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Amanda 09-04-2007 07:26

Learning Spanish
As we all know t.A.T.u. have a lot of Spanish speaking fans. I thought it'd be cool for us to have a Spanish learning thread, for those who wish to communicate with fans and/or understand t.A.T.u. Spanish fansites. :p Please, anyone who speaks Spanish is welcome to join us and help out!

Here are a few small, easily learnable phrases & words!

(I cannot guarantee 100% correction).

Hola - Hello
Buenos dias - Good day [Thanks itsme22]
Como estas? - How are you?
Bien, y tu? - Well, and you?
Gracias - Thanks
Adios - Goodbye
Si - Yes
De donde eres? - Where are you from?
Soy de USA - I am from USA [Thanks QueenBee]
Eres - You are
Estoy - I am
Soy - I'm / am
Yo - I
Amor - Love
Yo amo - I love
Muchacha - Girl
Muchacho - Boy
De - Of
Todos - All
Pero - But
Para - For
Sitio - Site
Amigos - Friends
Familia - Family
Tenga - Have

and most importantly for some :p
Yo no hablo Espanol - I don't speak Spanish
Yo no entiendo Espanol - I don't understand Spanish [Thanks anml]

Winkie 09-04-2007 21:53

Don't you have to put the pronounciation of the letters here too? I don't know, but that was one of the first things I learned in Spanish, the way to pronounce it.. Like "ll" sounds like "j", in for example "Lloret de Mar"..

QueenBee 09-04-2007 21:57


Dia bueno
I thought it was buenas dias?

And also,

Estoy de USA - I am from USA
I think it's actually "Soy de..." not "Estoy"... but I'm not quite sure


Don't you have to put the pronounciation of the letters here too? I don't know, but that was one of the first things I learned in Spanish, the way to pronounce it.. Like "ll" sounds like "j", in for example "Lloret de Mar"..
I think also some people pronounce "ll" as "lj", but again, I'm not sure... depends on what country we're speaking of.

As I said in the other thread, I've got some Spanish exercises I could put up. I got them because I sucked at Spanish so I got some extra help :laugh:

Winkie 09-04-2007 22:00

Yeah I've got my own Spanish exercises at home too.
Well, here in Holland for example. Well, just look at the word "Holland". It's pronounced with a double "L", which does not sound like Holjand or Hojand. That's what I mean. People in different countries have different pronounciations, so maybe they should be given, because Spanish really sounds like shit when you pronounce things the wrong way.


I think it's actually "Soy de..." not "Estoy"... but I'm not quite sure
You are right, as far as I know. First person singular is "Soy de". So it's "Soy de USA".


I thought it was buenas dias?
Also right.

Amy_Lee_Rocks 09-04-2007 22:25

Queen, and Winkie you both are right:)
And QueenBee you right about spanish being different in
several countries.:)

Yo quiero sabritas- I want chips
Yo quiero una naranja- I want an orange
Me gustan las muchachas- I like girls
Me gustan las mujeres- I like women
Me gustan los muchachos- I like boys
Me gustan los hombres- I like men
Este foro es divertido- This forum is fun
Me asustaste cabron!- You scared me .....!
Mira estupido no me andes hablando asi baboso- Look stupid dont be talking to me like that

You know, the bad words in spanish sound more insultive than the english badwords.
Badwords in spanish like cabron and baboso dont have translation in english, there are many more lol

Anyone want me to translate something?

Amanda 10-04-2007 01:30

Thanks for the corrections QueenBee and Winkie. I understand "Soy de USA". But one of my Mexican friends said Estoy was I'm, so, I figured maybe Estoy was easier to say. :confused: I'll edit the page with the corrections! Very helpful.

And Amy_Lee_Rocks, thanks for the sentences. :D

Speaking of curse words, is "Hijo de puta" a correct sentence? And is Miedra a correct word? Thanks! :gigi:

QueenBee 10-04-2007 01:32

TreIsCool32, I was always confused when it came to soy/estoy... but then again I was confused when it came to everything :p


"Hijo de puta"


And is Miedra a correct word?
I think it's Mierda (just a switch of letters)

Amanda 10-04-2007 01:38


Originally Posted by QueenBee (Post 347118)
TreIsCool32, I was always confused when it came to soy/estoy... but then again I was confused when it came to everything :p


I think it's Mierda (just a switch of letters)

I was never well at arrangements. :eek: It might be.

Also, I know a fun sentence: Tu madre. Your mom. :gigi:

anml 10-04-2007 01:42

Yay! something i can be useful in :p

Some corrections, well actually one: Its
Yo no entiendo Español - I do not undestand spanish ;)

Just in case, Soy is used like in: " I am a girl" "Soy una Mujer/muchacha/chica/etc" and Estoy like in: "Im in USA" "Estoy en USA"


Tu madre

Amanda 10-04-2007 01:49


Originally Posted by anml (Post 347120)
Yay! something i can be useful in :p

Some corrections, well actually one: Its
Yo no entiendo Español - I do not undestand spanish ;)

Just in case, Soy is used like in: " I am a girl" "Soy una Mujer/muchacha/chica/etc" and Estoy like in: "Im in USA" "Estoy en USA"

So entienda isn't correct? :spy: If so, is it an incorrect word - or just incorrect for that sentence? :dead:

haku 10-04-2007 01:50

'ser' and 'estar' both translates as 'to be', but they don't exactly mean the same thing in Spanish.


