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parrish122 23-04-2003 13:36

I'd tell you the title if I had the slightest clue what I am going to title it. :)

Ripp has been kind enough to put it on her site, so just go to and look under hosted fics.

I welcome any comments. :)


Ripptyd 23-04-2003 14:53

Everyone should read this. It's very nicely written and flows. Not to mention it's quite interesting. :)

rivierakid 23-04-2003 23:20


Originally posted by Ripptyd
Not to mention it's quite interesting. :)
it really is, isn't it? ^_^ i actually found it last night, read it, and loved it (especially Lena's little prank...that was freakin HILARIOUS! :laugh::lol: ) great stuff parrish! :rose: can't wait for the next part!

Ripptyd 24-04-2003 00:03

Part 4 is up on parrish's story! Go read!

parrish122 24-04-2003 00:23

Wow! Thanks are making me blush. :)

And I'm glad you liked it Riverakid. I was hoping that people would find that part funny. :)


rivierakid 24-04-2003 00:37


Originally posted by parrish122
I was hoping that people would find that part funny. :)
well, your hope came true, cuz i almost fell out of my chair when i read it :laugh: great stuff...

WOO PART 4! *runs off to read*

rivierakid 24-04-2003 00:47

having issues...
ok...i'm trying to get to part 4, but everytime i click the "next part" button, it just takes me to part 3 over and over.

ripp...a little help...please? *flashes puppy dog eyes*

Ripptyd 24-04-2003 01:08

Ahhhh! My fault!
Fixed it now!
*hangs head in shame*

rivierakid 24-04-2003 01:18

*hugs ripp* its just glad you fixed it! ^_^

*reads* dang're good! i'm just loving this fic!

now i just gotta wait for the next part...


*sits, waiting as patiently as possible for part 5*

YLuelniaa 24-04-2003 04:09

you think you could hurry up with the next chapter.........:)...thankies

parrish122 24-04-2003 05:56

Wow...thanks to all of you.

And I'm working on chapter five, honest! Well, not right this second. Right now I'm grinning like an idiot over the praise I've been getting. :)

Thanks again!


Ripptyd 26-04-2003 18:37

Chapter 5, 6, AND 7 are up now! :)

Yulia_Fan 26-04-2003 19:26

love the story :) Yulia is the sweetest thing!!

ElectraCute 26-04-2003 23:14

Love this story - It's so romantic. :) I think Yulia is going to propose pretty soon ;)

YLuelniaa 27-04-2003 03:34

I just love it and want more...

thanks for sharin how you wrote it as well lol..very entertaining

rivierakid 28-04-2003 04:05

smooth parrish...very smooth...;)

anyway...i loved the last couple parts! yulia seems to be a lot like me there: a hopeless romantic ^_^ and i definitely find it nice to find the two of them happy for once...i love angst as much as the next fanfic-holic, but good lord most of the fics here are all so dark! we need some happy fics around here.

or maybe i've just been working too hard lately...i dunno.

pacmangirl 29-04-2003 08:07

:::giggles at Xena the warrior poodle image in her head:::
I can't believe I haven't commented on your story parrish! Well better late than never :D I :heart:^infinity it :)

Switchup 29-04-2003 16:00

Is it just me, or is the first chapter remarkably similar to KillaQueen's story? Yulia being in a band, the guy's name is Alexi (Alexei)... *shrug.* It's a good story, though! I'm enjoying it. Post more! ^_^

YLuelniaa 29-04-2003 19:20

mmm just because the same names are used doesn't make em simliar i see it happen with a lot of people that write fanfics. for that fact that is based on taty..and they wanna sound true to it...they use russian names...

*did that make sense*

Like i see svetlana alot

parrish122 29-04-2003 19:36

Actually, I picked the name Alexi because that is the name of one of my favorite characters in the Nick Seafort saga. (Midshipman's hope, Challenger's hope, etc).

Plus it's russian. :)


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