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haku 12-03-2004 20:54

"Tatu in Podnebesnaya": the end of the game
"Tatu in Podnebesnaya": the end of the game

On 11 March, Ivan Shapovalov, former producer of scandalous group Tatu and creator of the show "Tatu in Podnebesnaya", had invited all the participants in the project, some guests, and journalists in hotel "Peking". The occasion was that the project "Tatu in Podnebesnaya" had come to an end, but without the Tatu girls themselves.

Ivan Shapovalov had invited both unknown and famous people, not related to music. For example, writer Edward Limonov and artist Oleg Kulik who were invited by Shapovalov have never been really interested in Tatu's music.

As usual with Ivan Shapovalov and as he proudly announced at the beginning of the evening, everything happened with no prepared scenario. Holding a microphone, he joyfully talked about the absence of present, past, future and time in general. Then, followed closely by a cameraman, he went from guest to guest in Podenebasnaya and abruptly asked them questions like "Who are you?" or "Are you engaged?" (using informal you, haku) The faces of the persons interrogated, sometimes replaced by "Space-TV" staff, were shown in close-ups and projected directly on the walls of Podenebasnaya.

Once the first part of the guests was interrogated, Ivan Shapovalov called a small break: he wanted to present to the guests a song from the "Podnebesnaya" collection that was recorded during "Tatu in Podnebesnaya". The first track of the collection was the immortal monologue of zazivali (?, haku) from Robert Rodriguez's film "From dusk till dawn", set in music. The song turned out energetic enough.

Then the presentation of guests continued, among them were many journalists, including some foreigners, and some young musicians. The second track of the Podenebasnaya collection is a song by Tatu about bunnies and squirrels, obviously recorded before the quarrel between the girls and Shapovalov.

Ivan did not make any comments on the absence of the Tatu girls except to say "Only stupid viewers need the girls". Only one foreigner who didn't understand the event mentioned the girls though.

While i was in Posnebesnaya everything followed the same pattern: presentation of guests alternated with demonstration of the musical creations of the participants in the collection. Some songs were very bright and catchy, some visitors were amusing and direct. All in all i did not have the time to get bored, maybe because i left Podnebesnaya early enough. On the other hand, the most interesting from Shapovalov could happen later. For example, the presentation of the long-awaited Tatu's second album.

Now hopes are on TV: on 14 March at 23:00 channel STS will show the ending of "Tatu in Posnebesnaya". I think, it will be interesting.

Irina Krot

Translated by haku for


thegurgi 12-03-2004 21:30

very interesting, Thanks Haku

Everything Does Slightly Rest on What happens on Sunday.... I'm certainly impatient waiting for Sunday as well....

forre 12-03-2004 21:46

haku, Thank you very much! Nothing will happen on Sunday. t.A.T.u. are looking for a new team and checking the new possibilities. Yulia said herself that it doesn't matter what new songs Ivan will come with, we are not going to work with him any more.

We'll see though how it will end. t.A.T.u. in Podnebesnaya turned into another projects. Maybe it's worth to follow them. Maybe not. Maybe Ivan lost his touch. According to Yulia, Ivan created t.A.T.u., he had all ideas and everything was good until now, when the man went nuts.

RowerB 12-03-2004 22:12

Re: "Tatu in Podnebesnaya": the end of the game
Thanks very much for the translation haku.

Originally posted by haku
On the other hand, the most interesting from Shapovalov could happen later. For example, the presentation of the long-awaited Tatu's second album.
I still think Ivan could announce a new tatu album. He must have enough songs recorded by them to make one.

nasnedagoniat 12-03-2004 22:36

Shockingly, I'd actually like to hear the music from the Pod-CD. These new artists sounded very interesting on Echo Moscow, especially the 15 year old Helya(or whatever). I think T.a.T.u.'s music is some of the best in Russia (as well as the rest of the world) and it's partially because of Ivan, so I'm looking forward to hearing what else he has to offer. I believe there is actually some truth in his words "only the stupid people need the girls". I guess he is referring to the people who only like T.a.T.u. because of the controversial image and not the music. (And that most people don't really even know the girls personally). If one thinks about the music of T.a..T.u. and blocks out Lena and Yulia, one could come to appreciate good music in general......, good music that happens to be performed by other artists underneath Ivan's wings.;)

