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Obie 09-05-2006 21:22

Gangs, Positive or Negative?
I saw an episode of a TV show where they talked about gangs,,, this people said some of them like Lating Kings, are actually social organizations which care for their people advancement,,, (as they say) they're against bad treatment, discrimination,,,, but some of them have been engaged in criminal activities. I read this article in Wikipedia which can help you if you need more info.


Wikipedia ; The Latin Kings started out as a social organization for the advancement of the Puerto Rican community in the Chicago area in the 1940s. The organization spread nationally, and by the 1970s it came to be dominated by individuals engaged in criminal activity, in particular, narcotics trafficking.

Members of the Latin Kings identify themselves with the colors gold and black, the five pointed star or the initials ALKN (Almighty Latin King Nation). Some have tattoos of royal crowns (a common symbol for the gang) on their bodies. The Latin kings also use a symbol called "The Master" which is a picture of a Kings head with one tear drop. The Latin Kings wear beads around their necks in a pattern of five black and five gold.

Today, the Latin Kings are associated with the People Nation and is one of the most violent street gangs in the United States. The Chicago Crime Commission estimates that there are over 20,000 Latin Kings in the Chicago area alone. Latin Kings are also found on the East Coast, Puerto Rico, Mexico, South America, and Madrid. This last set has proven controversial, however, as many Puerto Ricans regard Spaniards as white European oppresors rather than part of the "Latino brown" community. Still it should not be forgotten that there are Latin American barrios even in Madrid.
thanks to

So you knew this side of gangs,,, what do you think now?

Sabeena 09-05-2006 21:58

Gangs can have the good side to them and the bad side.. good side is.. it provides you with some sort of protection, bad side.. mostly associated with violence and can ge you into a lot of trouble at times but thats only from personal experiences, other than that i dont really know enough to make up my mind :ithink:

haku 09-05-2006 22:21

LOL @ gangs being 'social organizations'… seriously people?

Gangs are criminal organizations, they deal (drugs and weapons), they racket, they rob, they rape, they murder… Do you really think that's what a social organization is supposed to do? (If in doubt read the Red Cross charter, i'm pretty sure it says that dealing, racketing, robbing, raping and murdering are things that a social worker are *not* supposed to do.) :rolleyes:

Kyro 09-05-2006 22:30

The only good things I can see about gangs are the feeling of belonging, support and protection one would have being a part of one. For society as a whole I would say they are a bad thing, but I don't really know enough to say anything more than that.

Obie 09-05-2006 22:42

so,, more people know as much as me about gangs :D

dradeel 09-05-2006 22:44


Originally Posted by Kyro
The only good things I can see about gangs are the feeling of belonging, support and protection one would have being a part of one. For society as a whole I would say they are a bad thing, but I don't really know enough to say anything more than that.

That's true, and I agree. It's because gangs are a reality that some people need the feeling of belonging and the protection, cause they need a protection against rivalling gangs. If there were no gangs there would be ALOT LESS robberies and violence! Especially in big cities where it's a big problems - in the ghettoes and where not. Gangs are negative, period. It's only positive for the ignorant people who actually feel needed to join one. And that's not really positive, they simply don't know better, and perhaps they've been threatened by the gang to join... We don't need any gangs at all!

Rachel 10-05-2006 07:42

People only join gangs if they have (or plan) to do something illegal. So yeah, it's about protection after your illegal activities. After all, no one is gonna do anything back to you if you have a huge group of people who would kick the shit out of the other person.

nath 10-05-2006 07:56

I agree with haku, dradeel and Rachel.
Think that "idea" that you're a "Man" because you belong to a gang is absolutely dangerous.

marina 10-05-2006 10:38


Originally Posted by nath
I am with haku, dradeel and Rachel.

So you are all in one gang , right ?:D

QueenBee 10-05-2006 10:48

marina, LOL!

The word "gang" symbolizes a criminal organization, does it not? It's not like Greenpeace go around calling themselves a gang.

So, gangs as they are these days, are dangerous and criminal. Such as TLK which you mentioned, obviously nothing right with those.

