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parrish122 28-05-2003 07:37

Close Enough To Touch
My new fic. :)

I was a little confused when people started saying they liked the new one, when I couldn't get onto Ripp's site. Then I found out it was mirrored at Uhaku's site. So....right now it's at

Thanks Uhaku and Ripp!!


Uhaku 28-05-2003 14:00

:) no prob, parrish.

PoisonousTruth 28-05-2003 20:23

New Fic
*tripping over my own feet trying to run to read Close Enough To Touch*

*returns from reading* :cool: You've produced a wonderful first five chapters. You know I always bite my fingernails waiting for the next update.:D

warx 28-05-2003 20:53

new fic by parrish

smilie faces 29-05-2003 02:05

ladies and gentlemen .. sheeeeeeeeeee's BACK !!
hell yeah !

parrish122 29-05-2003 02:25

<Grin> Thanks gang! I'm so glad you like the new one. I'm enjoying writing it.


dare2dream28 29-05-2003 02:55

And you better believe we enjoy reading it!! Keep up the FANTASTIC writing!!!!

rivierakid 29-05-2003 04:53

OK, I'm going to spare you guys the tangent I could go off on and simply say this:

You rock Parrish!

Of course, lord knows I've said that a million times, but it's true :D

qbee 29-05-2003 08:18

:done: like ur fiction!

Yulia_Fan 29-05-2003 12:00

nice idea, looking forward to seeing what happens...

*waits for next chapter...*

prostrel 29-05-2003 19:23

Thanks Parrish!

karyn 29-05-2003 20:11

moreeeeee pleaseeeeeeeee :D i love it

|capricious| 29-05-2003 21:11

Thank you parrish122!
Keep it up, I like it A LOT :rose:

Alonely 29-05-2003 22:21

I liked your other one to... what was it called oh dang I forget... but any ways this one surpasses it! I simply love it!

modern painting 29-05-2003 22:36

Love your story!
Please don't keep us waiting too long for the next chapters...


parrish122 29-05-2003 23:36

I'll be sending Ripp at least one new chapter tomorrow. Maybe more. So your cravings will be taken care of in the near future. :D


prostrel 30-05-2003 14:26

Hey Parrish, least one new chapter, maybe more... It sounds to me, that you already have more than 1 chapter completed, but you just want to keep them in your safekeeping...... :)

parrish122 30-05-2003 15:30

I sent Ripp two, actually, *just* now.

I was 2/3 finished with the first chapter when I posted before, and knowing my usual breakneck speed, I figured I'd be done with the next chapter by the morning.


prostrel 30-05-2003 18:03

I `m embarrassed at my ignorance...
...but I have to ask: What the h*ll " LOL" means? This has been bugging me now about 5 months, ever since I got my Internet-connection and started to read sites of Tatu. You all can laugh at me freely.....

prostrel 30-05-2003 19:29

Thanks rh2k !
That was all I needed! Now I can go and have my beautysleep in peace. :) Good night!

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