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haku 19-09-2004 23:46

Star Wars
teeny and i were basically spamming another thread discussing about Star Wars, i couldn't find a thread about Star Wars so i'm creating one.
Maybe teeny and i are the only ones who are going to post here but oh well... :D

So i just ordered the "new" trilogy of Episodes IV-V-VI on DVD which is released tomorrow, i should receive it in a few days.

Lucas has made quite a few changes from the original movies and personally i think it's good, like replacing the old actor who played Darth Vader by Hayden at the end when they are ghosts, or putting McDiarmid as the Emperor in Episode V (makes sense since he's the one playing him in all other episodes).

Kate 20-09-2004 00:53

Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Starring: Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, James Earl Jones, Hayden Christensen, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniel, Kenny Baker, Bai Ling, Hugh Jackman (rumored)

Director(s): George Lucas

Screenwriter(s): George Lucas

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Release Date: May 19, 2005

Genre: Science Fiction

Media Type: Color

More info:

thegurgi 20-09-2004 00:59

i HAVE to get the DVD set... but i wish it'd be the ORIGINAL films as well, and then the special editions (with the new changes... i guess)...

i'm on the fence about the changing of the things, but i still love the movies no matter what (though i'm not sure how i felt about Episode 2... hehe)

Kate 20-09-2004 01:07


Originally Posted by thegurgi
(though i'm not sure how i felt about Episode 2... hehe)

Well, I liked the romance part... "the forbidden love"... :love:

warx 20-09-2004 02:22

hell....i luv star wars....:D:D:D:D
so this episode III-----> anikin will turn into the dark side???? bcme darth vader right???

[quote]Well, I liked the romance part... "the forbidden love"... [quote] count me in kate :D

teeny 20-09-2004 13:06

great more people than Pat and I.. even though the spamming was quite fun. ;)

Dunno what to think of the changes yet. Since I haven't seen them and I didn't notice as many changes in the Special Editions as there were appearently.
Either way so far I like The Empire Strikes Back the most of the IV-VI episodes and I really like Episode II aswell.

Thank you for looking for a starwars thread haku, and for creating this one. I think I once mentioned Star Wars in Star Trek thread even.. normally that will get one really unpopular in a second.. hehe

thegurgi 20-09-2004 15:10


Originally Posted by teeny
Either way so far I like The Empire Strikes Back the most of the IV-VI episodes

Yes it's by far the best in whole series... this thread has prompted a star wars marathon with my friends this up coming weekend, hahaha

teeny 20-09-2004 16:05

So greg.. going to watch them Episodewise or by year of production? :heh:

I should watch the movies aswell soon.. well excluding episode I cos I never bothered to buy it.

haku 20-09-2004 21:53


Originally Posted by teeny
Dunno what to think of the changes yet. Since I haven't seen them and I didn't notice as many changes in the Special Editions as there were appearently.

I have only seen the Special Editions once when they were in theaters, i don't remember them well. I never bought them in cassettes because i wanted DVDs
I'll post here what i think of the new versions when i get them, the package was shipped today and i'll get it in a few days [It's taking a few days because it's coming from England, i always buy my DVDs in England (for stuff in English) because i like to have everything in the original language, including the packaging.]


Originally Posted by teeny
Either way so far I like The Empire Strikes Back the most of the IV-VI episodes and I really like Episode II aswell.

Me too, episode V is my fave of the old trilogy. I like the space battle in episode VI though, all those ships, that was pretty remarkable at the time.
I like Episode II as well, we'll see when the new trilogy is complete which one is the best. :)


Originally Posted by teeny
I think I once mentioned Star Wars in Star Trek thread even.. normally that will get one really unpopular in a second.. hehe

I once created a Star Trek thread (because i like Star Trek too) but it died a long time ago, lol.

teeny 20-09-2004 22:40


Originally Posted by haku
I once created a Star Trek thread (because i like Star Trek too) but it died a long time ago, lol.

No trekkies in here.. as it should be :gigi:


Originally Posted by haku
I like the space battle in episode VI though, all those ships, that was pretty remarkable at the time.

I like the same scene.. though I like the parts with Luke and Darth more. The constant fight between good and evil - trying to turn one to the other.. yay..

Mossopp 20-09-2004 22:41

'Star Wars' is so bloody overrated!

There. I said it.

haku 25-09-2004 01:19

I have received the DVD set of Episodes IV-V-VI. :D


Happiness. :D

I'm loaded with work at the moment but i'll try to find the time to watch them this weekend and tell what i think of the changes. :)

thegurgi 25-09-2004 03:42

Sweet Haku! You got the Widescreen version (The best way to go!)