I see what he is trying to do, and (shoot me) I like it. Life is too short to just sit still, and I understand that someone from his background would know this more than moi. He could fail, but that's life, it's all about taking risks. If you don't take risks, you don't gain anything. He took a risk on creating T.a.T.u. and gained some success. So, why not go with the flow and risk more, which can pave the way for further successes.:coctail: (Warning: Toe stepping is a vital part of this process (Angry T.a.T.u fans))

forre 13-03-2004 01:20

Yulia and Lena won’t return to Shapovalov
A party, dedicated to the end of the reality show t.A.T.u. In Podnebesnaya took place in the Pekin Hotel. All the attention was drawn to the former t.A.T.u. producer Ivan Shapovalov. “The former” – because it all became clear that there won’t be any return. The t.A.T.u.-girls didn’t even bother to show up. Ivan himself, tried not to show that the absence of Yulia and Lena touches him in any way. “There’s no past and there’s no future”, repetitively said Ivan. Just not to put a bad spell with his “no future” – as Ivan is on his way to launch a new project, which was presented to the audience. The new image is a shy, 12-year old girl Helya.

- I like what Ivan is doing, said Helya confused. – Of course, it’s pity that there’s no more t.A.T.u. but I’m sure that everything will be fine between me and Ivan.

The presentation of the compilation CD was arranged in a form of “let’s get known each other”. From one side Shapovalov was demonstrating the compilation CD, from another – a special person was interrogating the guests who and what they were. Ivan was sitting all the evening by the control panel of a studio mixer, speculating about new songs and the legalisation of drugs.

Having languished of beers and tequila, close to Shapovalov people were whispering secrets standing by the windows of the penthouse. They were speaking about that no one of the Russian artists had managed to get such money (the girls and Shapovalov brought 2 millions dollars fron Japan). They said that such money was enough for recording the new album and much more. Instead, Shapovalov started to play games and went too far. Right after their return from Japan it all became clear that the girls will leave Shapovalov – recording of the album failed, the TV show turned boring and another projects suffered a fiasco. One of the close friends of Shapovalov’s told a killing story. Ivan hired an OMON platoon to lead the “presidential” action. When everything failed there, he decided to go together with platoon to an auto-salon to get his newly purchased BMW X-5 series. As a result, the store personnel got that much scared of OMON, that they began to destroy some documents. Anyway, Ivan got his car.

Sam Vitalkin, March 12, 2004

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda
Translation: Team

Shapovalov and Helya

haku 13-03-2004 02:06

Thanks a lot for the article forre :rose:

A lot of articles today :D


Originally posted by forre
The new image is a shy, 12-year old girl Helya.
Wow! She's only 12! Ivan is taking them younger and younger. :spy:

Lux 13-03-2004 03:48

aw that's a shame :(

freddie 13-03-2004 10:52

Thanks Forre & Hau. :done:

Such confusion. What the hell is going on? I still don't understand if the new album will be released or not. The various artist one won't be the real thing, right? I mean, there are enough tatu songs recorded for strickly a Tatu album. Will Neformat give up on that if the girls defLct elsewhere?
About this girl... 12 years? Oh my. :eek: I odn't belive there'd be much success for this child though. All other projects Ivan did besides Tatu were way more obscure. Like that Katja girl who was supposed to be tatu back up in Tanlin for Eurovision.

Mossopp 13-03-2004 13:58

Ivan is becoming quite the cradle-snatcher, isn't he?! :spy:

warx 14-03-2004 03:39

OH!!! :(

tnx forre..:p

QueenBee 14-03-2004 04:01

This reminds me of some scary movie..
Like, a psychopath with terrific ideas goes insane!
Aah. Save yourselves :p

Thanks alot for the info Haku and Forre and whoever contributed. :rose:

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