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Old 12-10-2003, 22:15   #41
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
what can I say...
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Hello! Normally post full chapters here but here's so more for you, enjoy!

Chapter 10 – Family Fortunes

Yulia plucked up the courage to dial the phone number she knew by heart. The phone rang once, twice, three times before someone answered the phone.

“Hello!” Larissa Volkova greeted the yet unknown caller.

“Mum? It’s me.” Yulia said in virtually a whisper wanting to hang up.

“What?” Larissa was abrupt obviously completely underwhelmed to hear from her daughter.

“It’s me Yulia” she repeated numbly. Apart from the sound of Larissa breathing heavily down the phone there was nothing in way of reply and Yulia needed a response. “Mum?”

“Yes, I’m here, why on earth are you phoning after all this time?” Larissa said accusingly obviously irritated.

“I need my things” Yulia decided she should be as straight to the point as Larissa and just as abrupt.

“What? You want to come here and get them?” she barked down the phone. Yulia pulled the handset slightly back from her ear. Bloody hell was she trying to deafen her?

“Yes I do” Yulia paused momentarily. “I need them Mum, I wouldn’t call you unless I did, I understand you don’t want to see me but at least let me have my things” she said hurriedly before Larissa could cut her off.

“Ok, you can come but…when your father’s at work, he really doesn’t want to see you as far as he, we are concerned we don’t have a daughter so I would prefer it if you came at a time when he wasn’t here” her voice lacked emotion she could have been talking to a stranger.

“Fine! When can I come and remove all evidence of my existence” Yulia couldn’t resist being sarcastic, she felt bitterness flowing through her veins, how dare she treat her like that.

“Your Dad’s going out for the day tomorrow, come around in the morning, I am going out in the afternoon so don’t make it too late” Larissa warned.

“Ok I’ll be round at ten then if that’s alright? ”

“Yes, Goodbye” Larissa slammed the receiver down before she had chance to reply. Yulia breathed a sign of relief and hung up at her end, at least it was over for now. Her mother had sounded so cold and hard, it didn’t sound like her but she knew from the call that her parents were as hostile towards her as they had been that fateful day when they had cast her out. But she could live with that, she just wanted to reclaim all the things she had at home that had really meant something to her. That she thought was a reasonable request.

There was a knock on the door. “Yul, can I come in.” Lena asked through the door.

“Yeah, come in.”

Lena could see by Yulia’s expression that the phone call with her mother hadn’t gone well. Her heart went out to her and she felt guilty that she had pushed Yulia into doing it. Lena could empathize as she had still not patched things up with her own mother after the dinner party the other week. Perhaps she should try to make things up herself.

“I take it it didn’t go well then” Yulia had taken the call in her bedroom so Lena sat down beside her on the bed.

“Not great” she grinned wryly. “I can go round tomorrow and get my stuff she said about ten”

“So what time will we have to leave here?”

“Oh no Lena, I don’t expect you to take me” Yulia said not wanting to drag Lena into it.

“Well how you gonna get there?”

Yulia shrugged her shoulders. “I hadn’t really thought about it”

“I’m taking you and I won’t take no for an answer”

Yulia looked distant in somewhat of a trance. “She was horrible Lena, so cold, she said as far as they were concerned they didn’t have a daughter.” Yulia’s voice broke and her bottom lip quivered. “Oh god, I don’t wanna cry over them”

“Hey” Lena threw her arms around Yulia pressing the side of her face against hers and whispering in her ear “Well its their loss and my gain, I think you’re wonderful Yulia, I really do, I’ve never met anyone like you”

Lena pulled back to look into Yulia’s eyes to see despite her eyes shining with tears she had managed a special smile for Lena. How could she ever feel unhappy for long when she had Lena on her side Yulia couldn’t help but think. As long as she had her guardian angel she would always be fine she could feel it in her gut.

“Now come on, no more tears” Lena put her hands either side of Yulia’s face wiping her tears away with her thumbs.

“Thanks” Yulia said smiling the broadest smile.

Lena winked “You’re welcome sweetie! Think that show’s on that you wanted to watch, come on” Lena grabbed Yulia by the hand and took her out into the living room where tomorrow wasn’t discussed, that was left until the morning…
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