t it? That’s why she had seen her face. She was probably wondering whether Yulia was ok listening to them. That was it, wasn’t it? It was, it had to be.
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