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Old 18-10-2003, 15:41   #58
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
what can I say...
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Here is the first part of chapter 12,hope you all enjoy it! Any feedback would be really apreciated! Thanks

Chapter 12 – Like I love You

A month had passed since Yulia visited her father’s grave. Since that day she had barely paused for breath as she was on a mission to start her career as a fashion designer. She was almost a year late in starting out because of her stint out on the streets so she knew she had no time to waste if she wanted to get back on track.

Ever since she had been a little girl Yulia had dreamt of designing clothes for a living. As she had grown up she had taken great delight in making her own clothes, coming up with weirdest and most wonderful outfits. Yulia didn’t want to dress like anyone else; she was an innovator with her own vision that she had honed to perfection in her three years at University. Now she was rekindling her obsession with designing having finally cashed her father’s cheque and putting it to good use by buying the materials and other equipment she needed to make up her designs.

Recently, Yulia had been literally working through the night racking her brain in an attempt to come up with concepts for her designs, often screwing them up into balls and launching them into the rubbish bin like paper missiles, cursing in her impatience to create something she liked, something that could have only been designed by Yulia Volkova.

In the meantime, Lena was bemused at the new facets of Yulia’s personality that were emerging each day, as she became more and more engrossed in her work. The biggest difference as far as Lena could see was that Yulia was now carrying herself with an air of confidence as she knew she was good at designing, with her confidence at times being almost confusable with arrogance.

Lena revelled in this shift in personality loving the way Yulia looked so intense and passionate when she was absorbed in her work, usually covered from head to toe in ink as she scribbled her designs down rapidly like a woman possessed. Lena had to keep carrying Yulia to bed as it was becoming routine for her to fall asleep at the kitchen table pen still in hand, face down in her work.

In addition to creating a new collection of clothes that she was putting together as a part of her portfolio of work, Yulia was ringing around all the fashion houses in Moscow in an attempt to get herself a job. She was rejected off hand what seemed like hundreds of times until she managed to secure two interviews, which coincidentally were scheduled for the same day.

The day of the interviews soon arrived and when Lena dropped Yulia off for the first interview she felt like she was sending a small child off to school on her first day. “You look very smart Yulia and your designs are fantastic, so you go knock ‘em dead” Lena leant over to give Yulia a peck on the cheek.

Yulia smiled weakly and climbed out of the car “Thanks Lena, I’ll see you later.”

“Good luck Yul, you can do it, I know you can” Lena said offering her further encouragement.

Yulia shut the car door and watched as Lena drove off. Yulia was ready and she was determined she was going to succeed. She had a burning desire to live up to the reputation as the next big thing that she had cultivated at University. As she walked up to the large glass building in front of her she gripped her portfolio tightly under her arm before confidently sauntering inside.
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