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Kate 10-10-2004 23:44

Rumor has it that teeny runs a top secret animal hybrid/cloning farm in her backyard. :eek: Her latest animal hybrid is a little (about a size of a chicken) pink, soft & fuzzy elephant. :love:

Crampaholic 11-10-2004 01:32

I heard that katbeidar is wearing undies with holes on them :eek:

Kate 11-10-2004 02:05

Crampaholic, don't give me any ideas. Lol. :heh: :laugh:

My secret sources tell me that Crampaholic is planning to have breast implants!

zebu 11-10-2004 11:37

i overheard katbeidar chose the size of crampaholics implants :eek:

marina 11-10-2004 15:34

word on the street , guys , that zebu's latest hairdo -- a short hair style perm ...afro :eek:

DAZ 11-10-2004 17:34

Don't tell anyone but Marina actually got her name as she likes to be tied to boats :eek:
She is also seen cruising round Harbour bars on a regular basis

Mossopp 11-10-2004 19:05

Don't tell anyone but Daz actually got his name as he is obsessed with the popular brand of washing power. Rumours that he is currently devising a new 'door-step challenge' are unconfirmed as yet.

teeny 11-10-2004 20:47

did you hear that mossopp is considering a parttime job as a flower girl at weddings, so that she can visit the flowershop each day? :rose:

Mossopp 12-10-2004 22:58

Did you know that teeny's obsession with baseball caps is due to the fact that she is actually completely bald and has to constantly wear a hat in public so noone finds out?

Unplugged 13-10-2004 03:34

Hey, I heard Mossopp has a fetish with parachute pants

Kate 13-10-2004 05:12

In was mentioned to me that staringelf likes to howl at the full moon. :gigi: It's like a hobbie to him.

Crampaholic 13-10-2004 17:43

I heard that katbeidar has a problem with her bladder so when she laughes really hard she usually pees her pants

Mossopp 14-10-2004 23:02

I heard that Crampaholic is addicted to sherbert dips and goes into convulsions if deprived of a constant sugar-rush.


Originally Posted by staringelf
Hey, I heard Mossopp has a fetish with parachute pants

*gasp* How did you know??!!
*sings* This is a song about the parachute pants that I learned to breakdance in and thought I was good... :p

teeny 14-10-2004 23:11

I've heard that mossopp now wear a cap all the time :) :lalala: :kwink:
true yeah? if not.. how often should the rumors be corrected into? :gigi:

haku 14-10-2004 23:32

I've heard that teeny is obsessed with Lisa Scott-Lee's new "car wash" video and watches it on repeat. :p


Originally Posted by Crampaholic
I heard that haku was a cheap swinger who only sleeps with old and saggy ladies

It's rare that i'm accused of preferring *old* women. :D

teeny 14-10-2004 23:36

i've heard that hakus avatar is the result of him trying to draw a cool redhead gone wrong.. now it's down to looking cool

Perhaps I should try locating that song tomorrow so I know what the rumours are about that least :p

haku 14-10-2004 23:41


Originally Posted by teeny
Perhaps I should try locating that song tomorrow so I know what the rumours are about that least

Here :D

teeny 15-10-2004 10:31

lol.. thank you for clearing up that rumour. I like Ana - We Are vid better though :lalala:

Mossopp 15-10-2004 13:01

Did you know that teeny eats 3 cans of cat food every day because she believes it gives her magical powers?

marina 15-10-2004 13:52

Do you know that annoying girl from the Scottish Power who banging on your door every Saturday--Sunday morning , bothering you ...asking if you would like to pay the bill for gas and electricity in one go and blah blah blah ...And you tell her to bugger off!!! was Mossopp !

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