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haku 14-02-2004 21:58

Tatu in Podnebesnaya. Releases from 14.02.04 and 15.02.04. [aka Eps. 9 & 10]
Artem posted this report on the Russian side, many thanks. :rose:

Now we need someone to translate. :D :rose:

Дайджест выпуска 14 февраля (всех с днем св.Валентина):
На прошлой неделе: Советы Троицкого.Кипер открывает тайну создания Тату. Цитаты из чата.
Содержание выпуска:
Шапа получил уведомление от адвокатской конторы Яковлев & Партнеры, а в частности от самого Яковлева, представляющего интересы Ю.О.Волковой и Катиной об одностороннем расторжении контракта с Неформатом подписанного в 2002 году.
Причина - систематическое невыполнение продюссероской компанией своих обязятельств, както:
1) Не желание подписывать договор о распространении альбома с Юниверсалом, или любой другой Рекордс Компанией,
2) Не представление отчетов о получаемых прибылях и как следствие нерегулярные выплаты солисткам.

Шапа звонит девчонкам. Юля не отвечает. Она в трусах разгуливает по квартире, демонстрируя Манскому то тапочки, то постельное белье, то давая слово отцу.
Лена отвечает и отказывается от его предложений "спеть" ссылаясь на извещение.
Бобза тщетно пытается скрыть растерянность. Он уверен что без денег они не остануться. Лого и все гонорары все-равно остаются у них.
Предложение произвести замену солисток встречает отпор со стороны ИШа.
Бобза обсуждает с Цекало (исп.прод.СТС) и ген.дир.СТС дальнейшую возможность продолжения реалити-шоу.
Под конец блока выясняется что денег сейчас оказывается у Неформата нет и не плохо бы продать машину...
На следующий день, Шапа наконец врубается что все серьезно. Понимает что главную претензию (не выплата гонораров) можно и выполнить, но Юниверсал отказывается предоставить отчеты Неформату.
Яковлев и Партнеры проводят собрание всех лиц участвующих в группе и правообладателей, приглашены все, кроме ИШа. Повестка собрания: Отстранение ИШа от продюссерских обязаностей и (!) его снятие с поста ген.директора Неформата.
Бобза после собрания вышел очень растроеным, сказав что его доводы никто не хотел слушать. Манский выводит его на откровенный разговор, из которого понятно - он совсем не готов к такому повороту.
Шапа прослушивает какую-то полуциганку на предмет записи ее альбома. Он серьезно решает это сделать.
Относительно Тату он все-таки думает о продолжении проекта, пусть даже и без него, но с Неформатом.
В студии появляется 7Б, а затем мы видим разговор Шапы с Трахтенбергом, Роман помоему остался недоволен разговором. Шапе как обычно по...
И в общем под конец: Шапа с Бобзой и Манским на полном серьезе обдумывают в рамках проекта записать не один, а три альбома: Наташин (в цыганском стиле), Поднебесная (авторский сборник из присланных), Тату.
Когда Манский говорит о том что девчонки не будут петь, Шапа и Бобза обсуждают возможность кастинга...

Цирк продолжается. Советую держать ушки в остро.

PS про автомат: шапа действительно держал в руках что-то похожее на пулемет, после получения извещения.

thegurgi 14-02-2004 22:32

Superflous Thread!

You know i haven't seen a single episode of this and i'm excited for this one. It makes me feel weird....

The Gurgi Anxiously Awaits a Report. The Episode should have ended like .5 hours ago.

haku 14-02-2004 22:42

From what i understand, Yulia and Lena do want Ivan out of the project and even out of Neformat. I think.

They want to break the contract because:
The recording of the album did not occur in time.
Ivan did not pay them (not enough?)

And also, on the Russian side people are saying that Ivan organized the lookalike contest to find replacements for Yulia and Lena. :D

guesshoo 14-02-2004 23:13


Originally posted by haku
And also, on the Russian side people are saying that Ivan organized the lookalike contest to find replacements for Yulia and Lena. :D

not a very bright idea vanya :no:

Kate 14-02-2004 23:30

from Illyuziya

Today Vanya recorded another song for his album, here are the lyrics:

Evening without love
Morning without sorrow
Disabled people
Disabled people

To get a good overview of the whole song, repeat the top 4 lines twice, and the bottom line 10 times. :)


Now, from Artem:

[font=tahoma]Digesting the Valentine's Day episode:[/font]

Last week: Troitskyi's suggestions. Kiper reveals Tatu's secrtes. Quotes from the live chat.

[font=tahoma]Contents of this episode:[/font]

Shaps recieved a notification from the law firm Yakovlev an Co., to be exact - from Yakovlev himself. The firm represents Julia and Lena's interests in the annulment of the contract they signed with Shaps in 2002.

The reason of the girls want an annulment of the contract is because their producer does not follow what they agreed upon in the contract:

1) He doesn't want to sign a contract with Universal or any other records company to sell the albums.
2) He doesn't norificate the girls regularly about their earning, and doesn't pay them regularly either.

Shaps calls the girls. Julia ignores the call. She walks around the apartment in her underpants, showing Masky her slippers, then her bedding, then swearing to her dad (?).

Lena answers the call, but refuses to "sing" as he suggests, reminding him of the notification.

Bobza (? Dunno who he is ?) is trying hard to hide his disapointment. He is sure that they won't be left without money. The logo and royalties will be left with them. The suggestion to change the singers in the group is met by Shaps rejection.

Bobza is discussing the possible continuation of the reality show with heads of STS.

At the end of things it is announced that Neformat has no money, and it'll be a good idea to sell a car... (WTF?)

