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Old 06-09-2003, 21:05   #4
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
what can I say...
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 43
Posts: 185

Chapter 4 – Have A Pizza This

Lena’s head pounded, the expensive food she had bought was ruined, her boyfriend was working and she had been left to deal with her family alone. What a night! She was absolutely staving! Suppressing a yawn Lena grabbed her big overcoat in anticipation of the bitter weather that had begun to descend upon Moscow and headed for the door. She lumbered down the steps, avoiding the elevator as her fear of closed spaces prevented her from taking that easy option. She walked out of her apartment building smiling at the young doorman as she walked onto the main street.

She had decided she wanted pizza so she crossed the road to the pizza parlour, noticing the doorway that had earlier been occupied by the small child had been vacated. Lena felt bad at that moment, here she was feeling sorry for herself and some poor child was probably walking the streets that very second, by comparison she was so lucky.

“F**KIN’ DON’T COME BEGGIN’ FOR FOOD HERE, YOU F**KIN’ PIECE OF SHIT, CRAWL BACK INTO THE GUTTER WHERE YOU BELONG!” A big, round man with a huge red face was shouting at the top of his voice at a child, a vein throbbing furiously in his temple, the child was the one Lena had just been thinking about…

The child scurried past Lena and Lena could tell at that moment it was a young girl, just a few inches shorter than herself. As she glanced behind her she noticed that the girl had once again taken up station in the shop doorway. Lena scowled and walked deep in thought into the pizza parlour. Having realised that Lena must have witnessed the scene with the girl the man distinctly altered his tone of voice as he spoke to her.

“Sorry about that Miss, just had some homeless kid come in ‘ere beggin’ for food as if I’m some charity.”

Lena nodded and smiled half-heartedly. She didn’t understand why was it so hard to show a bit of kindness to someone who didn’t have a home, a bed or a family. Well, she thought determinedly if he wouldn’t help the girl, she would.

“What can I get you Miss” the pot bellied pig of a man enquired.

“I’ll have two Meat Feasts, two portions of garlic bread and two bottles of coke please.”

Lena paid for the food, waiting impatiently for it to be ready. If he didn’t hurry up the girl might have gone and Lena would have pizza coming out of her ears. Finally it was ready and she walked out the door laden with pizza boxes. She could see from a distance that the girl was still there. Lena hesitated for a moment, what if the girl was scared of her? What if she lashed out and had a knife or something? Lena took a deep breath and got a grip of herself powering her way towards the hunched figure that lay in the doorway. The girl’s head was bent low, her long, matted dark hair concealing her face.

“Hey” Lena said gently waiting for the girl to respond.

From what Lena could see she was in a right state, her oversized coat was frayed at the seams with the padding falling out of it while the tattered pink sweater she was wearing was caked in dirt. Her denim jeans were torn at the knees, threadbare in places exposing pale bruised skin. She really was tiny, like a porcelain doll nobody wanted anymore that had been discarded and left outside with the rubbish.

The girl looked up, her eyes peeping at her through the matted curtain of hair. Her eyes were beautiful. Big, blue but so empty. Lena was stunned at the girl’s numbed expression. She looked beyond pain, completely defeated.

“What do you want?” the girl enquired.

“I just heard that guy from the pizza place have a go at you just then…”

“What? So you’re here to have a go as well I suppose. Well, don’t bother, I know I’m a waste of space, so just save your breath OK!” The girl said exasperated. Why wouldn’t people just leave her alone?

“Well, err actually I just thought you might like some pizza”

“Oh I..” Lena could see that the girl obviously didn’t know what to say.

“There’s nothing wrong with it, here” Lena said handing the pizza boxes and a bottle of coke out in front of the girl.

The girl slowly grabbed the items from Lena, still looking uncertain of if it was some kind of cruel joke, she watched intently for a change in Lena’s kind expression to one of hate and disgust, which had become all too familiar. “Thank you Miss, I don’t really know what to say.” she responded

“Don’t say anything just eat it before it goes cold.” Lena said smiling kindly.

