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Sabeena 27-07-2006 13:25

This is sick, not sure if its a joke or not, i received in an email,
Iraeli kids


Dear Lebanese/Palestinian/Arab/Muslim/Christians - Kids,

Die with love.

Israeli Kids

Hate, disgust, extreme…. I don't know what word can describe these photos.

And they say that we are teaching our kids hate to Israelis!

Thank you, Israel kids, we received your gifts. See…

QueenBee 27-07-2006 13:34

That's so weird... why the hell is some hot woman dressed nicely standing in the background like some school teacher?

It's really not the kids' fault though, they're completely brainwashed just like all those other assholes. Martyrs for Allah :rolleyes: (nothing against Allah or islam but not a good excuse to kill)

Rachel 27-07-2006 17:46


Originally Posted by QueenBee
It's really not the kids' fault though, they're completely brainwashed just like all those other assholes

But those people in turn were brainwashed too. They are just as much victims.

QueenBee 27-07-2006 17:47

Rachel, of course! I admit I shouldn't have called them assholes, but it really upsets me. Especially since they push it onto others, the hate just grows more and more.

Rachel 27-07-2006 17:48

Who are "they" though? Where does the initial blame lay? *fascinated by this*

QueenBee 27-07-2006 17:52

I have no idea. :dknow: It goes way back in time, really... and nobody thinks outside of the box, so people just keep hating eachother, and the war goes on, and it makes the hate grow. I know a few people from Palestine and their hate for the jews is mind-blowing. If a jew would come to my old neighbourhood they'd probably be beaten up... :(

I recommend the movie "Death in Gaza" (nothing to do with the Lebanon attacks obviously) if anyone is interested in all this, it's a documentary and the guy who made it was killed by Jewish soldiers. It really touched me, because he interviewed some boys who wanted to become suicide bombers, and in the end... well you just need to watch it!

la_fee_verte 27-07-2006 22:06

I don't understand what the point of writing on the missiles is. They aren't going to get a chance to read it at the other end. I think something that they are missing, as with alot of other people in the world, is empathy for man. I have found that not alot of people relate to others and are just like 'so what'? and then it is suggested that 'what if it was happening to you'? then people go 'well its not is I dont have to worry about it'.

Another thing that annoys me (kind of along these lines) is when people like teachers and such say about certain situations 'You will never understand what they went through' especially about war. Well maybe I won't first hand, but I have been to Belguim and Terezin and I have a very vivid imagination so I can actually appreciate the pain they went through.

GAH! I am not a normal teenager!

Khartoun2004 27-07-2006 22:52


Originally Posted by QueenBee
It's really not the kids' fault though, they're completely brainwashed just like all those other assholes. Martyrs for Allah :rolleyes: (nothing against Allah or islam but not a good excuse to kill)

Israeli children aren't brainwashed. How would you like it if almost everyday you heard about a bus load of children being blown up by a hamas suicide bomber while they were on their way to school and tomorrow it could be you or your parents on their way to work? Israel is a tiny little country full of the worlds Jews that established a Jewish country because no one else wanted them. And they aren't even safe there because of militant islamic groups.

Rachel 27-07-2006 23:07


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004
Israeli children aren't brainwashed. How would you like it if almost everyday you heard about a bus load of children being blown up by a hamas suicide bomber while they were on their way to school and tomorrow it could be you or your parents on their way to work?

And Israel aren't doing the same now? :rolleyes:


Trouble: I was watching a debate on animal testing and I just can't watch anymore. Researchers are sick. They were talking about experiments such as surgery on a monkey's brain to give it a stroke and surgery on a dog to make it incontinent. Makes me wanna cry :(

Khartoun2004 27-07-2006 23:34


Originally Posted by Rachel
And Israel aren't doing the same now? :rolleyes:

There is always collateral damage in war. The Israelis are bombing beruit because they are protecting a terrorist cell that took Israeli soldiers hostage. If they hadn't taken the soldiers there wouldn't be a problem.

