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nath 25-01-2005 19:59

Oscar 2005
The Nominees list for Oscar are here for 2005
The ceremony will take place the sunday february 27th 2005

teeny 25-01-2005 20:11

Oh yeah.. great idea with an Oscar thread this year aswell :done:

Yet another year where I actually haven't seen most of the movies, since they only just arrived to Denmark this month (or in February even).
I actually thought that "the passion of the Christ" would get more nominations than just 3.
Hope that "The Incredibles" will win for Best Animation feature. Even though Shrek 2 was quite funny aswell, The Incredibles just shined a bit brighter.

Morgan Freeman is long overdue for an Oscar. I haven't seen any of the movies nominated in supporting act, but I will be cheering for Freeman for sure.

Actually.. looking down the list.. in most cases where I've actually seen one of the movies nominated I haven't seen any of the other in the same category. It'll be kinda boring to follow it then. But it's been planned already though. Mia will be visiting the same evening, and we'll be up all night watching. Perhaps make a drinking game out of it. If we can agree to some other rules than "Mia guessing it wrong - Tina drinking"

PowerPuff Grrl 25-01-2005 20:57

As much as I hate him, Jim Carrey was totally robbed this year. His performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was one of the very few that impressed me last year. In fact that entire movie was robbed this year.

I have seen a number of films nominated; though Sideways is apparently a sleeper hit I found it to be underwhelming. A lot of the films were actually quite underwhelming; Finding Neverland, Hotel Rwanda (though Don Cheadle was alright), Kinsey, and The Aviator (though Dicaprio redeemed most of it surprisingly next to Cate Blanchett who was, for once, horrible).

I'm surprised by some of the nominees; Sophie Okonedo in Hotel Rwanda and Catalina Sandino Moreno in Maria Full of Grace. Both were great (especially Moreno) but no way in hell are they going to win. The Oscars have the tendency to nominate a diverse group of actors but when it comes to them actually winning, :rolleyes:.

Maybe this year will be differently with Jamie Foxx winning for lead actor, because I swear to God I will stop watching this shit forever if he doesn't. I don't really like him, but dagnabit he was good.

People who should not win:
-Clint Eastwood; neither a good actor nor director.
-Johnny Depp; great actor, robbed many, many times but Finding Neverland sucked ass and even an actor as cool as he (and Kate Winslet) couldn't save it.
-Natalie Portman; because I just plain do not like her. Yep, that should be reasonable enough.

teeny 25-01-2005 21:09


Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
-Clint Eastwood; neither a good actor nor director

I disagree a bit there. If Peter Jackson wasn't in the director group last year I think Clint Eastwood should have won for Mystic River.

Think it'll either be Clint Eastwood or Martin Scorsese that wins this year. Since Scorsese never wins.. Well, you better start preparing yourself :heh:

PowerPuff Grrl 28-02-2005 06:46

My God!
This Oscar year was even worse than the last! I keep swearing to myself that I'll never watch another one again. Now, God damnit, I just think I will.

Next time I watch it'll be with Steve Martin hosting, the man never fails. Chris Rock disappointed me.

PS: Sean Penn, TAKE A F*CKING JOKE you humourless bastard.

thegurgi 28-02-2005 08:18

I just can't believe the Oscars ended BEFORE Midnight, usually it runs so much later.

I was really happy about Eternal Sunshine winning "Best Original Screenplay." Kate should have won for actress, did Swank really need one again? In fact did that whole movie need to win at all? ESOSM was so original in every aspect, it gets 2 nods, but a f'king Eastwood movie wins 4 and gets 7 nods which follows every formula in the booket ... seems backwards.

I always disagree with the winner of best song, the choir should have won in my opinion.

I actually thought this show was better than the last years i've seen, but i'm still shocked it ended before midnight.

teeny 28-02-2005 13:13

Without having seen any of either ESOSM or MDB I think Kate should have won aswell. Damn

Best song was a bit of a downer. The worst song won. Seemed to me like any of the other could have won. Oh well..

At least I guessed some right durring the evening...


Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
Steve Martin hosting, the man never fails

wtf?? Steve Martin? Give me Billy Crystal hosting every year and I'm happy

coolasfcuk 28-02-2005 15:54


Originally Posted by thegurgi
" Kate should have won for actress, did Swank really need one again? In fact did that whole movie need to win at all?

:eek: Im sorry, but I have to disagree. I think Swank deserves both her Oscars - she IS good! And this isnt just because I presonally dont like that Kate one bit.
I actually just saw Million Dollar Baby on Friday night - it is a good movie, maybe not as great as the Oscars made it look, but definatelly worth seeing. And I have to say, I did enjoy Eastwood - I thought he did a good job. And Morgan Freeman is always very pleasant to watch :D
I havent seen Sideways yet, but I am sad Alexander Payne didnt win more as he is a local homie :gigi:

EDIT: Oh my god, how sweet is this! I just went to thte local news site ( ), and found out something I didnt know. Swank is ALSO a local homie! :chupa: born and grew up in the town I went to college in. Now I like her even more if she made it from the trailer park in Lincoln to 2 oscars :D and now i see how she was the PERFECT actress for Boys Dont Cry.

teeny 28-02-2005 17:29


Originally Posted by coolasfcuk
And Morgan Freeman is always very pleasant to watch

yeah I'm so glad Morgan Freeman finally won.
One of the best parts of not having the fortune to have seen most of the nominated movies this year I could cheer for those I think should have won, instead of those that might have deserved the award.

Just returned from local blockbuster and I bought Eternal Sunshine... I hope it's as good as my friend said it is.. hehe. Million Dollar Baby haven't arrived at danish cinema yet. It's one of the problems with the oscar expected movies having late premiers. Always means that they will start showing here just around the award show or afterwards.

thegurgi 28-02-2005 17:41

i'm sorry we disagree about the "Swank Factor" ... i just don't care for her... plus i have a propensity for hot british chicks (but i like Bulgarians as well, hehe)

Teeny, i hope you enjoy Eternal Sunshine, the movie isn't for everyone, but i really love it.

another movie completely snubbed by the oscars is "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra"... go rent this movie ASAP.... so goood

teeny 28-02-2005 20:11


Originally Posted by thegurgi
Teeny, i hope you enjoy Eternal Sunshine, the movie isn't for everyone, but i really love it.

I did enjoy it a lot :D I did have to adjust a bit to the way of thinking but once there I loved it.

Love the fact that The Incredibles won for best animated feature. Was a bit confused for a long time if I wanted Shrek 2 or TI to win, but after having reseen Shrek 2 I like TI better. Both are funny, only TI has a better flow durring the storyline.

thegurgi 28-02-2005 23:01

i was perturbed that all the nominations for best Animated feature with computer, i was hoping for there to be something traditional

teeny 28-02-2005 23:18

well even Disney have skipped the traditional animated by now. So I guess it'll mostly be computeranimated features from now on. But if it's Pixar or Dreamworks I won't be complaining

thegurgi 28-02-2005 23:32

i'd just like to see some lesser known studio at least get some kind of recognition... like maybe something from miyazaki... and at least last year we had "triplets of belleville"... it's like, there's much more to animation than Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks

teeny 28-02-2005 23:54


Originally Posted by thegurgi
it's like, there's much more to animation than Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks

well in Denmark we rarely see any other than those 3. If we do it's Danish movies which can be just as great. We have one animated feature this year called "Terkel i knibe", which was really really funny. - if one have the possibility to do so, then check it out. I think there is an English voice track at the dvd. Don't know if the translation is any good though.

thegurgi 01-03-2005 00:15

those films made by these non-big-3 like that in denmark are exactly what should be nominated for Oscars... i mean, 2 dreamworks movies were nominated... gah

I'm going to be meeting the woman who directed Shrek 2 in the upcoming weeks, i might ask her about that

teeny 01-03-2005 12:38

the trouble with the danish one might have been that it was not political correct. It kinda showed children what they shouldn't do and say and didn't really have any moral lesson to it.. hehe.
It even got banned from being showed in Norwegian schools since it was said that the kids wouldn't know it was being ironic.

But anyway.. even if Terkel was nominated I would be hoping for TI. So it's just about the same to me :heh: But let us know what she thinks about the situation, Greg :D

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