“Thank you Miss”

“Call me Lena”

“Thanks Lena” Yulia said between gulps of pizza. She was so hungry that the tasty goodness of the food in her mouth was making her feel slightly light headed. Despite being tiny she loved food and could eat loads but recently she had been living on scraps so now she was in sheer bliss with all this pizza.

“You are very welcome erh…” Lena hesitated realising that she didn’t know the girl’s name.

“Yulia.” The girl filled in for her.

“Are you sleeping out here tonight Yulia?” Lena asked concerned

“No” Yulia lied “I’m going to the hostel in a bit I just thought I’d try and get some free pizza! The food at the hostel ain’t that hot, pea soup and more pea soup, its bloody awful.” she mused, feeling comfortable in Lena’s presence.

“I bet its about as good as my cooking.” Lena joked, “I nearly burned my apartment down before!”

“Really? Is your apartment all right? Yulia asked concerned, she liked this Lena girl, she seemed very sweet and she had the most incredible green eyes.

“Yeah, I just ended up with a bruised ego more than anything. I was cooking dinner for my family of all the luck, I’ll never hear the end of it from Mum believe me!”
God, her Mum would go ballistic if she could see her talking to this homeless girl but she was nice so why did it matter.

Yulia nodded her head knowingly “Mums are like that aren’t they? Every little thing you do put under the microscope.” She felt sad as she thought about her own mother and the way she had turned her back on her only child. Yulia would never have thought it was possible just a year ago; they used to be so close.

“I take it your Mum’s a pain as well” Lena empathised.

“God, she’s the worst!” Yulia exclaimed animating her elfin features into a grimace.

“Sounds like our Mums would be the best of friends”

“They’d probably have a ball!” Yulia joked, her eye twinkling. They both laughed it was comforting to know they weren’t the only people on earth who didn’t get along with their mothers.

At that point for some reason Lena felt it was time to go. She had done her good deed for the day and she was expecting a call from Roman. He had said he was going to call to see how dinner had gone; she had plenty to tell him that was for sure.

“Well, I’d better be going now Yulia. I’m expecting my boyfriend to call shortly.” She felt it was a lame excuse but she could hardly stand here all night.

“Hey, no problem, its getting cold out here I’ve gotta head off to the hostel in a few minutes anyway.” She could tell the redhead felt guilty for leaving so she decided to help her out. Yulia could tell by the relieved expression on Lena’s face that she had succeeded in putting her at ease.

“Ok then, goodnight Yulia”

“Yeah, goodnight Lena and thanks again.”

“Your welcome” Lena smiled to Yulia and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile in return. Lena’s heart melted. Why did she feel so bad walking away from this girl and leaving her in the gutter? Despite what the pizza parlour pig had said Yulia didn’t belong out there. But no one in their right mind would just take some random person in off the streets would they? That would be crazy. Too late, another part of her said. She’d been crazy for all of her twenty-two years so why stop now? She remembered this morning’s horoscope “If you follow your heart and not your head you will unlock the door to a new era of your life, don’t be afraid.”

At that she stopped at the door of her building and did an about turn to the bewilderment of the doorman and went back to the shop doorway. It was empty, the girl was gone. Lena didn’t know why but she felt disappointed, she really wanted to see the gorgeous little street urchin because although she’d had her reservations she had enjoyed talking to Yulia. Oh well, at least she’s going to have a bed for the night at the hostel she thought as she sighed and turned around to head home.

In a doorway two blocks away Yulia curled herself up, her belly full, her head full of happy thoughts of the pretty, kind redhead. For the first time in ages someone had actually been interested in talking to her she hadn’t realised how much she’d missed that. Thank god nice people still exist.

Yulia’s mind was distracted away from Lena as she heard the church bells sound in the distance. It was midnight and technically her twenty-second birthday. Happy Birthday Yulia she wished herself sadly. Gloom had washed over her as she set aside the evening’s events. Yes, Lena had bought her pizza but she had soon left hadn’t she? She had spent enough time with Yulia to know that she wasn’t worth anything not even her pity. How pathetic was she it was her birthday and she had no one to celebrate with. Inwardly as she gazed into the darkness and the cold of night gripped mercilessly at her body she doubted whether she would see her twenty-third birthday. Did she really want to continue as she was or would she be better off dead?
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