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haku 09-02-2004 16:26

Tatu in Podnebesnaya through the Talliners' eyes
An article with great pics here:


PS: If a Russian speaking moderator could rename this thread with a correct translation of the article title, that would be great, thanks. :rose:

denial 09-02-2004 16:40

haku, thank you .. :rose:

QueenBee 09-02-2004 16:43

Haku I love you :heart: :gigi:

w00t Ivan has got it going ON! :laugh:

forre 09-02-2004 16:44

haku, Good stuff, thanks! :rose:

Yeh, The scenes were funny. Imagine Ivan on the edge to jump out of the window and Yulia telling Ivan to "Fuck-off". Oh-la-la :lol:

angeljas01 09-02-2004 17:07

Thanks for the pic Haku.

xena225 09-02-2004 17:08

Some more info: According to Linda16 (, the article "is written by Andrei Pokutnyi, Vladimir Adaritshev and Katya Netchayeva - three Russians from Tallinn, Estonia - who are working with Tatu in Podnebesnaya."

Well well well. Everyone working on the album... And "[l]et us open secret, that are already practically recorded all songs" (Babelfish translation)... Whaddayaknow... :D

Great pics...

Thank you for posting the link.


forre 09-02-2004 17:12

Yep, thanks xena. The translations are welcome. It's only the team, those are having "a vacation" at the moment. Anyone finds a comprehensible translation will get lots of flowers from the members. I'm sure.

A few in advance. :rose: :rose: :rose: To all members and visitors!

denial 09-02-2004 17:20

xena225, thank you for the great news!! ..*looks at picture* .. wow .. they doing recording in the dark? :laugh:

Lena410 09-02-2004 17:43


Originally posted by denial
they doing recording in the dark? :laugh:
of course! thats when ivan can think/be high best! :lol: or maybe they're trying to trick the cameras and manski and no one told them that most of them can record in the dark too..:spy:

thanks for the article haku and thanks for the news xena :D :coctail:

the pics are cute :gigi:

tatyruv 09-02-2004 22:19

Thanks haku

coolasfcuk 09-02-2004 22:37

thanks for the article :rose:

:laugh: those pics are pricelsss... ha ha... - ha ha - ha ha haaaaaaa - there is something reallywrong with them in this pic - esp Yulia, who looks like a robot - an electronic voice saying: "Hii, my name is Yulia... I come in piece.... zzzzzz... "

denial 10-02-2004 01:56


Originally posted by coolasfcuk - there is something reallywrong with them in this pic - esp Yulia, who looks like a robot - an electronic voice saying: "Hii, my name is Yulia... I come in piece.... zzzzzz... " [/b]
I think that is picture from Tokyo Dome where Yulia had high fever .. :rolleyes:

coolasfcuk 10-02-2004 04:42


Originally posted by denial
I think that is picture from Tokyo Dome where Yulia had high fever ..
what having a fever has to do with it miss D? :gigi: ... Yulia looks like she is in a horror movie and the devil has taken over her... or.... more like... she is walking in her sleep... or best yet... she is hypnotised!!!!! :laugh:

QueenBee 10-02-2004 04:46

Whoaaaa my god! Yulia looks SCARY :eek: *Sings* I am a robot! Robot robot robot.. :laugh:

Lena looks pretty damn good though. :gigi:

coolasfcuk 10-02-2004 04:49


Originally posted by QueenBee
*Sings* I am a robot! Robot robot robot..


Lena looks pretty damn good though.
:gigi: like a nice tetka :lol:

psssss, Queenski, go to bed ! :znaika:

And also... pssssssst..... apparently Yulia is really..really...really pissed off at Ivan ;)
Vova Shapovalov is assistent to Mansky :laugh: ..keep it in da family yo!

haku 10-02-2004 05:55


Originally posted by coolasfcuk
And also... pssssssst..... apparently Yulia is really..really...really pissed off at Ivan
He he, there's too much heat between those two. Sometimes they are very close, and sometimes they argue like an old couple. :gigi:

I say there is something dodgy here. :D

Rob 10-02-2004 12:37

They look good in the pictures of this article.

haku 10-02-2004 22:33

Translation of the article.


* Conflicts

Podnebesnaya is a mixture of conflicts, provocations, and intrigues that take place there every day. There is a conflict between Neformat and STS on one side, a conflict between Tatu and Shapovalov on another, and a conflict between Manskiy and Shapovalov on yet another side. For example, a conflict between Ivan and one of the people in charge of Peking Hotel led to a fight. The results added up to one beaten up director one beaten up guard and many guys with automatic guns and OMON (S.W.A.T.) written on their backs. At one point, Shapovalov almost jumped out of a window on the 13th floor. Would Podnebesnaya still continue its existence if he jumped? We wonder how in such conditions the work goes on and the project is still alive, and even shown on national television. Both sides try to involve us in their intrigues as well to gain an advantage in numbers. In particular, we are competing with so called “horde guys”, who also do sound editing for Tatu. We take turns with them. To understand everything, one needs to spend at least a week in Podnebesnaya.

