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coolasfcuk 21-03-2004 04:10

"Read My Lips" - this is funny
So, for those who needed a little laugh, here is a lil clip:

Endless Love

freddie 21-03-2004 04:39

Awwww... that's so cute. They were made for eachother. :rolleyes:

thegurgi 21-03-2004 06:27

Hahahaha! Wonderfull!!!!

taty994945 21-03-2004 08:58

LMAO! Great singing, especially Blair :D

teeny 21-03-2004 14:27

LMAO - thank you for the vid, chef Chris

Unplugged 21-03-2004 14:32

:lol: :lol: HAHAHAHA

thanks, Chris :D


QueenBee 21-03-2004 15:13

I can't open it 'cause I don't have QuickTime.
That sucks. :p

teeny 21-03-2004 15:58

qb: - it's free and it's good. Download it right away :yes:

shizzo 21-03-2004 16:03

I already sent her the program, TLFdk. :p

QueenBee 21-03-2004 16:47

"QuickTime failed to initialize. Error # -2093

Please make sure QuickTime is properly installed on this computer."


I'm too lazy to download it.. just nevermind. :p

shizzo 21-03-2004 16:49

Bah! I told you it was a stupid program. :D

QueenBee 21-03-2004 16:51

Haha.. I know.. almost like RealPlayer. Almost. ;)

Lena410 21-03-2004 17:34

*LOL* that was funny...those two really are made for each other *giggles* :rolleyes:

haku 21-03-2004 18:23

Thanks coolasfcuk :D

At least with those two there's no question who's on top. :rolleyes: Let's just hope they don't have any spawns. :hmmm:

ypsidan04 22-03-2004 05:34 :laugh: :done:

Lux 22-03-2004 06:59


that is messed i wonder if bush has ANY idea how some people see him :none:

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