I'll be getting mine tomorrow when i go to the Mall for art supplies... WOOT!

teeny 25-09-2004 10:12


Originally Posted by thegurgi
Sweet Haku! You got the Widescreen version (The best way to go!)

So true.. I really don't know why they even bother to release the panscanned version :spy: Unless it's cheaper, which I think it should be cos you will lose a noticiable procentage of the movie.
Looks cool, Pat. Thank you for the picture.. my brother is planning to buy it as soon as he gets his paycheck for this month. If one buy it at Blockbuster there is a free gift aswell. Think it was a cd travelling box shaped like Darth Vaders mask

Unplugged 25-09-2004 12:01

I think the new Star Wars movies sucked. Sorry, but looking at it I can tell completely it's all computer animation... and I don't like watching movies like that. Ironically, the old movies are more convincing in most special effects than these ones :rolleyes: At least when I watch the old ones I'm not constantly thinking to myself "Those are computer 3d characters!" like I am now :(

For me, George Lucas completely ruined Star Wars with these new episodes.

haku 25-09-2004 13:03


Originally Posted by thegurgi
You got the Widescreen version

I didn't even know that there was a pan&scan version. I bought the DVD set on Amazon UK and they only have the widescreen version. :)
I would never buy something else anyway, pan&scan versions are nasty!

On a side note, watching those movies is going to be a new experience for me not only because of the changes. Until now, i have only seen the old trilogy dubbed in French :laugh: that's the first time that i'm going to hear the original voices. :D
[I *hate* dubbing, it should be forbidden :bebebe: ]


Originally Posted by staringelf
it's all computer animation

Haha, well, that's precisely why people like me loves those movies. :D
I just love that movies are more and more CGI and look more and more like video games. For me Lucas and Jobs (Pixar) are geniuses who pioneered the way toward 100% CGI movies, hopefully in the near future we'll get movies where all the actors are CGI characters, that's going to be great.
I remember when they were talking about making a Tomb Raider movie, it was said that they may use a CGI Lara instead of an actress, i was very excited about that, lol. I was utterly disappointed when i learned that the part would actually be played by a real actress. :bebebe:

I just love CGI. :D

Unplugged 25-09-2004 13:55


Originally Posted by haku
I just love CGI.

I only like it when it looks 100% real, meaning the thought "this is fake" doesn't come to my mind :p Which is very rare when it comes to CGI. I mean, sure, Yoda could be a talking doll back in the old Star Wars movies, but it looked real... now I look at him and he just looks like a computer animated character, so it's kind of disappointing. For example, the first 'Alien' movies are so much more scarier than the 4th movie where they use CGI for the aliens and you can totally tell they're just computer animations and not the real thing, so it's not as scary -- sure we know the other ones in the old movies weren't "the real thing" either, but they *looked* real ;)

teeny 25-09-2004 21:56


Originally Posted by haku
that's the first time that i'm going to hear the original voices.

OH MY GOD :eek: After having seen Terminator dubbed in German I'll say your heading into a mindblowing experience. Cos if the french dubbing is as bad as the german one you missed a huge experience part of the movie.

Unplugged 25-09-2004 23:12


Originally Posted by teeny
Cos if the french dubbing is as bad as the german

I think the german dubbing is pretty good actually! Well, there's good sinchronization, at least... of course it's dubbed, so you can tell not every word fits, but it's not a perfect system. German is still pretty good though. When dubbing english movies with a latin language (french, spanish, italian) it's absolutely horrible, because the words have no similarity in most cases, so the sinchronization is really bad :eek: I saw a movie dubbed in spanish once and, when the character in the original version had already finished his line and sealed his lips, the spanish voice was still talking :lol:

thegurgi 26-09-2004 02:09

WOW... i can't possibly imagine Darth Vader in any other voice than James Earl Jones... i mean! WOW!... it's just something i never thought about! I hope you enjoy the original voices than.

I bought the DVDs today... and i'm filled with happiness! We watched Eps 4 and 5, but got tuckered out and had to wait for the rest.

... OH! My DVD comes with the French and Spanish Dub.... i should listen to these to see just how horrid they are... not that i'd understand much... and i'd probably be scared out of my gourd!

I didn't like the change in Empire Strikes Back with the actor from Eps 1 and 2 as the emperor... it REALLY bugged me and seemed out of place. But i'm sure i'll get used to it. In A New Hope they changed Jabba a bit, but he still seemed wrong (and moss covered, haha) , just because he isn't BIG enough... in Return he's HUGE... but in this one he's so ... puny, it irks me ... but yet again... i'll get used to it. The addition of that scene makes sense to the trilogy, i understand it's importance and it fills in this gap with the Han Solo character story line...

that's all i have to say for now.

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