Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Kate 17-06-2003 07:27

What Do You Need On This Forum For Complete Happiness?
Dear Members:

The administrator of this forum is currently considering any ideas of improvement for this forum. What do you think will make you happier? Write your ideas in this thread, and I will deliver them to the admin, or one of the mods will. :D


Sizzlin_Nam 21-06-2003 10:42

ELiR, If yulia and lena come to chat with the fans, taht would makeme happy!! When I think of something else, I will post. This forum rocks.

QueenBee 22-06-2003 19:57

Hmmmm tricky tricky... Here are some suggestions.

And I mean animations as in moving gifs. I understand if this can't be done, because they take alot of space and loading time and I assume most people will use those "video" gifs, they take up even more space and loading time! Hehe.

Because it would be nice to be able to put images up. The bad thing is that people will put up alot alot alot of pictures in every thread and the end result will be three hours waiting time...

-Preview Signature and smiley/code-boxes:
When I make my signature I always have to go to a thread to check the codes, smilies and to preview it, so it would be nice to have those boxes where you write your signature. This isn't really important though 'cause this forum isn't about having good signatures :D

-Bigger Avatars:
Lol I just came up with this, I come back here and it has already been said... :rolleyes: I'll add it to this list anyway.. For example ezBoard, they use 60x60 I think..

I can't come up with anything else right now, but you know that if I do I will come here and complain :p

EeZeReal 22-06-2003 20:54

60x60 or 80x80 pixel Avatars...

Well thats me done... :D

Rachel 22-06-2003 21:08

Yep, bigger avatars would be nice coz I think 45x45 is just too small.

sheerblade 22-06-2003 21:12

Bigger avatars and maybe the including of video gifs would be nice.

Ripptyd 23-06-2003 01:45

I think 100x100 avatars are perfect. And animated ones would be great with a 40kb size limit. I have SO many that I could use because I make them for my LJ.

Also, if it's possible, a limit to signatures. It gets crazy seeing HUGE lettering or just really long ones.

Kate 23-06-2003 06:45

Thanks so far! I translated your suggestions to the administrator. I believe they will be considered. Any other wishes?

skye 25-06-2003 14:49

bigger avatars with animation
NO restrict for the file size, please :coctail:
thanks :rose:

crni 25-06-2003 21:06

careful with the sizes...not everyone has fast connection :gigi: :(

Kate 26-06-2003 01:32

skye, Igor is definitly not going to allow big avatars with animations...

freddie 27-06-2003 02:01


Also, if it's possible, a limit to signatures. It gets crazy seeing HUGE lettering or just really long ones.
Hmmm... what are you implying? :D

Kate 27-06-2003 07:44

freddie, he implies that signature like your are not helping to view the threads. It's very distubring to the eyes...

Echoed: You mean, "she implies". ^_~

freddie 27-06-2003 13:19


Originally posted by ELiR
freddie, he implies that signature like your are not helping to view the threads. It's very distubring to the eyes...

Echoed: You mean, "she implies". ^_~

That's what I've thought. Maybe I'll make it a little smaller and less colorful. I thought that blue is kind to the eyes.

No the other hand: What about your beating heart ELiR ?;)

Kate 27-06-2003 23:42

freddie, you see, umm, aghm, hmmm, anyway, the beating heart, it goes with the color theme of the forum!! Ha, there! :heh: :laugh: :D :lalala:

But the Proud Member of the t.A.T.u. Defense Coalition is way way too colorfull. Anyway, we'll let Igor decide, shall we? I put up the complaint in the Russian version of this forum, and I am sure he'll consider it...

Rachel 28-06-2003 00:47

What's wrong with Proud Member of the t.A.T.u. Defense Coalition?

It's colourful, so what?! It doesn't hurt anyone, or ruin anyone's forum experience.

freddie 28-06-2003 01:15

Ohhhh...I see what's bothering you now ELiR.

Yeah, it's too colorful right. :rolleyes:

It's funny that you're the only one complaining about this. ;)

denial 28-06-2003 02:58

I don't mind colours .. they make life more .... COLOURFUL!! ....and fun . and bright .. and joy .. please don't censored the colours .. *on my knees*..

Long signature is okay .. but not too long .. maybe give the limit number of line but also associate it with the font size .. I mean if the font is BIG ..can only use one line .. if the font is small .. can use more lines for signature .. heh heh .. can they do that ?

And I notice .. I cannot show my emotion here .. like if I am happy, sad, angry or smilling or shakes my legs while looking at the ceilling .... because there is no option for me to do that. I feel like a robot!!! ...well ..I know how to do that in PM .. but for new comers ..

Oh oh !! more emotion icons !! I cannot cry even in my PM!! ..oh and its all yellow .. can you make them more colorful .. like green, purple, pink, blue ..etc ...

Thank you ... thats all .. no more complains I promise...

Yours truthfully,

Kate 28-06-2003 04:36

I_Love_Yulia, freddie, as a matter of fact, I just took that little sentance as an example of colorful signatures. And a lot of members find those signatures disturbing. Read Russian forum for Questions to Mods, and find out yourself. People are complainging.

Read the forum rules, any colorful posts are forbidden. So I see no reason why we should have colorful signatures, they are distracting and they bother me as well as other members...

And, I am not saying that they are going to be forbidden, just saying that Igor is considering the possibility of forbidding them. Ok?

Echoed 28-06-2003 04:47

And, let's relax. We all have a right to our own complaints. Colour is great, but were colour to begin blinding me, I'd have a complaint too. In this case, I don't, but I could see why there would be complaints. Keep the words, just tone down the colours. Maybe darker shades, so on. (If ever Igor were to decide to forbid them.) Eg.: I'm sure this is a very annoying colour. ^_^'

Now. Let's take a good long breath and get back to suggesting things. :P


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