[Commertial Break..]

On the next day, Shaps realises that everything is serious. He realises that they can not pay the royalties, but that Universal is not going to give Neformat a report (of their earning, I assume - Kate).

Yakovlev and Co. called a meeting of all the group members and right holders, everyone to do with Tatu is invited except Shaps. Theme of the meeting: To take away Shaps producer right of the group AND to take him off the post of general director of Neformat.

Bobza came out pretty upset after the meeting, said that no one listened to his reasons. Mansky asks him for an intimate interview, from which it is clear that he is not ready for such a turn in things.

Shaps listens to some gypsy-looking girl and gets her ready to record. He is seriously doing this.

As for Tatu, he thinks that the project will go on without him, but under Neformat.

Then 7B appear in the studio, and then Roman Trahtenberg talks with Shaps and appears to be upset with the talk, Shaps look like he doesn't give a f*ck...

At the end: Shaps, Bobza and Mansky seriouslt think about recording three albums in the frames of one project: Natasha's (gypsy style), Podnebesnaya (collection of songs sent in by fans) and Tatu's.

When Mansky mentions the fact that the Julia and Lena won't sing, Shaps and Bobza seriously discuss the possibility of auditions...

The circus continues. Stay tuned is my suggestion.

PS about the guns: Shaps was holding something like a missile-gun when he was notified abou the annulment of the contract.


Sorry for any errors. Not in translating mood today. :( Didn't want to translate at all, as it's the same sh*t every episode. But, you guys are my friends, so here it is. Read it, at least. Lol. :rose:

thegurgi 14-02-2004 23:41

Very interesting, Thanks Kate and Artem and Haku for the reports

haku 14-02-2004 23:42

Thanks a lot for the translation katbeidar :rose:

Ok, so the girls want a new producer and a new album (not the one Shap is writing).

And Shap is looking for replacements to Yulia and Lena for his album.

:D Sounds interesting, in a totally chaotic sorta way LOL

Shap does not pay Yulia and Lena regularly... Why am i not surprised?

And Shap had a gun?! :spy: Y&L better stay away from him.

thegurgi 14-02-2004 23:49

So... umm, Does Neformat want to keep Yulia and Lena or not? I mean if they just Oust Shap, and the girls stay with Neformat i can see things being ok.

I don't like the idea of replacements, in fact that prospect angers me greatly.

RowerB 14-02-2004 23:55

Thanks haku and Artem for the report and katbeidar for the translation.

guesshoo 15-02-2004 00:02

thanx kate.
the translation was greatly appreciated. :yes:

as far as shap is concerned...........
nevamind. i'll keep the negative comments to myself for the time being.
maybe i'll be back in a few hours or sumthin. :rolleyes:

btw, yay for volk and lena.
they finally got tired of the bs! :)

cirrus 15-02-2004 00:04


So... umm, Does Neformat want to keep Yulia and Lena or not? I mean if they just Oust Shap, and the girls stay with Neformat i can see things being ok.
But doesn't the article say that Neformat has no money? In that case, they can't pay the girls or for the production and promotion of an album by themselves... I think :spy:

And replacements... sheesh. why not just make a new project, since in essence that's what it will be. You can't continue Tatu with different people.

thegurgi 15-02-2004 00:12

But if they girls just want Shap out. And Neformat want Shap Out. And Shap is out but stay with Neformat, they'd get to keep everything that is owned by Neformat [ie. their songs and name]. So i'd greatly appreciate that.

It's all Shaps Fault ANYWAY, why not oust him. He's a detriment it seems, and just by the way he's being protrayed... insane. a GUN!?!

MassMedia 15-02-2004 00:14

whats the date of these recordings? weve only heard that they wanted to break the contract not too long ago. did they catch it and edit it that quicK?

Unplugged 15-02-2004 00:18

Hmm. This is very weird. I mean, wasn't this reality-show supposed to supervised by Ivan, who had an agreement with Mansky (just like in the Anatomy docu) ? If so, it's really strange that Ivan supposedly didn't realize what was happening (the girls complaining, etc) ? I'll wait for the next episode to comment on.

haku 15-02-2004 00:26


Originally posted by staringelf
wasn't this reality-show supposed to supervised by Ivan, who had an agreement with Mansky (just like in the Anatomy docu) ?
Well, you know, i remember some people saying that Manski and Ivan had worked together on Anatomy and "tricked" the girls, but we've seen quite a few pictures where Manski and the girls are really friendly.

Maybe it's the other way around, maybe the girls had planned this with Manski and told him beforehand that they were going to break the contract right in Ivan' face during the show. :D

thegurgi 15-02-2004 00:44

haku, right on the button i bet.

It seems like Mansky is portraying Shapovalov in a strange light. It's completely reversed. Maybe he agrees with the girls.

QueenBee 15-02-2004 00:49

*Is becoming so paranoid*

Staringelf I like your avatar! :coctail:

nasnedagoniat 15-02-2004 01:08

<------- Thinks of that Osbourne episode where chaotic things happen but everything turns out to be a big joke created by the family and the producers.

Just how is business conducted in Russia to where a producer has anything to do with paying the artists?!?! Maybe because Ivan has some kind of position at Neformat? If this payment thing is really true, I'm sorry, but the girls have a right to get what they deserve or quit. You don't mess with an artist's money Ivan!

*Walks away very upset and disappointed in Ivan.*:grustno:

Nike75 15-02-2004 01:21

Thanks for the translation, Kate :rose: !

tatyruv 15-02-2004 01:24

Thanks for the translation katbeidar...

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