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PowerPuff Grrl 03-07-2003 23:46

28 Days Later
Ok, some of you in Britian and Ireland are probably thinking "Why the hell is she posting about a movie that was released months ago?" I'll tell you why, the movie was released just last weekend in North America and perhaps other parts of the globe like Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, etc...

Anyhoo, when I first heard of the movie I swear I thought it was a sequel to 28 Days, which turned me off in the first place.

Seeing the trailer of an empty London was pretty freaking cool.
And seeing the commercials on tv made me shit my pants. Now I do not scare easily, but when the freaking commercial gives you a reaction like that... Well, let's just say that watching that ad made me think "I am so fuўking there!!!"

And I was there, just like six hours ago.
This movie is the creepiest movie I have ever seen. I want to see it again... but, for the sake of my sanity, I can't.

Any comments?

EeZeReal 04-07-2003 00:19

I have to admit I didn't really like this movie at all...The trailer over here made it seem like it was a great horror flick..seeing as they never actually showed anything of the movie..just talked about the un-inhabitance of the country whatever...After seeing it, they totally hyped up the trailer to be more than it actually was...I admit the concept of fully animated zombie's is a scary as fcuk thought but they could have made it better...

The movie was labled the best horror film Britain has ever created...but as opposed to what now??? :dknow:

PowerPuff Grrl 04-07-2003 00:58

Awww, that sucks, I hate it when movies are hyped up like that.

I wouldn't even call this a horror movie. What with the way it was marketed in Canada and the States, I would never even thought it was a zombie movie. Anyhoo, it wasn't hyped at all over here (thank God), just a few commercials here and there. I had no expectations whatsoever.

As for it being the best horror film the UK has to offer, it sure as hell beat out alot of over horror flicks in the States. Btw, what other horror flicks do you have there?

PS: Was it me or did the movie rip the concept from the book Day of the Tryphods (sp?)?

Echoed 04-07-2003 02:07


Anyhoo, when I first heard of the movie I swear I thought it was a sequel to 28 Days, which turned me off in the first place.
My brother made a joke about that, we laughed a lot. "Imagine if people thought that was a sequel to 28 Days and then show up to see..." <-- And that's where we would crack up. :D

And I'm off to go clubbing!


kishkash 05-07-2003 04:41


Haven't seen it yet. Got the VCD off a friend...though contemplating seeing it in theaters (big screen effect yadda yadda).

1 of my friendz thought it was going to be like Resident Evil from what she saw of the trailer. I was :| Thought it would be more of a "everyone has a terrible disease" movie.

:dknow: i'll have to wait to watch it to find out i guess....but if its not really worth it.....

oasischuan 05-07-2003 23:06

Simply rubblish. Couldn't believe it's the same Danny Boyle-- the director of the great Trainspotting who made it. The trailer shows the best 10 minutes from the film.

Ghalib 05-07-2003 23:48


Originally posted by oasischuan
Simply rubblish. Couldn't believe it's the same Danny Boyle-- the director of the great Trainspotting who made it. The trailer shows the best 10 minutes from the film.
Agree ...

It is always the case that most trailers show the "money shots" from the film

The only recent exception to this is the 2nd Matrix film ... That had loads more "special effects" left for the film itself, such a novelty.

PowerPuff Grrl 06-07-2003 22:46

Aw shucks, I don't want to be the only person who liked this movie. There must somebody out there who liked it too...


QueenBee 06-07-2003 23:09

Uh I haven't heard of it..
Can someone point me to a website where I can see a trailer or something?

Edit: Found it.

KillaQueen 08-07-2003 15:50

oh, i've seen it ages ago here in romania... it was cool... interesting movie... leaves you thinking... never rule out the possibility... ahem... makes me think of romania during communist times... or all the countries behind the red curtain for that matter...

Vicious 10-07-2003 06:16

I thought it was very good. Much better then Hollywood Horror films.

KillaQueen 11-07-2003 00:15

can't beat The Blair Witch Project :done:

QueenBee 13-07-2003 03:34


can't beat The Blair Witch Project
Ah, I looooooove the Blair Witch Project. :D

Echoed: Less witch talk, more day talk. ...Or something like that. -_-

DAZ 15-07-2003 22:52

I thought it was a really good film.
Although as somebody mentioned above it is very Day of The Triffids like at the start.
Also if you think about watching the Day of The Triffids film...Don't bother.It's Sh*t.Read the John Wyndham book instead.

YLuelniaa 18-07-2003 20:59

i enjoyed the brought out the worst in mankind...the extent one will go to extend life of humans on earth...

or maybe it was just me...i like shitz like that

cirrus 18-07-2003 21:19

28 days later was awesome. Some people might say it's overrated but compared to the usual Hollywood "horror" movies it was something different. Very interesting themes too, like when the guy acts like the infected but he's just being human. I dunno, i liked it a lot. Not what i thought it'd be, tho, not very scary.

spyretto 25-07-2003 14:45

I loved this movie!!

Just kidding, in fact I hated it. Sorry!!

For one thing, where was the story line? If you like gore, why don't you just get a console and Resident Evil with it. It's a lot more interesting and more fun:D

Lux 31-07-2003 03:15

it was ... ok. reminds me of Signs, when the perspective of the world ending is seen through a very narrow lens. the "virus" was cheesy...rage? what is that? all the symbolism was also pretty blatant, that rage is what ultimately destroys mankind, men killing men, etc. and that children get caught in the crossfire i.e. when henry? or whoever the hospital dude kills that kid. *shudder* the sounds the zombies made *shudder* anyhow. it was creepy.

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