* They call us Tallinn people

Since the first day of our arrival to Podnebesnaya, the three of us (Adarichev, Pokutnyj and Nechaeva) have been nicknamed “Tallin-people”. People treat [us] differently - in most cases well. We are friends with almost everybody who works there: operators, sound guys, directors, and even Shapovalov himself. But there are some people from Ivan’s inner circle who can’t stand Tallinn people, or, to be more precise, they can’t stand any one of us.

* Shapovalov’s son suggests to base it on Tallinn-people

We have become especially close friends with Ivan’s son – Vova Shapovalov (short for Vladimir - elf), who works as Manskiy’s assistant. Like his father, he is always full of ideas. Even in his actions he resembles Shapovalov senior. Vova is persistently trying to promote us, “Tallinn people”, as the main force in the project, with the very existence of the project depending on us. Maybe he is right, well, at least we like it.

* Tatu’s album is practically done

Thousands of letters come to Podnebesnaya every day and hundreds of people come to auditions. All of them hope that their song is the best and will inevitably be included in Tatu’s second album. The material is certainly listened to and analyzed, but still the songs of already known authors and not outsiders will be included will be included in Tatu’s album. Shapovalov makes all the decisions. He selects what he likes, not what the girls from Tatu like. Here is a secret: most songs have already been practically recorded: “Squirrel”, “I Willl”, “Everything Is Fine”, “You Agree”, “Draughts in Space” and others.

* Podnebesnaya guests in smoke

Every night many different people come to visit Yulia, Lena and Vanya. Among the famous are Penkin, Limonov, Titomir, Akula, Smash, Ivan Dem’yan from 7B, Pimenov from PPK and others. We got so used to such guests that we probably forgot to mention someone, since we mostly work rather than hang out in Podnebesnaya. There are also regular customers among Podnebesnaya guests, who hang out there from dusk till dawn. But that’s a different story. Thanks to them, Podnebesnaya is always in smoke with a distinctive smell at night.

* Shapovalov missed a meeting with Kobzon!

Once upon a time Iosif Kobzon himself came to visit Vanya in Podnebesnaya. It is actually very difficult to arrange a meeting with Kobzon, since he is a very busy and serious person, who does not need to be introduced. Nevertheless HE came. BUT VANYA DID NOT SHOW UP!)))))) To be more precise, he was half an hour late. Of course, Kobzon did not wait that long and left in shock. Vanya was very upset about this and did a lot of walking around Podnebesnaya after this, measuring its area with his footsteps. It was for the first time we saw him like that.

* Half the filming crew fired

During the filming half of the crew was fired because of financial difficulties.

* About Yulia telling Shapovalov to f*ck off

It was a regular Tatu vocal sessions. We worked with Shapovalov on a new song of P. Nekkerman “Everything is fine”. The girls were a little late. As soon as Yulia entered Podnebesnaya, we could see that she was not in the mood. When the time came for her to record, she started saying that she didn’t like the song at all and that she wouldn’t sing it. Later, she said that she wanted to eat and that she wouldn’t sing until after the breakfast. With her boyfriend, Pasha, she went to a caf?. Meanwhile, Lena recorded her vocal part; we were smoking and listening to the sound tracks. Half an hour later, Yulia showed up and said that she was not going to sing and that she wouldn’t come to Podnebesnaya ever again. When asked “why”, she replied that she couldn’t work with a mentally ill person, Vanya that is, and that he needed a therapy long time ago. Then she told him to f*ck off and left with her retinue, taking Lena with her.

Actually, we can tell you that Yulia is a very good girl, and so is Lena.

Translated by elf for

cirrus 10-02-2004 22:47

thanks haku and elf :rose:

Interesting that Shap picks all the songs, no matter what the people singing and performing them (Tatu) say.


Vova Shapovalov (short for Vladimir - elf), who works as Manskiy’s assistant. Like his father, he is always full of ideas. Even in his actions he resembles Shapovalov senior.
I'm sorry :hmmm: :p

If this article is true, the relationship between Vanya and the girls gets more strained everyday. wonder when the day will come...

Kate 10-02-2004 23:24

Isn't it great that elf does all the translating now? is on a vocation! Yay. :D

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