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haku 17-10-2006 19:57

France - General discussion
I'm mainly starting this thread because of the French presidential election but it's a general political thread.

So the circus of the presidential election is really kicking off tonight with the first debate between the 3 socialist candidates to candidacy.

What are their differences? Well…

Ségolène Royal is a national socialist, a left-wing conservative, she supports traditional and familly values, she's tough on crime, etc.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a liberal socialist, he supports an open market economy and a liberal society.

Laurent Fabius is a radical socialist, he's on the very left of the party, he's anti-liberal and shares many ideas with the communist party.

One of those 3 will become the official socialist candidate after a vote held on 16 November.

the unforgiven 17-10-2006 20:12


Originally Posted by haku
Laurent Fabius is a radical socialist

and he's stupid loool *sorry, I just don't like him*

may be I'm little bit feminist, but I'd like Ségolène to be the socialist candidate
I wanna see a debate between her and Nicolas Sarkozy, cuz' they both have good ideas (and bad ones :p ) and it'd be interesting to see how they manage to defend their opinions
but we will see what happen on the 16th (my sister's birthday yay lol)

Haku this thread is a great idea
I hope I can answer whenever I want, sometimes I just don't find my words in english to express my opinion

haku 17-10-2006 21:09


Originally Posted by the unforgiven
and he's stupid loool *sorry, I just don't like him*

It's no problem, i profoundly dislike Laurent Fabius as well, he's the main reason why the 'no' won in the referendum on the EU constitution, son of a bitch, LOL.

I've always liked Dominique Strauss-Kahn, i more or less agree with his socio-liberal views.

And i have to admit that i don't really like Ségolène Royal, her traditional values don't really agree with me. :p

freddie 17-10-2006 22:08

From your description I'd say Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the lesser of two...or rather three evils. :p

the unforgiven 17-10-2006 22:26


Originally Posted by haku
It's no problem, i profoundly dislike Laurent Fabius as well, he's the main reason why the 'no' won in the referendum on the EU constitution, son of a bitch, LOL.

I second that!! son of a b*tch!!

btw, Dominique Strauss-Kahn afraid me :eek: in a physical way lol

but, we have to wait and see who the socialist militants (hmmm same word in english?) will choose
I hope this time, there'll be no Front National and we can vote in a democratic way (reminds me bad memories from 2002!! I was so shocked!!)

haku 17-10-2006 23:56

Since i've presented the main socialist candidates, i thought i would present the main conservative candidate Nicolas Sarkozy.

Nicolas Sarkozy is hardly a "conservative" though since he proposes major changes for French society. Nicolas Sarkozy is a radical liberal, he has a very hard line on crime and immigration (his ideas are similar to Ségolène Royal's in that respect even though they are political opponents), he's rather pro-American and supports economic reforms based on the American model.

On a side note, Nicolas Sarkozy (full name Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa) is the son of a Hungarian aristocrat who fled Hungary in 1944 when the Russian army invaded the country and installed a communist regime. So Nicolas Sarkozy doesn't really like communists and soviets. :p

haku 18-10-2006 17:37

So according to the press none of the socialist candidates took a real advantage in yesterday evening's debate, they all held their ground.

Ségolène Royal didn't crumble due to her inexperience, she was able to look like she knew what she was talking about, she still showed however that she had a rather superficial understanding of many topics. But she spoke simple and people like her for that.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was definitely the most at ease, he displayed an impressive knowledge of social and economic matters and appeared reasonable in what can be done in those areas.

Laurent Fabius was his usual extreme-left self, his radical ideas were probably well received in the leftmost part of the population, but he must have scared the shit out of everyone else.

Article on Liberation.
Short summary on BBC.

the unforgiven 19-10-2006 16:28

I read on the free newspaper 20 minutes that the socialist debate was not interesting at all, there'll be another one in Clermont-Ferrand tonight

Plus, there was an article which deals with Jacques Chirac, it said that he may wanna "get in the race" for presidential elections :confused:
here's the link it's in french, if someone wants a translation I can do it later ... I have no time right now! lol
anyway, it says that he'll tell more about it in 2007 so let's wait and see

haku 20-10-2006 15:22


Originally Posted by the unforgiven
Plus, there was an article which deals with Jacques Chirac, it said that he may wanna "get in the race" for presidential elections

Yeah, Jacques Chirac has not said that he won't run again, he will announce his decision in early 2007. If he does run again, it will be as an independant since the UMP will nominate Nicolas Sarkozy.

Another rogue UMP member, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, has made it clear this week that he also will run as an independant against the official UMP candidate Nicolas Sarkozy. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is just funny. :laugh:

And since we're talking of less known candidates, i'll introduce the one i support:

Christian Chavrier from the Federalist Party.
Their program is "a federal France in a federal Europe" and i totally agree, an autonomous Normandy within a federal EU, that's what i want too. :yes:

the unforgiven 20-10-2006 20:17


Originally Posted by haku
Christian Chavrier from the Federalist Party.

"Ni à gauche, ni à droite ... Devant!" good slogan
I'll read that later

today I read that the debate of Clermont Ferrant was "the same", they defended their ideas and Laurent Fabius was the most appreciated (kind of normal, cuz' Clermont's mayor is pro Laurent Fabius)
there was a pic attached to the article, and I realised that Laurent Fabious looks like Mr. Burns in the Simpsons looool

anyway, I'm thinking Jacques Chirac is too old (may be sick) to run again
but it's only my opinion :p

Plus, there's another article about Arlette Laguiller but I'm so tired to read it now ;)

spyretto 20-10-2006 20:25

France is the mother of all crooked politicians ;)
I guess it goes with the terittory...

fanoff 22-10-2006 08:42

To deny that Armenians suffered genocide will be crime and you will be accused of being against that.Oh,thats what i call the freedom of speech!i wanna go to France and get arrested!And seeing that it is done to get the Armenian votes in the country,just makes me wanna puke.Please dont let us enter EU,the land of freedom,cause we dont respect the human rights(just the same as youre doing now) and freedom of speech that was supposed to be strictly defended by the French people!?

nath 22-10-2006 09:19

If you deny that Armenians suffered genocide in France, you won't be arrested. Don't worry.
Our jails are if, at least, you don't transport 500 kg of drug in your car, you've few chances to go to jail.

