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Kate 01-02-2004 01:42

"I Vse Normalno" ["Everything is Fine"] ~ New Song from Podnebesnaya.
Tatu tried to record a song called "I Vse Normalno" ["Everything is Fine"] on their reality show "Tatu in Podnebesnaya" this week.

Download the song here [Thanks to Hare :rose:]: "I Vse Normalno"

It will be very much appreciated if someone will upload the song on their server/ftp, since Hare's site is pretty slow.

The songs lyrics went something like this [Thanks to SNEAD and Hare from Rus. forum]:


Солнце упрямо, крылья больниц
В кожу лучами, люди без лиц
Я закричала, светится Марс
Там не до нас

И всё нормально
Я есть, я есть
И всё нормально
Я здесь, слышишь, я здесь

Дождь из машин, Снег идет вверх
Кто-то один, Я без помех
Линия сна, Неба часы
Ветер, весна, Две полосы


The sun is stubborn, wings of hospitals,
Sun-rays into skin, people without faces,
I started to scream, Mars is shinning,
They don't have time for us...

And everything is fine,
I am here, I am here,
And everything is fine,
I am here, you hear, I am here.

Rain from the cars, the snow's going up,
Someone's alone, I have no flaws,
Line of a dream, clocks of the sky
Wind, spring, two lines


I have never heard anything more random then this... :gigi:

Edit: added another verse from Hare. :rose:

Edit[2]: Added the mp3 from Hare. :D

Unplugged 01-02-2004 01:50

Re: "I Vse Normalno" ["Everything is Fine"] ~ New Song from Podnebesnaya.

Originally posted by katbeidar

The sun is stubborn, wings of hospitals,
Sun-rays into skin, people without faces,
I started to scream, Mars is shinning,
They don't have time for us...

And everything is fine,
I am here, I am here,
And everything is fine,
I am here, you hear, I am here.


I have never heard anything more random then this... :gigi:

Yeah, what the hell? :confused: :laugh:

QueenBee 01-02-2004 01:53

I find the lyrics very fascinating. :gigi: Were drugs involved when writing these lyrics?

Thanks Kate. :rose: AGAIN! You're wonderfьl.

haku 01-02-2004 01:55

Thanks katbeidar :rose:

So, it's a song about the weather... right? :D

Well, i can really relate because we had snow here a few days ago... I was... bothered. The snow is gone but now it's really cold.

Kate 01-02-2004 01:57


Were drugs involved when writing these lyrics?
:lol: Lmao! My GOD! Lol. I can't stop laughing. Lol. I am pretty sure something shady had to be involved when these lyrics were written. You can't make them up intentionally. They are just so RANDOM!

*resorts to listening of classical music* Yeah! A bit of Vivaldi is what I need now!

Unplugged 01-02-2004 02:00


So, it's a song about the weather... right?
Yeah, weather, Mars, screaming and being here and being fine.... :p :lol:


Were drugs involved when writing these lyrics?
Definately. It's probably Vanya's work :p :p :p

nikki 01-02-2004 02:02

Very odd !

dare2dream28 01-02-2004 02:12

Those are umm...ummm...I guess I'll go with the everyone else and say Random. Goodness they don't make any sense!!! Seriously, I hope the material for the new album is better than this! At least get some songs with a meaning behind it. Thanks kat for the info though as well as all the other articles you've been providing us!!! :)

coolasfcuk 01-02-2004 02:20

Thanks Kate :rose:

:laugh: oh god.. who's gonna analyze the lyrics now? anyone?

Here is my song for today:

Nothing's Fine

The window is foggy, cold feet
The oven is on, my towel is wet
I need snow pants, my hair is still wet
The clock is ticking - nothing's done yet!