Having to seek the feeling of protection in a gang isn't positive either. You're just fooling yourself. I bet as soon as you have a gun pointed to your head your dear gangfriends will run from the scene. :rolleyes:

Who the hell considers them social organizations anyway? People who are afraid they will get their asses beaten if they say otherwise?

freddie 10-05-2006 14:46

It's obviously all down to interpretation on what a gang really is.

Lets see what the dictionary says:
1. A group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.
2. A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
3. Informal A group of people who associate regularly on a social basis: The whole gang from the office went to a clambake.
4. A group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson: a railroad gang.

So obviously the first two definitions associate the word with criminality. And that's probably what most of us think of when we hear the word "gang". It's the most common use of the word so any other meaning (eventhough it validly exists) would sound odd. Like saying someone's gay? The first thing popping into your head wouldn't be that they're "happy", would it? ;)

robbie 10-05-2006 16:04

I'm scared of all gangs :p

PowerPuff Grrl 10-05-2006 16:12

When the Italian Mafia first set up shop in the States it was pretty much because the police in cities like NYC, Chicago, Philidelphia, etc. didn't really police Italian neighbourhoods thus leaving them vulnerable to robbery, which happened often. The Mafia would then offer their services of proctection to these neighbourhoods for a fee. So, I can see this as being a social positive.

I think it was only when the Mafia branched out to illegal trade like drugs, firearm and prostitution that's when dead bodies start falling due to all of the eventual turf wars from rival gangs. And this pretty much is the situation with gangs now.

The Hell's Angels, once a notorious gang, are pretty much harmless now in Canada, particularly Montreal. Though they are known to distribute some drugs, they have been able to broker peace with other gangs and have helped maintain a ceasefire. Judging by what people have said about accidentally encountering a Hell's Angel member, they sound like the nicest people alive.

PS: When seeing the title of this thread my first thought was "Now what can be so wrong about Scooter Gangs?".

xmad 10-05-2006 18:56


Originally Posted by Rachel
People only join gangs if they have (or plan) to do something illegal.

If something is illegal that doesnt mean that's something wrong.Maybe the rule needs changing.

forre 10-05-2006 19:07

Social association like any other but their activities have a negative character. That's why they are called gangs and not a sect or a business team.

Obie 10-05-2006 19:16


Originally Posted by robbie
I'm scared of all gangs :p

So am I :( !,,, I'm scared of them 'cause they're dangerous,, at least in my country we haven't seen yet anything positive,,,, there are innocent people killed everyday by these guys fighting each other,,,, they even kill underage kids who don't want to enter in their gang or want to quit when they're inside.

I was watching this program where they say some things are said about them are not true,,,, they say they're like family, they protect each other... but, they also commit these crimes, which are not justified.


xmad,; If something is illegal that doesnt mean that's something wrong.
In most of the cases, something illegal is absolutely wrong !, but there are also some things which governments punish which don't make sense,,, for example; in my country they've just forbbiden people to take someone else in their motorcycles,,, it doesn't make sense,,,,, but some things are forbidden to avoid something worse.

QueenBee 10-05-2006 19:35


xmad,; If something is illegal that doesnt mean that's something wrong.
But even if something is legal, it doesn't make it right... so it's the other way around aswell. I think it's just a matter of personal opinion. For example I'd like to be able to buy cigarettes legally even though I'm under the age here in Sweden, while in Denmark they sell cigarettes to people from the age 16 and up. But of course that is just my personal opinion as I am a smoker. :dknow:

Legalize weed! :lol:

Rachel 10-05-2006 21:02


Originally Posted by xmad
If something is illegal that doesnt mean that's something wrong.Maybe the rule needs changing.

You telling me gangs are there to do good deeds? :rolleyes:

Oh yes, lets legalise murder, what a fantastic friendly act that is :rolleyes:

Obie 10-05-2006 21:28


Originally Posted by Rachel
lets legalise murder, what a fantastic friendly act that is :rolleyes:

Some of you want to murderer anyone who messes with Yulia, so what's the problem :dknow: ???????

Rachel 10-05-2006 21:30

I don't want to murder anyone.

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