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forre 22-06-2003 04:20

Check your IQ [Test]
This is a scientifically based test. English language. I order to calculate your exact value the correct birthdate is required.

Good luck! :rose:

freddie 22-06-2003 04:26

If I try this tonight my IQ will probably be around 20

0newinged 22-06-2003 04:49

124, what's average?

edit: an "Insightful Linguist"

Tom Violence 22-06-2003 04:57

I managed 135. Considering I've now been awake for 24 hours solid, I'm fairly pleased with that. The last IQ test I did before that, I got all the answers right. Hark at me with my nack for irritating puzzles.

100 is average, Onewinged.

Uhaku 22-06-2003 04:59

126 - your Intellectual Type is: Visual Mathematician.

i think this test is inaccurate. i had always failed my math classes. -_-'......

Bitty2002 22-06-2003 06:08

Your IQ score is 138

Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher.

Dent 22-06-2003 16:07

126 too. Wow and my worst area is Matemathic ahuhauhauhua

jellyjoker 22-06-2003 16:38

Did you know?

71% of Insightful Linguists would be more tempted to see their main squeeze covered in whipped cream, than eat an ice cream sundae covered in whipped cream.

other that the above, test is a little off, 117? the last time I had an IQ test it was 129.

EeZeReal 22-06-2003 16:53

Wow..... 135 Being UI..... Something must be wrong... :ithink:

luxxi 22-06-2003 16:53

131 & Visual mathematician. Funny thing is I suck at math and was never good at pattern recognition.:dknow:

karxwp 22-06-2003 17:39

Your IQ score is 127 , visionary philosopher....last time I was "word master" and I had 130 I think my IQ has dropped a bit :P must be the lack of sleep....

Rachel 22-06-2003 21:06

I dread to know what mine is...not a good idea for me to take it!

crni 22-06-2003 21:39

131 & visual mathematician
ok, i guess...;)

ChrisG.1987 23-06-2003 05:59

ummm.....whats average...
myne is 118 and word warrior

YLuelniaa 23-06-2003 06:32

bah i am low compared to you smart people...maybe its because of all those number math type questions...i just guessed oh well

i got 109...joinin most of you folks

pacmangirl 23-06-2003 07:31

holy sh... I got 131.. last time I took one it was 112. Did anyone see that "Test America's IQ" (or something rather) show a little while ago.. that's the test I last took.
Facts Curator.. I duno about that.. :gigi:

denial 23-06-2003 07:37

Congratulations, Denial!
Your IQ score is 124

We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician.

This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

--> ngek...!!!

russkayatatu 23-06-2003 13:46

136. They think I'm a mathematician too :D Well, hmm, I guess that's OK ;)

Never had much faith in these tests, to be honest. But wow, if they're right, seems like lots of smart people like tatu. So forre, what about you? :)

Khartoun2004 23-06-2003 14:48

I got a 122. Is that good?

Ruivelle 23-06-2003 14:54

i got 127 and "Our analyses indicate that your Intellectual Type is: Precision Processor. This means that among other things, you have superior skill in mathematics."

HAHAHAHA !! but i hate mathematics .... physics is much better for me , HAHAHAHAHAHA !!! thx for the link anyway forre

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