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QueenBee 10-06-2003 22:00

Download MakSim's songs > here

I downloaded this song today and I LOVE it. Wanted to ask you people if it's really sung by Maxi-M ('cause I'd like to know.. :dead:) and if there are any transliterations (or whatever) and translations 'cause I love that song but since I don't know Russian I don't understand anything of it.

Thanks to those who can help. :rose:

thegurgi 12-06-2003 05:30

Yes, it's by Maxi-M. But that's all i know, i've never seen a picture of them, a video, or anything. I really like that song too! They have another song called "Trudnyi Vozrast" or "Difficult Age"...if you want to hear it, let me now [ i had to rip it off a website! It's rare]

QueenBee 12-06-2003 18:21

Thanks for the reply :) Yeah I love that song.. I wish there was some translation :/ And I'll PM you about Trudnyi Vozrast! :D

thegurgi 12-06-2003 18:29

Do you want a translation of Zavedi? I've got a GOOD one [cause i did it myself :)] i also have a translation of the new song.

QueenBee 12-06-2003 18:50

thegurgi, YAY! That would be so awesome! Do you also have any transliterations?

Edit: Thanks Echoed. :rose:

Mute_Clouds 16-06-2003 21:26

dogs like toys and so do kids

Has a translation of Zavedi....but I dont know about that other song.

bladergirl 17-06-2003 03:17

Does anyone know where I can download some Maxi M's songs?? or to get their cd? Thanks!

monkcheese 17-06-2003 06:09

Oh, I would KILL for their new song. :o!

QueenBee 19-07-2003 18:24

Okay sorry for diggin up this old thread...

thegurgi, is there a Trudni Vozrast translation/transliteration/anything available anywhere? That song is da bomb! Totally awesome... Thanks to Echoed for sending it to me :rose: :love: :heart:

Has anyone found anything on Maxi-M? Anyone in Russia heard of them?

Edit: Okay so I did a little research and found the lyrics for Trudnii Vozrast.. I'd transliterate but I'm not good in Russian...

Here they are for anyone who is interested:

трудный возраст - Maxi M

А помнишь небо, помнишь сны о молчаньи
Юное тело в голубом одеяле
Помнишь как мы умирали в прощаньи
Сердце застыло

Просто трудный возраст, смятая постель
Ну а плакать лучше в дождь или в метель
Чтоб никто и не подумал, что слаба
В 16 лет твоя душа
Твоя душа

А помнишь небо, помнишь сны о молчаньи
Юное тело в голубом одеяле
Помнишь как мы умирали в прощаньи
Сердце застыло

Уже не мечтаю
Уже не мечтаю

Знаешь, это тело только для тебя
Ну и что, что возраст, он не навсегда
Я пишу тебе письмо текстом сырым
Я жду тебя. Твоя Maxi M

А помнишь небо, помнишь сны о молчаньи
Юное тело в голубом одеяле
Помнишь как мы умирали в прощаньи
Сердце застыло

А помнишь небо, помнишь сны о молчаньи
Юное тело в голубом одеяле
Помнишь как мы умирали в прощаньи
Сердце застыло

Уже не мечтаю
Уже не мечтаю

thegurgi 03-08-2003 22:27

a pomnish' nebo, pomnish' sny o molchan'i
Yunoye telo v golubom odeyalye
Pomnish' kak mi umirali v proshchan'i
Serdtse zastilo

Prosto trudnyi vozrast, smyataya postel'
Nu a plakat' luchshe v dozhd' ili v metel'
Chtob nikto i ne podumal, chto slaba
V shestnadtsat' let tvoya dusha
tvoya dusha

a pomnish' nebo, pomnish' sny o molchan'i
Yunoye telo v golubom odeyalye
Pomnish' kak mi umirali v proshchan'i
Serdtse zastilo

Uzhe ne mechtayu
Uzhe ne mechtayu

Znaesh', eto telo tol'ko dlya tebya
Nu i chto, chto vozrast, on ne navsegda
Ya pishu tebe pis'mo tekstom sirim
Ya zhdu tebya. Tvoya Maxi M

a pomnish' nebo, pomnish' sny o molchan'i
Yunoye telo v golubom odeyalye
Pomnish' kak mi umirali v proshchan'i
Serdtse zastilo

a pomnish' nebo, pomnish' sny o molchan'i
Yunoye telo v golubom odeyalye
Pomnish' kak mi umirali v proshchan'i
Serdtse zastilo

Uzhe ne mechtayu
Uzhe ne mechtayu

and remember the sky, remember dreams of silence
a young body in a blue blanket
Remember as we died in goodbye
Heart stops

Simply a difficult age, a crumpled bed
Well and it's better to cry in the rain or in a blizzard
That nobody and not to think, that you're weak
In 16 years your soul
Your soul

and remember the sky, remember dreams of silence
a young body in a blue blanket
Remember as we died in goodbye
Heart stops

I don't dream anymore
I don't dream anymore

You know, this body is only for you
So what, what age, it's not forever
I write to you crude texts
I wait for you. You're Maxi M

and remember the sky, remember dreams of silence
a young body in a blue blanket
Remember as we died in goodbye
Heart stops

and remember the sky, remember dreams of silence
a young body in a blue blanket
Remember as we died in goodbye
Heart stops

I don't dream anymore
I don't dream anymore

Sorry for the lateness of my reply and the poor quality of the translation

QueenBee 03-08-2003 22:49

thegurgi, you rule! :rose: Thanks alot!!!

Disengage 07-08-2003 08:17

Did anyone else notice that this has the exact same drum fill as ATTSS?

QueenBee 07-08-2003 16:38

Disengage, yah, if you're talking about Zavedi... I don't notice it, but I can sing Ya Soshla S Uma with the Zavedi melody and it fits perfectly. :eek:

Igor 05-10-2004 21:40 ;)

haku 05-10-2004 22:45

Thanks a lot Димчик and Igor :)

Finally we get to see the elusive Maxi-M! :D She's kinda cute. :liplick:

*goes to explore the site*

crni 07-10-2004 16:09

tnx for the link, guys :done:
yeah, she's cute, of course... but what's the catch? shouldn't there be two girls in a group? :confused: ...

haku 17-10-2004 16:39

On the media page of Maxi-M's web site, a new link to a video has been added. The file is missing, but since the icon has been added, it means there will be a Maxi-M video available soon. :)

Jam_One 18-10-2004 02:09

Jeeeesss... What a surprise! :cool:
You folks are kinda =Sherlock-s Holmes-s= :done:

It's funny - she's known for a couple of years already, but things look like she "is just starting off unveiled"...
Reminds me of Glukoza and her "market behaviour".
I mean the long period "in stand by mode" after releasing several songs and before going public.

Kate 18-10-2004 02:41

I think she has a nice voice, and her songs are kinda cool. Not exactly my thing, but close. :)

By the way, in "Trudnyj vozrast", she sings "your Maxim", so I think Maxi-M is actually pronouced as "Maxim".

If anyone's interested in lyrics, let me know. :)

Jam_One 18-10-2004 03:10


Originally Posted by katbeidar
...a nice voice... Not exactly my thing, but close. :)
...she sings "your Maxim", so I think Maxi-M is actually pronouced as "Maxim"...

Yea. Words do sound childish, but still... it sounds pleasant.
"Yours Maxim" - probably some "another innovation" in style of =Nikita= :)
The one name which is commonly being applied to 'male persons', here turns out to be assigned to a woman...

Remember, S.Stallone acting as Marion Cobretti "always wanted to have some other name... like... Ellis..."
("Cobra" the movie) :) :) :)

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