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zebu 23-02-2005 12:18

Last movie you watched (Part 1)
since we dont already have a thread like this i thought it would be interesting and usefull to comment movies we see, recommend to see or not to see etc.

well last night i saw memento. its an unusual movie cos the story goes from end to beggining. the main character is a man who has no short-term memory so he takes pics of stuff, notes and tatoos important things to remember while trying to find his wifes murderer. with the story going backwards u never know what happened before kinda like that guy.

only movie with this backwards thing i seen before was irreversible but i think that the intervals were quite longer and its a totally diff movie so no real comparison.

anyway to all of u who havent seen it i recommend to see it, u may get lost a bit in it, but its a good movie diff than others and definitely worth seeing

marina 23-02-2005 12:41

True. Nice movie , i didn't understand what is going on in some parts though :confused:
zebu what happens to the guy in the end of all that ?

As for movies ..I like to watch them very much but I'm soooo lazy lately that I coudn't bother to see anything ....Could you believe it I have a pile of DVD near my table , waiting for me to watch :
Head in the clouds
Bridget jones2

and I haven't touch them yet. :blabla:

The last one I saw was Cellular. It was crap.

zebu 23-02-2005 12:57


True. Nice movie , i didn't understand what is going on in some parts though :confused:
zebu what happens to the guy in the end of all that ?
hmmm im not sure what happens, i think he gets that final tatoo "im done" that hes been leaving place for on his chest, it can be seen in one short scene with his wife. cos other times that he thought he killed the guy he always forgot and this time hell remember and maybe find his peace. im not sure either, thats the way i see it. i think everyone can make his on conclusion on what was happening and how it finished, thats the charm of this movie.

from ur list, ive seen closer, its a good movie but not as good as ppl told me, i think i had too high expectations. but a jude law movie is always worth watching :D

marina 23-02-2005 13:08

Thank you very much , zebu :)
peeps from russian side of this forum have been talking a lot about Closer . I think I should watch it pronto ))
My understanding of Memento is more less the same as yours ...It's kinda let to us to decide the end and make own conclusion...

taty994945 23-02-2005 13:57

The last one I saw was Halbe Miete. It's a low budget German movie about a computer hacker on the run. Pretty good though.

coolasfcuk 23-02-2005 16:06

Ahhhh "Memento"! :D I LOVE that movie. I've seen it YEARS ago, so i dont remember it in such detail as you do, zebu, as you've just seen it, but .... for what I remember this is how i understood the movie: It was all one BIG illusion. Our guy (Leonard) actually killed his wife, who was suffering from diabetes (or more like he was the one giving her the shots, but she still dies) ... this is why he keeps telling the Sammy Jankis story - I believe there is no Sammy Jankis, he made it up, so that he can justify what he is doing - which is: went nuts, made up the whole thing, and went for vengeance! Or more like HE is Sammy. All those other people tying to 'help' him, those are societies nasties, trying to take advantage of a guy who is 'sick'. You can see in the end (which in that movie is the chronological begining) that Leonard writes down the guy with the glasses license plate, and later in the tattoo place (or something like that) decides THIS IS THE KILLERS license plate :eek:
Anyways, it is a movie WORTH watching, and worth watching TWICE (so that you cantch all those little things). Actually me and my friend from school had an idea right after seeing the movie, to try to download it and cut the episodes in movie editing program and arrange then properly to watch the story unfold regularly, instead of backwards... never did it!

Originally Posted by marina
Head in the clouds
Bridget jones2

Seen Closer, BJ2, and Oceans12 ... ummm, all are ok, but nothing more. Like both BJ2 and Oceans11 better than the second ones.

Last movie I saw (excluding the second part of Serendipity we caught on TV last night) was "The Cuckoo":
I would definatelly recommend it, I laughed hard while watching it. Besides it is not often you get to hear Russian, Finnish, and Lapp language spoken simultaneously, as each of the 3 characters speaks in their native language and none of them speak any other languages. WAtching them inneract like that is nice and funny. I give it an 8 out of 10 :D

denial 23-02-2005 17:47

The Shutter ( Thailand ) - the scariest love story I've ever seen.
Mad House -
Saw -
Constantine -
Seoul Riders ( Chinese )
Himalaya Singh ( Chinese )

Crampaholic 23-02-2005 19:36

Ringu2... hide and seek.. mar adentro... really good movie
Ringu2 was weird... not really THAT good i prefer the first one, hide and seek ppl go watch it.. its a good thriller with that lil adorable girl dakota aww lol the poor thing must be traumatized after the movie LOL..
Mar adentro definitely the best one.. spanish movie that i recomend.. its about dignity.. about tihs guy that wants to die hes really sick.. cant do anything euthanasy (sorry for my spelling) is not legal... so he ends up......... GO WATCH IT

zebu 23-02-2005 19:54


Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
Ahhhh "Memento"! :D I LOVE that movie. I've seen it YEARS ago, so i dont remember it in such detail as you do, zebu, as you've just seen it, but .... for what I remember this is how i understood the movie: It was all one BIG illusion. Our guy (Leonard) actually killed his wife, who was suffering from diabetes (or more like he was the one giving her the shots, but she still dies) ... this is why he keeps telling the Sammy Jankis story - I believe there is no Sammy Jankis, he made it up, so that he can justify what he is doing - which is: went nuts, made up the whole thing, and went for vengeance! Or more like HE is Sammy. All those other people tying to 'help' him, those are societies nasties, trying to take advantage of a guy who is 'sick'. You can see in the end (which in that movie is the chronological begining) that Leonard writes down the guy with the glasses license plate, and later in the tattoo place (or something like that) decides THIS IS THE KILLERS license plate :eek:
Anyways, it is a movie WORTH watching, and worth watching TWICE (so that you cantch all those little things). Actually me and my friend from school had an idea right after seeing the movie, to try to download it and cut the episodes in movie editing program and arrange then properly to watch the story unfold regularly, instead of backwards... never did it!

well i also thought he killed his wife and made up stuff to make it easier for him, but maybe he killed her in some other way, maybe those shots im not so sure. yeah those ppl were taking advatage of him but he realises it at some point and gets rid of one of them by making notes that hes "the killer" and ends that vengance thing.

