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itsme22 18-12-2005 20:32

Spanish version of Nichya
So I was thinking about how Spanish and Russian are somewhat similar in the sounds that are made and even some of the words. So I figured it would be a lot easier for the girls to sing in Spanish that to sing in English, so I decided to write a Spanish version of Nichya. Spanish is my first laguage, but I use English a lot more, so there are probably many mistakes, but if you know Spanish I guess you can help out. The parts with the "???????????" are parts that I couldn't think of what to write, so again, help out if you like. I recorded the song myself, so the singing is very bad and I had to turn the pitch up some so it may sound a bit odd. But here it is:

Spanish version of Nichya - Nadie
*the link is fixed*

(You should download it to have a laugh anyway. The beginning is a bit off and I try singing in Russian, and it's not good)

Dejara de soñar
Para estar junto a ti
Tu me conoces
Cambiaria todo
Dejara de soñar
----------I'd stop dreaming
----------To be near you
----------You know me
----------I'd change everything
----------I'd stop dreaming

Nadie nos vencera
Nos marcharemos
No ha llegado el fin
----------No one will defeat us
----------We'll leave
----------We'll return
----------The end hasn't arrived

Solo tu sabes lo tanto que te quiero
Hoy yo soy de nadie
----------Only you know how much I want you
----------Today I am no one's

O decir algo
Sin romper promesas
Y sin poder mentir
----------Or saying something
----------Without breaking promises
----------And without lying

Miedo de estar sin ti
Nadie se rindera
Quedate aqui
No ha llegado el fin
----------Fear of being without you
----------No one will surrender
----------Stay here
----------The end hasn't arrived

Solo tu sabes lo tanto que te quiero
Hoy yo soy de nadie
----------Only you know how much I want you
----------Today I am no one's

Rachel 18-12-2005 21:12

Awww cuuute voice :coctail:

Nice work :done:

EDIT: Woah, I just realised you were a guy, you sound so much like a girl! :eek: And I mean that as a compliment! :rose: Although, you did turn the pitch up, so maybe that is why? :dknow:

XSpex 19-12-2005 05:29

Wow, I like your version, It's actually a very good translation of the lyrics.

I have been reading the russian lyrics and trying to figure out what you can write in the missing parts...
for example here:

O decir algo
Sin romper promesas
Y sin poder mentir
it may be:
es simplemente el reflejo de
nuestro sexo incorrecto

es decir algo
Sin romper promesas
Y sin poder mentir

or maybe:

es sólo el reflejo -
el sexo incorrecto

es decir algo
Sin romper promesas
Y sin poder mentir

I dunno, it's kinda hard to translate literally from russian to spanish and make it sounds good in the song :gigi:

Finally, a small correction, when you say: "Nadie se rindera" it's actually: "Nadie se rendira", it sound slightly different .

Anyway, very good work :coctail: I like it.

Crampaholic 19-12-2005 18:56

ustedes si tienen mucho tiempo libre jajaja... igual buena version.. gracias :)

Obie 10-04-2006 18:15


oppy 17-04-2006 00:01

pleaseeeeee someonee can upload this songg please please please!!! thankssssss guys!!!

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