If the Israelis are guilty of war crimes for bombing Beruit, then NATO is just as guilty for bombing Yugoslavia during the Kosovo crisis and the allied forces for the bombing of Dresden. It's all comes down to intention. And the Israelis will not take any bullshit from anyone, because to do so, would be to repeat History. I don't think anyone wants the murder of another 6 million Jews on their conscious.

Rachel 27-07-2006 23:51


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004
There is always collateral damage in war. The Israelis are bombing beruit because they are protecting a terrorist cell that took Israeli soldiers hostage. If they hadn't taken the soldiers there wouldn't be a problem.

It's all comes down to intention. And the Israelis will not take any bullshit from anyone, because to do so, would be to repeat History. I don't think anyone wants the murder of another 6 million Jews on their conscious

Khartoun, this in 2006, not 1939. The taking of the soldiers is not gonna cause 6 million Jews to get killed. That would not happen again. And if you're gonna mention that, would it be ok if 6 million Lebanese people (yes, I know the population of Lebanon is not that big!) were killed instead? Whether someone is jew, muslim, straight, gay, lebanese etc they are still human, we are all the same.

It's all about the degree of response, Israel are doing some major over reacting right now. And lets be honest, this isn't even about Hezbollah. It's innocent civilians that they are targeting and that are dying.


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004
If the Israelis are guilty of war crimes for bombing Beruit, then NATO is just as guilty for bombing Yugoslavia during the Kosovo crisis and the allied forces for the bombing of Dresden..

I don't know enough about that to comment but I'm against all war, so you're probably right there.


Originally Posted by Kyro
The world would be a better place without us.

The amazon rain forest wouldn't be getting destroyed if we weren't here either (I'm guessing you've seen about this on the news.) This is gonna cause some bad shit :(

haku 27-07-2006 23:52


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004
There is always collateral damage in war. The Israelis are bombing beruit because they are protecting a terrorist cell that took Israeli soldiers hostage. If they hadn't taken the soldiers there wouldn't be a problem.

600 Lebanese *civilians* killed (not to mention half a million homeless) in retaliation for 2 *soldiers* captured, that's an incredible over reaction. If Western countries reacted like that each time Westerners are taken hostage in the Middle-East, we would have already nuked the whole region.
But the 2 soldiers captured were just an excuse anyway, Israel was planning the destruction of Lebanon for a long time, it was just a good opportunity to start the aggression, with of course the help of the US as usual which is currently sending tons of missiles to Israel to help killing even more Lebanese people.

Rachel 27-07-2006 23:55


Originally Posted by haku
But the 2 soldiers captured was just an excuse, Israel was planning the destruction of Lebanon for a long time, it was just a good opportunity to start the aggression, with of course the help of the US as usual which is currently sending tons of missiles to Israel to help killing even more Lebanese.

Oh totally! The American government are loving this. They are getting a target of theirs killed in a nice cheap way for them. No loss of American life, keeps the Americans happy. No wonder Bush is smirking.

haku 28-07-2006 00:07


Originally Posted by Rachel
The American government are loving this.

Oh absolutely, the Americans actually want the conflict to expand and worsen, they want somehow to drag Syria in the conflict, that's the ideal scenario for the US. Once Syria is dragged into it, US troops will be able to attack the country on its Eastern border from Iraq, and Israeli troops will be able to attack Syria on its Western border from Lebanon, they will crush Syria in a few weeks. That way Israel and the US will control everything from Lebanon to Iraq, and they will be in a perfect position for the next step in their crazy war, the destruction and invasion of Iran.

Khartoun2004 28-07-2006 02:27


Originally Posted by haku
600 Lebanese *civilians* killed (not to mention half a million homeless) in retaliation for 2 *soldiers* captured, that's an incredible over reaction.

Ok yes you're right it is an over reaction to this particular situation, but you are also forgetting that conflicts between Israel and the surrounding Middle East countries has been going on since before Israel was even a state. Don't forget that Lebannon, Syria, and Jordan tried to annilate the Israelis right after the UN named it a soverign state, long before the US started to back them, in fact when they had no backing from any other country. Israel wouldn't have lasted this long if it wasn't for the fact that they "over react" and use US made bombs.