The Cuckoo, i cant find that film here :mad: they were showing it on this film festival i went to few years back and i wanted to see it but instead of getting tickets we were drinking and time passed and we missed it.ppl who saw it said it was great

coolasfcuk 23-02-2005 20:05


Originally Posted by zebu
well i also thought he killed his wife and made up stuff to make it easier for him, but maybe he killed her in some other way, maybe those shots im not so sure. yeah those ppl were taking advatage of him but he realises it at some point and gets rid of one of them by making notes that hes "the killer" and ends that vengance thing.

:D I think I need to re-rent that movie again .... i think I forgot a lot of details... and maybe then I will have a new interpretation :p


The Cuckoo, i cant find that film here
:( that sucks ... it is a great movie- Ive already seen it twice. I also had the advantage of knowing(understanding) what the Russian was saying ... and the Finnish guy is HOT! :gigi: I also watched the Special Features, which were interviews with the director and the 3 actors, and I was blown away how WELL the Finn was speaking Russian (and in such nice, articulate manner! :liplick: ) ... only to find out he studied Art and Theatre in St. Peterburg :)

p.s. and now i know how to say "You Understand?!" in Finnish too ... "ymmärtää?!" :gigi:

forre 23-02-2005 20:42

We saw Sam...I am´s so good...a beautiful movie...Sean Pean is simply GREAT...and Closer , this afternoon:bebebe: ...I mean , may be I have a bad version with too much cuts!..or I don´t understand something...I mean this movie has no wait and nothing happens...very deceiving for us...the actors play correctly but they aren´t wonderful...I don´t understand why Portman has got a prize...she plays well but that´s all..

Honu 23-02-2005 20:59

Constantine. First 30 minutes you'll probably go WTF?! 'cuz it jumps around all over the place. After that it's pretty good. If you watch, stay after the credits! There's one last scene that kinda adds to the story.

kishkash 24-02-2005 02:17


Originally Posted by zeboo
anyway to all of u who havent seen it i recommend to see it, u may get lost a bit in it, but its a good movie diff than others and definitely worth seeing

Yer Yer ... i saw momento whilst very drunk in the company of other very drunk people...we understood it but a lot of it was lost coz we kept going DOOD he's tattooing himself..DOOD he's hot...DOOD that girl is gonna mess up his life...

anyway the last move i saw was....*drumroll* SCARface....nah i josh...that was one for u zeboo

1| Saw
2| Les Invasions Barbares
3| Hitch
4| Hide and Seek
5| Finding Neverland
6| Bride & Prejudice


Originally Posted by crampy
Mar adentro

a friend of mine saw it last night at carleton cinemas...and said it was EH after i expressed my interest in it. Oh well....maybe he's just a picky bastard as i have always suggested.

warx 24-02-2005 03:29

last movie??


XSpex 24-02-2005 05:37

For me it was "My life without me", I liked it, it's a sort of art film, Pedro Almodovar is the producer so I knew it was going to be very drama before I watched it.
It's about a young girl who is going to die of cancer, so she decides to do things before. She do this kind of selfish things, like cheating on her husband, but who can blame her, it's her last chance, she won't have a future.
I like it for that, the story is good, dramatic. The actress Sarah Polley is very good, young and beautiful and I could totally believe she was going through this process of dying.
Visually I also find the film atractive, it's different from other movies, specially from hollywood movies.

Shakrin 24-02-2005 06:33

hmm.. i haven't went out to the movies for a while. the last movie i ever saw in the movie theaters was "The Notebook". I thought it was a cute movie. :p

febrika 25-02-2005 04:53

high art - :epopcorn:
head in the clouds - quite boring :o
if only - made me cry :cry:
meet the fockers - hillarious! :D

zebu 25-02-2005 14:23

diarios de motocicleta, movie bout che guevara when he was travelin round south america while still a student. the movie is nice, u get to see lots of nature and bernal :D but for me it was at moments a bit boring and it seems like the movie idolizes him a bit too much for my taste. still id say go see it if ure interested in che and if u love him ull probably love the movie too, also its not the part of his life that all other movies and shows r bout so its interesting.

taty994945 25-02-2005 14:40

I just saw 'Sisters' on's some Russian mafia movie starring the girl from Lilya 4-ever. She plays a sniper on the run from thugs and she has to protect her little sister. :D It was ok.

Mossopp 26-02-2005 21:15

I saw The Spongebob Squarepants Movie at the cinema yesterday afternoon.
I only went to kill some time - it was that or hang around the St. Enoch Centre all day - but it actually turned out to be a pretty good film. I even laughed out loud a few times which is not something I usually do at the cinema.
The only bad thing is that now I can't get that fucking "Goofy Goober" song out of my head... :rolleyes:

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