Contrasting Ser and Estar

The differences between ser and estar are considered to be one of the most difficult concepts to nonnative speakers. Both ser and estar translate into English as "to be" but they both express different ideas. These differences may be generalized so that ser expresses nature and estar expresses state.

Ser generally focuses on the essence of the subject but more specifically may be thought of in several ways including:
Time and date
Physical and personality traits

Estar generally focuses on the condition of the subject but more specifically may be thought of in several ways including:
Physical condition
Feelings and emotions

In English the sentence "The boy is bored" uses a different adjective than "The boy is boring". In Spanish the difference is made by the choice of ser vs. estar.
El chico es aburrido uses ser to mean a permanent trait or "The boy is boring"
El chico está aburrido uses estar to mean a conditional trait or "The boy is bored"

The same strategy is used to mean permanent or conditional trait of any adjective, vg.:
María es guapa uses ser to mean a permanent trait or "María is beautiful" (she was beautiful yesterday, and will be tomorrow)
María está guapa uses estar to mean a conditional trait or "María looks beautiful" (today, but it doesn't mean she is beautiful)

anml 10-04-2007 01:52

And incorrect word

Yo Entiendo - I undestand
Tu Entiendes - You undestand
Ella/El Entiende - He/She Undertands
Nosotros Entendemos - We Undestand
Ellos/Ellas Entienden - They Undenstand

So, its Yo no Entiendo ;)

itsme22 10-04-2007 02:00


Originally Posted by TreIsCool32 (Post 347011)
Buenas dias

It's buenos dias. Dia is masculine


Originally Posted by TreIsCool32 (Post 347123)
So entienda isn't correct?

"Entienda" is the polite imperative form.

And a little more clarification on "ser" and "estar":
"Ser" is usually used for permanent states of being, while "estar" is used for temporary states of being. One would say "Soy un hombre" - " I'm a man." In theory, being a man is a permanent state of being (though these days that can change). And one would say "Estoy feliz" - "I'm happy" because at this moment in time I'm happy. There are exceptions, but I can't think of any right now.

QueenBee 10-04-2007 02:01


Ella/El Entiende - He/She Undertands
That's where I would get confused.. because I would write "entienda" like "habla" (at least I think it's habla, LOL, I can't even remember the easiest parts... :dead: )

Also, you guys should totally download this awesome Spanish song that a guy sent to me. :p
It's dirty and awesome :gigi:

anml 10-04-2007 02:05

Ella Escribe - She Writes
Ella Escucha - She hears
Ella Come - She eats
Ella Juega - She plays
Ella Habla - She talks

In those cases, you should know the verb to know if it ends in "e" or in "a"

haku 10-04-2007 02:11


Originally Posted by QueenBee (Post 347128)
That's where I would get confused.. because I would write "entienda" like "habla" (at least I think it's habla, LOL, I can't even remember the easiest parts... :dead: )

Depends on the infinitive:

hablar > 'ar' ending > first verbal group

temer > 'er' ending > second verbal group

partir > 'ir' ending > third verbal group

entender has an 'er' ending but it's an irregular verb anyway.

anml 10-04-2007 02:14

lol, i guess i forgot tha rule :rolleyes:

Mary-sheccid 10-04-2007 02:30

Muchacha Hermosa- Beautiful Girl
Muchacha fea- Ugly Girl
Quiero besarte- I want to kiss you
Te Amo- I Love You
Tengamos Sexo- Let's have Sex
Pudrete- F*ck You
Me gusta el sitio de tatu- I like Tatysite
la gente del foro esta loca- Forum's people are Crazy.

Adiós! Besitos para todos!

Quiero comer un dulce de chocolate- I want to eat a chocolate candy..

-Adruz- 10-04-2007 04:15


Originally Posted by QueenBee (Post 347081)
I think also some people pronounce "ll" as "lj", but again, I'm not sure... depends on what country we're speaking of.

For example, in my country we pronounce the "ll" and the "y" like: "sh". Yo me llamo.. we pronounce -Sho me shamo-.

Is it ok to write sentences if they don't know how to conjugate them? :confused:

Amy_Lee_Rocks 10-04-2007 04:23


Originally Posted by Mary-sheccid (Post 347133)
Muchacha Hermosa- Beautiful Girl
Muchacha fea- Ugly Girl
Quiero besarte- I want to kiss you
Te Amo- I Love You
Tengamos Sexo- Let's have Sex
Pudrete- F*ck You
Me gusta el sitio de tatu- I like Tatysite
la gente del foro esta loca- Forum's people are Crazy.

Adiós! Besitos para todos!

Quiero comer un dulce de chocolate- I want to eat a chocolate candy..

Yo quiero chocolate:(

ok, i think this is funny..well see if u understand.

Mira, hijo de puta, no me andes hablando asi baboso, hijo de tu perra madre

Callate el osico pendejo mamon.

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