By the way, congratulations for your Nobel Prize of litterature: Orhan Pamuk ;)
Have you already read him?

fanoff 22-10-2006 09:41


Originally Posted by nath
By the way, congratulations for your Nobel Prize of litterature: Orhan Pamuk
Have you already read him?

Ah,thank you.I think this prize is important for us but you know he said Turks executed a million Armenians and 30 thousand Kurds in 1915 and his popularity went down here.Im reading his book right now,called "Benim Adım Kırmızı",it is a little bit boring but im still trying to read it.I read "Kar" back in 2003,that one was way better than this.

nath 22-10-2006 10:04


Originally Posted by fanoff
Ah,thank you.I think this prize is important for us but you know he said Turks executed a million Armenians and 30 thousand Kurds in 1915 and his popularity went down here

Yes...indeed, he was even accused for these thoughts by the Turkish government but ,at the end of his trial, he wasn't condemned because of the pressures of Europe.

Without these pressures I 'm not so sure he won't be sleeping in jail right now.

the unforgiven 22-10-2006 10:33


Originally Posted by fanoff
i wanna go to France and get arrested!

good luck! I'm doing my best to get arrested and it never works lol may be I'll try to drive with 500kg of cocaine in my truck ;)

as an exemple, few months ago in Lyon (my town hehe) there was a demonstration against the armenian memorial which is built on Antonin Poncet place. Most of demonstrators were turkish, and there was police to protect them, it was totally legal
there was also demos for the pro-armenian memorial
and it's ok, everybody has the right to have its own opinion and we have to respect that
About the armenian genocide, we will never agree so chill out :heh:

Last night, with my friends we had a little chat about presidential elections and we talked about François Bayrou
he's never on tv or I'm blind? I remember that he was seriously involved in european elections few years ago cuz' he wanted french people to vote
anyone has some news about him?

fanoff 22-10-2006 11:59

so what about the freedom of speech you were all defending crazily?you were shouting at me me that everyone has to say their opinion and when the other side does that,its only"yeah,we have to respect"?is it just a thing for us and you can do whatever you want when youre in the big EU?What the f*ck is that 500 kg drug in my truck?i dont know anything about it!

and an example from me,on the first day of Ramadan(of which month today is the last),some people in France attacked some mosque,and you do guess it,the attackers were French.Damage to the mosque was modest despite the fact four fires were set inside the Penhars Mosque, one of two Muslim places of worship in Quimper.Racist insults were scrawled on walls of the mosque there, according to the prefecture of the Aude region.

another example,this is a mosque attacked in France
is it still ok_?

the unforgiven 22-10-2006 12:20

fanoff, about the cocaine joke, it was humour ... may be I suck at kidding but, heh, I have a try
and I so don't get what you mean with your freedom of speech!!
the unforgiven = stupid
you don't want me to respect your opinion? I can curse but I don't want to

about the mosque attack, wtf?!
explain your point of view please cuz I really don't understand what you wanna show
you said that there's an expression of freedom? to attack mosque? it's just dumbness!!

nath 22-10-2006 12:33


Originally Posted by fanoff
What the f*ck is that 500 kg drug in my truck?i don't know anything about it!

It's not about you: it was just an example to explain to you that here, to g to jail you have to do a lot more to be sent to jail....but may be check the back of your car, who knows...;)*just kidding*


Originally Posted by fan off
is it just a thing for us and you can do whatever you want when you're in the big EU?

Did I forbid you to express your opinion?

Now you, you can say what you want but if your government deny the genocide of Armenians, this is another story..about the consequences in the relationships between states.

About your racism in France, just know that here in the schools we have special meals for kiddies when there is pork in the menues...they have special meat for them....
Monday or Tuesday , when it will be the end of the Ramadan, Muslim people have their free day (it's the law)...

You seem to think we have censorship against Muslims, I would say it's actually the opposite which stays: a theater or modern opera piece has to be played recently.
It was a modern piece so , in the story, it was showed Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mahomet with the cut head...okay was a symbol...

There were such menaces towards the theater that the performance was canceled.

Now , in the new indications from the Ministry of National Education, it's Forbidden to study "Zadig" of Voltaire.

Zadig was a text which was written by Voltaire in . At a moment , he was joking a little about Muslim religion to , INDEED, criticize the Christian Religion. You understand that he couldn't do it directly at this time without being condemned.

So, now it's forbidden to study Zadig to not hurt the Muslim sensibility!!
Voltaire is at the base of our actual society: he belongs to the category of writers who, by their books and their ideas, were at the origin of the French Revolution.
But now.....we CENSURE him and ourselves!....

So really a plane ticket, come to live into France during 1 year....and after, we'll just observe if you would like to just come back to live into your own country !!...

If you insult a Muslims here and it's proved that it's deliberated, you have more problems than if you insult a Christian!

It can be a burnt mosque (as it can be are a lot of crimes and racist insults from Muslims towards non Muslims here!!.....)
Are those things accepted by the French Law ?'s condemned!!

Is it still Okay?

haku 23-10-2006 03:43

Latest poll for the presidential election.

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