Originally Posted by haku
Oh absolutely, the Americans actually want the conflict to expand and worsen, they want somehow to drag Syria in the conflict, that's the ideal scenario for the US.

I'm not so sure about that. I think Bush would much rather go after Iran. Since if you recall Iran, not Syria is apart of Bush's "Axis of Evil". But wait until after the mid-term elections and hope the Democrats can win a majority in the Senate. If that happens I seriously doubt Bush will be in power much longer. He has Impeachment written all over him.

QueenBee 28-07-2006 04:29


Israeli children aren't brainwashed.
I think they are, I think all of them are. It's not unnatural though, as you said, people are being killed left and right. I don't see where else all the hate can come from when it comes to civilians. Even people I know who don't even live there, hate the Jews (*all* jews, not just israeli people). That's because they were taught to hate them even though they are not the ones throwing the bombs. Anyway, nobody is right in the fight and no-one is doing the right thing. I just feel sorry for the Lebanese people, just look at what haku said. :( I know some people who have family over there, I hope they are all right. A friend of mine was also in Lebanon when the attacks started (on vacation) but luckily she could escape with her family to Egypt and is returning home. :)


Trouble: I was watching a debate on animal testing and I just can't watch anymore. Researchers are sick. They were talking about experiments such as surgery on a monkey's brain to give it a stroke and surgery on a dog to make it incontinent. Makes me wanna cry
I can never watch things like that. Animal cruelty is the worst thing I know, I even feel more sorry for the animals than human beings... I mean, they are completely helpless and are being used and tortured. :(

What's even worse is when they test cosmetics on animals. That's just beyond sick.

haku 28-07-2006 19:55


Originally Posted by Khartoun2004
Don't forget that Lebannon, Syria, and Jordan tried to annilate the Israelis right after the UN named it a soverign state.

And that's because Israel was created by 'taking' lands to Arabs, and of course Arabs did not agree. Who would agree to have a piece of their territory given to someone else without even being consulted? The artificial recreation of Israel out of Arab lands is the biggest mistake ever made by the winners of WWII, and is the root of all the problems in the region.

Khartoun2004 29-07-2006 04:20


Originally Posted by haku
And that's because Israel was created by 'taking' lands to Arabs, and of course Arabs did not agree. Who would agree to have a piece of their territory given to someone else without even being consulted? The artificial recreation of Israel out of Arab lands is the biggest mistake ever made by the winners of WWII, and is the root of all the problems in the region.

Don't blame the Israelis for that. If you have to blame someone, blame the English and their Balfour Declaration of 1934 that promised both the Jews and the Palestinians the same stretch of land. Half of the land given to the Jews by the UN conference in 1948 was already owned by them. An entire half century before that the Jews had been buying up property from the Palestinians that was nothing but useless swamp land and desert. Once the Jews bought enough land for a small town they set up little villages and made the land fertile again and they thrived and that was the pattern they followed for decades. There were over 30 communities of Jewish farmers by 1948.

Also, the Israelis told the Palestinians, after it was declaraed a contry by the UN, to stay in their homes and they would gladly share their new country with the poeple they had coexisted with for over 50 years peacefully. It was the Syrian Islamic leader that told the Arab world to revolt and murder the Jews and told the Palestinians to leave. Only to promptly set up concentration camps for the Palestinians because they didn't have "room" for them in their countries.

haku 01-08-2006 22:59


Originally Posted by Sabeena
This is sick, not sure if its a joke or not, i received in an email,
Iraeli kids

This website uses the picture as well, it's no joke.

The death toll continues to grow, Israel has now killed 750 Lebanese civilians (1 third being kids), a total massacre.

And far from trying to stop the slaughter, the US is actively sending tons of bombs to Israel to help them kill even more Lebanese people and annihilate the country.

Rachel 01-08-2006 23:04

It makes me SO angry that they are using our airports and airbases to send murder weapons over there. It makes me disgusted and ashamed to be British. Ashamed that we have a prime minister that we voted in that is following Bush like a little lost puppy.

This makes me so depressed and the pictures here are even too horrific to describe.

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