Nothing is done, nothing is done
I'm still here, I'm still here
Nothing is done, nothing is done
I'm still here ,you hear, and I shoud've already left!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kate 01-02-2004 02:21


Nothing is fine, nothing is fine
I'm still here, I'm still here
:lol: Good one. :done:

coolasfcuk 01-02-2004 02:23

psss Kate I revised the lyrics, lol... but both work I guess

oh god, all I need now is to get stoned and my lysrics will be even better.... oh.. and who knows... maybe Ivan will read this thread and i will get a T-Shirt :lol:

Unplugged 01-02-2004 02:26


Originally posted by coolasfcuk

Here is my song for today:

Nothing's Fine

The window is foggy, cold feet
The oven is on, my towel is wet
I need snow pants, my hair is still wet
The clock is ticking - nothing's done yet!

Nothing is done, nothing is done
I'm still here, I'm still here
Nothing is done, nothing is done
I'm still here ,you hear, and I shoud've already left!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


You crack me up, Chris!!!! :p

QueenBee 01-02-2004 02:33

coolasfcuk, wow, I envy you so much! Where do you get these brilliant words from? The way you form sentences is just breathtaking! :love: I suggest you enter the song "competition" where you will be competing against 2 other people who wanted signed t-shirts!

haku 01-02-2004 02:43

LMAO coolasfcuk! :D

That's great! "Nothing is done, i'm still here" :lol: I can really relate to that too.

thegurgi 01-02-2004 02:56

Am i the only one who actually likes those lyrics originally posted.

but i am a fan of people who wrote a lyrics like:
"Steal A Coin. You Leave Me"
"I sold memories for a bitter purpose"

Thanks for the update Ms. Beidar

transcend 01-02-2004 03:01

If you're not prepared to give proper credit and respect to songwriters, you don't deserve decent songs...I still can't believe this signed tshirt thing. It's got to be a joke, hasn't it...hasn't it?

denial 01-02-2004 03:05

Why do I like the lyric? :ithink:

Cools .. your's is nice but sound funny .. but their's sound serious.. *feels confuse*

Is this really the song for the album or just something to entertain us in the show? Dont have to reply .. I know no one has the answer.

*is learning to live between earth and sky ..or am I already there?* :rolleyes:

Thank you Kate for translation. :rose:

coolasfcuk 01-02-2004 03:34


Originally posted by haku
That's great! "Nothing is done, i'm still here" :lol: I can really relate to that too.
hehe thank you thank you people :10x: ... am now considering really enrolling my lyrics (witten in less than 40 secs) to that contest for the signed T-shirt :laugh:

but... i just wanted to tell you a story .. to show you how people can get confused so easily and assume things... and trust me, it was not done on purpose....

what Im saying is that everything i wrote was 100% true: the lyrics are about my day - I was supposed to go out shopping for ski gear since i am going skiing, but all day i was so lazy and did absolutelly nothing.. so nothing got done... i was still here and i was supposed to have left allready! it had nothing to do with tatu :lol: ... and my mom was cooking so the oven was on and because it is really cold out the windows were foggy... haha... and i had shower before that.. so my hair and towel were wet! :laugh: :lol:

sorry for the personal info but... i had to show you how easily people get mislead simple words.. that i didnt even think will mislead you :heh: so finding meaning in such writing is obviouslly harder than you think ... haha... god knows what those lyrics they were singing are all about! ;)

so denial, no my lyrics are not funny... it is the bare truth! I got nothing done today! BAH @ myself :rolleyes:

QueenBee 01-02-2004 03:36

coolasfcuk, hehehe.. Finally the truth is revealed! When will "Anatomy of Coolasfcuk" be out?? Then we can see how mistaken we are.. :P

And shame on you for not getting anything done :P

freddie 01-02-2004 03:42

Thanks for the translation Kate. :done:

Well it doesn't make much sense now... but look at it this way. If you'd try DIRECTLY translating some old russian Tatu songs they'd sound even weirder then this one does. It's hard to translate directly from one langauge to another, without completely losing the meaning (I mean, look at the Bible! :D)

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