Unofficial forum of group TATU

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robbie 14-08-2008 12:24

Do you remember fake Tatu's demo "Повороты и Паденья"?

It's by ~СвободноеНебо~ band! I really like them!

Some songs you can hear/download at

Cooper Scream 14-08-2008 15:08


Do you remember fake Tatu's demo "Повороты и Паденья"?
I hoped to listen to that song in the album :(. It could be perfect.

Argos 14-08-2008 15:27


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 362166)
Do you remember fake Tatu's demo "Повороты и Паденья"?

It's by ~СвободноеНебо~ band! I really like them!

Some songs you can hear/download at

It's not a fake demo. Here is what Vova, the composer, wrote in his livejournal entry - here!

The account is definitively authentic, but he deleted all his old entries about a year ago, when the name of the group was changed from 'Xudoznik' to 'Myortvye khudozhniki'. So I can give you just a pic of the saved page.

By the way, I wanted to share it for a long time. A demo recorded by Lena Katina in Los Angeles in the summer of last year. As far as I remember the song is called "Povoroty i padeniya" (in English version "Turnings & Fallings"). Likely it will be on the third album of Tatu. If nothing goes wrong.
Anyway, Vova is connected with 'Svobodnoe Nebo', he recorded the song 'Kryl'ya' with them.

Joopy 14-08-2008 15:41

Is it likely "Повороты и Паденья" could still be on t.A.T.u.'s third album?

Argos 14-08-2008 15:45


Originally Posted by joopy_froot (Post 362199)
Is it likely "Повороты и Паденья" could still be on t.A.T.u.'s third album?

No, it was obiously dismissed a long time ago.

Cooper Scream 14-08-2008 16:44

A post from "Heaven" from the official forum:


Ой, раз вы уже сами откопали этот блог XUDOZNIK'а, то я расскажу историю, связанную с этой песней!...

Когда-то давно я сам наткнулся на этот пост Килара и пришёл в недоумение: раз он сам пишет, что эту песню пела Лена, значит, так оно и есть! Но потом я наткнулся в интернете на группу Свободное Небо и узнал, что эта песня из их репертуара. Я написал их клавишнику по поводу этой песни и вот что он мне ответил (привожу отрывками):

Иван Килар вобще не является ни автором слов ни автором музыки песни "Повороты и Паденья". Тем более эта песня никгда не писалась для ТАТУ. Все права на песню принадлежат исключительно группе СвободноеНебо.

Всё абсолютно не так. Вас дизинформировали. Я понимаю, про какое, якобы дэмо идёт речь. Это записывалось 2 года назад в Москве. Это был первый черновой вариант нашей песни Повороты и Паденья. На записи голос вокалистки нашей группы Анны Кострикиной. гр. Художник нам очень хорошо знакома. И Иван Килар тоже. Ребята использовали нашу песню без разрешения праваобладателя для продвижения в частности Ивана Килара и гр. Художник. Тату и в частности Лена Катина никакого отношения не имеют к этой песне. Да, г-н Килар действительно хотел её продать гр. Тату. Но наши юристы работают весьма хорошо. И в случае возникновения прицендента с гр. Тату и выпуском данной песни в их исполнении - судебное разбирательство будет запущенно немедленно. И победа правообладателя в этом деле будет весьма очевидной. Вы поймите, что из-за недобросовестности таких людей как Иван Килар никто не страдает кроме самого человека, который продает/выдает чужую песню за свою. Думаю дальше объяснять не нужно.

По поводу гр. Художник, чтобы вам было ясно. Записав с ними совместную песню (Крылья) - ребята просто стали говоря русским языком - ВЫЕБЫВАТЬСЯ на право и налево
Вот так вот... Оказывается, Килар хотел бессовестно продать от своего имени чужую песню и срубить на ней бабла! Ай-яй-яй!

robbie 14-08-2008 16:50


Originally Posted by Argos (Post 362198)
A demo recorded by Lena Katina in Los Angeles in the summer of last year

It's no Lena's voice in demo ver.

Argos 14-08-2008 17:00

Thanks Cooper Scream, very interesting!

Joopy 14-08-2008 17:08


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 362209)
It's no Lena's voice in demo ver.

I agree.

Originally Posted by Argos (Post 362210)
Thanks Cooper Scream, very interesting!

What does it say?

Argos 14-08-2008 17:17


Originally Posted by joopy_froot (Post 362211)
What does it say?

The song is indeed from the group Svobodnoe Nebo. It is sung by Anya Kostrikina. The track we know is a first demo and was recorded two years ago in Moscow. Vanya Kilar tried to steal the song and sell it to tatu. It has been cleared by lawyers. Obviously Kilar wanted to sell the other song 'Kryl'ya', which they recorded together, as his own song too.

Renskij and his lyudi invalidy...:rolleyes:

faithe 15-08-2008 00:49

On the СвободноеНебо page, you can download their entire first album- including the final version of Повороты и Паденья (which is beautiful, by the way)!

COMMAFANATKA93 19-08-2008 00:29

can someone upload all songs in hq please? thanks!

Sunset 20-08-2008 01:22

maybe is a lena demo version i can hear her!

COMMAFANATKA93 22-08-2008 00:39

Can someone upload all the songs from their page in hq please? including both versions of Повороты и Паденья please?

COMMAFANATKA93 15-11-2008 02:03


Originally Posted by COMMAFANATKA93 (Post 362668)
Can someone upload all the songs from their page in hq please? including both versions of Повороты и Паденья please?

please? still trying to find more hq downloads...

AshMcAuliffe 11-04-2009 00:58

what about Turnings and Fallings? was that for the 3rd album?

Argos 11-04-2009 09:43


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 382922)
what about Turnings and Fallings? was that for the 3rd album?

No. This song has been stolen by Vanya Kilar during their cooperation with the group 'Svobodnoe nebo'. The demo sang Anya Kostrikina, member of that group. Kilar edited the vocals a bit (to sound a bit like Katina) and claimed in the blog of his group 'Xudoznik' that it is his own song sung by Lena and that it will most likely be on the next tatu album. Everything lies.

faithe 12-04-2009 03:02


Originally Posted by Argos (Post 382928)
No. This song has been stolen by Vanya Kilar during their cooperation with the group 'Svobodnoe nebo'. The demo sang Anya Kostrikina, member of that group. Kilar edited the vocals a bit (to sound a bit like Katina) and claimed in the blog of his group 'Xudoznik' that it is his own song sung by Lena and that it will most likely be on the next tatu album. Everything lies.

The final Povoroty i Padeniya version from Svobodnoe Nebo is freaking amazing.

FagtasticMalchi 12-04-2009 06:06


Originally Posted by faithe (Post 382976)
The final Povoroty i Padeniya version from Svobodnoe Nebo is freaking amazing.

Know where I could listen to it?

Argos 12-04-2009 09:51


Originally Posted by FagtasticMalchi (Post 382984)
Know where I could listen to it?

Don't know whether it's the version faithe meant, but here is the live version. Well, the lady had not her best day (or she is a horrible singer).

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