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freddie 17-09-2003 20:34

the best years of your life
I was just wondering if you all have some "special" years in your lives that everything went your way and you just basicly had a really good year.
I had 3: 1987, 1995, 1996. :D

How about you?

Mossopp 17-09-2003 20:51

Everything before 1996 (excluding '93).
At the time things didn't seem so great. But compared to the way things have been in the last 7 years it was heaven!

zebu 17-09-2003 21:51

2000. and this year,2003. is the best even though it's not over yet :)

madeldoe 17-09-2003 22:15

hmm 1986-1995... thats when i was still in the philippines..*sigh* ahh the memories..

crni 17-09-2003 22:30

i'd say '96 was the best ;)

Tom Violence 17-09-2003 23:12

I look back on 1998 with some warmth. I made plenty of naпve mistakes at the time, but after some rather unpleasant years, it was good to have the kind of friends who loved me despite my habitual misadventure and misjudgement.

Ripptyd 17-09-2003 23:25

*le sigh*
Last year...Looking back it was so awesome.

That's the crappy thing about these thoughts. Most people aren't lucky enough to realize the best years for them while it's happening.

Who knows...With my trip to Italy...This year my just be awesome as well. :D

cirrus 17-09-2003 23:43

RIght now is good. I was depressed through most of high school, and that's over now.

Kindergarten was good, and I have memories from a few years back (98/99) when I visited Poland, and everyone here was happy and we were all still friends... *begins daydreaming*

freddie 18-09-2003 00:18

Oh I should mention the crapiest years as well maybe. 1983, 1998, 1999 &2003. Funny that everybody predicted that this year would be great, but it just sucked completely. Although it's not over yet I kinda wish it was already... next year can't be so bad since Slovenia is joining the EU.

I'll explain the best years:
1987 - 1st grade. I went to school. The begining of my quest for knowlage. I was still very enthusuastic about learning.
1995/96 - the end of primary school, I finished with the highest grades of all 8 years, and then the begining of secondary school...everything was smooth as silk at this point LOL. Then I stoped carring about this crap called education because it was to conformistic and stupid. :p

Like with Mossopp everything went downhill fast from 1996 on. I used to live for school and after I stopped carring for it I didn't have anything more to live for really. Then I started with poetry and going out and everything was a bit better again, but never the same. Though everything from 1998 till now was complete crap. :bebebe:

EDIT: 2300 posts thank you very much.:D

guesshoo 18-09-2003 00:38

i'd say, last year. i met my best friend and learned alot from her about life. i'm even learning from her right now, even though we really don't talk the way we used to anymore.

parrish122 18-09-2003 01:32


Those were the years that I first met and fell in love with Barb, as well as meeting some very good friends.


The year I broke a horrible writing block, and met some friends that I hope I keep for a lifetime. :)


febrika 18-09-2003 02:41

me would be 1994-1997. twas great great time ! had a lotta crazy, unbelievable, lovely friends and not to mention those rebeleeeyy moments, ouch! :D but stay smart OY! aahh those precious years ..

rivierakid 18-09-2003 02:53

Hmmm...I'd have to say 2003's been a pretty good year for me so far. But then, I still have quite a few years to go. :D

Oh, and 1992-1996 was pretty good too. Ahhh...Elementary school...Good times, man...

ypsidan04 18-09-2003 02:59

Hmmm, lets see...

2000 was real good - My last year of middle school, and first year of high school. We went to D.C. and Cedar Point amusement park near the end of my 8th grade - both were very fun. I also got my first of now 11 CDs.

1997 - Mostly because of the local sports teams: Detroit Red Wings (NHL, their first championship since the 50's, they repeated in 1998), and the University of Michigan football team won their respective championships. My two favorite sports teams both winning in one year. :)

taty994945 18-09-2003 05:21

probably 2000...when sampras won a record 13th grand slam title at wimbledon. that was inspirational. nothing to do with me exactly but im a huge pete sampras fan.

raven ryuu 18-09-2003 06:11

Excellent query Freddie :D
I don't think I've reached a point yet where I can look back on any year of my life and say it was the best. Maybe it's because I've had mediocre years -- nothing really stands out. I know the worst years of my life for sure: the times when I was depressed:

1997 -- after graduating number 8 in my class of 300 some students, I got depressed because I wasn't awarded a financial scholarship to the university -- my sister got it instead, and she pretty much sailed through senior year with her two periods of Office Aide, and no honors-calculus. I was going part-time to the community college studying to be a nurse assistant, doing clinicals on the weekends at the hospital, and taking honors-calculus. I struggled to get my grades, and I felt cheated when I wasn't rewarded for my efforts. Oh yeah..all of this I did with ADD as well....doubly hard I think.

2000-beginning of 2003: Major depression -- stemming from overworking myself in university with my ADD, plus too many stressful events in my life. Almost led to me attempting suicide...I'm glad that didn't go through.

I am in a much better place now, but I don't think I am at what I would consider a high point in life -- I have yet to attain that kind of happiness. And I keep on living life in the hopes that I will have such happiness in the future :)

Devilish Yulia 18-09-2003 07:24

mine would be 1999 cos i got to meet the mayor and he blessed our restaurant and during the time i was only 8 and my class won the Tropicarnival Eistedford Singing Contest.bit embarresing too:p

this year wasnt all too bad but the restaurant had a brilliant year and the restaurant got nominated for a state award but we didnt win!!!!!!!!:( if we did we would have been best in queensland!

although last year has to be my best cos it was an absolutely fantastic year and we won the basketball grand finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOA!!!!!!!!! blabbing arent i?

denial 18-09-2003 09:49

the best years of my life ...hmm....maybe ..someday ... *is waiting*

Devilish Yulia 18-09-2003 10:11


the best years of my life ...hmm....maybe ..someday ... *is waiting*
awww poor denial *hugs denial* well hopefully ur time will come very soon!

denial 18-09-2003 10:24

Devilish Yulia, thank you ...*hugs back* .. :D ..for you :rose:

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