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PowerPuff Grrl 25-02-2003 01:31

Why does Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, suck?
Honestly, it used to be the best show on television. And I'm not saying best as in it was the "flavour of the month" best. It was honest-to-God the best show on television.

Now it sucks ass. They are introducing all these new characters and the old ones are being pushed aside. What's even worse is that the new characters aren't being developed enough, and if they are they suck ass.

Don't get me started on the plot; good idea, horrible execution.

And Buffy herself?
I swear if I have to hear anymore of her "everybody sucks but me" speech (tm Anya), I'm going to throw the remote to the screen.

I'm only watching because I've been watching it for so long and it the last season.

Echoed 25-02-2003 01:41

*Laughs.* You crack me up.

Personally, I no longer have any idea whether or not it's a good show anymore. I'm biased because I've been watching so long that it's just habit for me to keep watching.

Joss Whedon is most likely running out of ideas. (Apparently, they'll start off with Faith, when Buffy leaves. Funky.)


PowerPuff Grrl 25-02-2003 03:15

Yeah I also heard that.
I'm really anticipating Faith's arrival. She, the Mayor, and Anya are my all time favourites in Buffy.

I hope that when Buffy gives one of her speeches, Faith would interrupt with a "BITCH, PLEASE!!!"

Echoed 25-02-2003 03:16

Hehe. Of course, Faith is showing up on Angel first.

So I'm curious about how that's going to turn out.


PowerPuff Grrl 25-02-2003 03:56

I heard Angel is better than Buffy.
Of course the idiot that I am, I watch 24, which coincides with Angel.

And 24 sucks, btw.

Echoed 25-02-2003 04:00

You must have heard wrong.

Angel and Buffy are about on the same level. I'm actually enjoying Buffy more... Then again, there's just been an interesting twist on Angel. I'm VERY curious about where Joss is going with this.


Ripptyd 25-02-2003 04:05

I gave up on Buffy. I had been watching from the very first episode when I was like 11 or 12. LOL.
It just started to become ridiculous.
The last straw was Tara being killed. I mean I see WHY Joss did it. He was working with addiction and needed it to push Willow over the edge. But God...It's just...Enough!
Let the show end while it still has SOME originality.
I miss my Scooby gang, and the Library.
The only character I ever loved that was brought in was Anya. She's just...Awesome.
Season 3 and 4 were the peak seasons really...

Echoed 25-02-2003 04:09

Yeah, I also started watching it from the very, very, very beginning. (I had been thoroughly confused as to who "Willow" and "Xander" were. Mainly because I was under the impression that "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" the show would be following the story of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" the movie. Eh.)

I'm still hooked to the show. But again, I'm biased and just watch this show out of sheer habit and slight interest. (I like the potential slayer that was lactose intolerant and unable to communicate. Highly amusing.)


PowerPuff Grrl 25-02-2003 04:19

I always thought the best seasons were two and three. Four would've been up there if it hadn't been for Riley, he was just too boring. But I do remember the season finale for four, it was probably one of the best shows on Buffy.

Echo, really Angel is that bad?
Even worse than Buffy?

Keep in mind, the last time I saw Angel was the Billy episode, I I'm not aware of the possible sucktitude of Angel.

Edited: Sorry Rosh!

Echoed 25-02-2003 04:22

Edit: *Void.*


PowerPuff Grrl 25-02-2003 04:56

Well I'll be...

Echoed 25-02-2003 05:06

Edit: *Stupidity's void.*


rosh 25-02-2003 10:58

oh great now i wish i hadnt read this ... you guys should have labelled it "SPOILERS!" :)

the angel series in the uk on sky one isnt as far along as north america is. *SOB* now i know whats coming :(


Echoed 25-02-2003 13:16

Oh, crud. (I'm sooooo sorry.)

:dead: I hate spoilers too. I'm really, really, really sorry.


rosh 25-02-2003 15:55

agh ill live :) hopefully lilah dying wont be the highlight of the season :) i kinda liked her tho - her and darla *swoon*

Echoed 02-03-2003 04:58

Argh. Poke me in the eye. I just missed Buffy. Totally forgot it was on today.

Oh well. I can probably find the episode on the net sooner or later. (If it was new.)


darkydream 02-03-2003 17:39

Angel sucks and David Boreanaz too...but Connor is cool:)

Ralf 01-04-2003 03:09

Hmm, I find Buffy somewhat annoying these days... There's been some cracking episodes as of late, though. For example, the musical one, which I thought was quite inventive... But these days most of the time is spent on embarrassing home truths rubbish with Buffy and Dawn, who I despise more than war and famine... Grow up, dammit!

idioteque 01-04-2003 03:15

heh ... i remember when buffy first came out i was going to a resteraunt in los angeles where i'm from, and i was attempting to park in a parking lot and the guard was like, "are you here for buffy?" apparently they were taping at this school. ... anyway, my friends brother and his then gf were one of the main couple extras that would always be featured ... they said it was pretty cool ... also, i used to work with Nicholas Brenden's brother in Valencia (where the family is from) ... he was a nice guy.

QueenBee 05-04-2003 11:47

I used to watch Buffy too.. nah just kidding, just wanna fit in :P My friend ADORES Buffy so we watched some episodes together.. I find the killing-vampires-and-doing-nothing-more-well-maybe-fit-in-a-love-story-here-and-there-because-its-getting-boring-thing dull. :( I'd rather watch one of those 70's comedies who do lousy jokes and everyone laugh. Hah. :D No offense, my pholks! :) I used to think Buffy was good once too. But now.. err.. I dont even know what's going on in these episodes.. who are all these people?! WHO ARE THEY?!

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