Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Kappa 29-06-2003 07:30

What's your name?
It's an idle thread but as there has been age and sexuality threads, I wonder why not put this one. We know the name of several members but it'd be fun to know everyone's names.

Now, no one's being forced to put up their name. This is just for fun. ^.^

*ahem* My name is... slim shady! *coughs* Siskia.

pacmangirl 29-06-2003 07:39

*stands up and waves* Hello.. I'm Claudia.

btw, I was wondering, if you don't mind [b]darje[b/], if you guys also want to explain your nick. Fun :yes:?

pacmangirl: My all-time favorite video game is Pacman. lol.. not too hard to guess :D

Lux 29-06-2003 07:53

Hi my name is Lux, and i'm a homosexualist.
*darje whispers*
OH. wrong one.
Hi my name is Lux, and i'm an alcoholic.
*darje slaps*
OH. gotcha.
my name is Sydney, and I'm a tatuholic.:D

Lux Lisbon is the name of Kirsten Dunst's character on the Virgin Suicides. I like the name and it was a good movie.

Kappa 29-06-2003 08:17

Lux :lol: Now I am such a public figure that I deserve to slap you?

Claudia, bonito nombre. :)

My nick is nothing special. My nick in another forum called used to be Darkewing, as in that duck superheroe dude which my brother used to idol when we were very young. It eventually disintegrated into Darke. Then, by mere fate (or maybe someone with dislexia), someone called me Darje and I liked it. So it stuck.

And it's been my nick ever after.

nath 29-06-2003 10:20

My first name is Nathalie. My father wanted a first name Russian because its back grandmother was Russian. When I was born, a French singer, Gilbert Bйcaud, made a song: "Nathalie"..this is why I am called like that..

La place Rouge йtait vide
Devant moi marchait Nathalie
Il avait un joli nom, mon guide

La place Rouge йtait blanche
La neige faisait un tapis
Et je suivais par ce froid dimanche

Elle parlait en phrases sobres
De la rйvolution d'octobre
Je pensais dйjа
Qu'aprиs le tombeau de Lйnine
On irait au cafe Pouchkine
Boire un chocolat

La place Rouge йtait vide
J'ai pris son bras, elle a souri
Il avait des cheveux blonds, mon guide
Nathalie, Nathalie...

Dans sa chambre а l'universitй
Une bande d'йtudiants
L'attendait impatiemment
On a ri, on а beaucoup parlй
Ils voulaient tout savoir
Nathalie traduisait

Moscou, les plaines d'Ukraine
Et les Champs-Йlysйes
On а tout melangй
Et l'on а chantй

Et puis ils ont dйbouchй
En riant а l'avance
Du champagne de France
Et l'on а dansй

Et quand la chambre fut vide
Tous les amis etaient partis
Je suis restй seul avec mon guide

Plus question de phrases sobres
Ni de rйvolution d'octobre
On n'en йtait plus lа
Fini le tombeau de Lenine
Le chocolat de chez Pouchkine
C'est, c'йtait loin dйjа

Que ma vie me semble vide
Mais je sais qu'un jour а Paris
C'est moi qui lui servirai de guide
Nathalie, Nathalie

The Red Square was empty
In front of me Nathalie walked
It had a pretty name, my guide

The Red Square was white
Snow made a carpet
And I followed by this cold Sunday

She spoke in sober sentences about
Revolution of October
I thought already
That after the tomb of Lйnine
We would go to the Pouchkine coffee
To drink a chocolate

The Red Square was empty
I took her arm, she smiled
She had fair hair, my guide
Nathalie, Nathalie...

In her room at the university
A band of students
Waited her impatiently
We laughed, we spoken much
They wanted all to know
Nathalie translated

Moscow, plains of Ukraine
And Champs-Йlysйes
We all mixed
And we sung

And then they emerged
While laughing in advance
Champagne of France
And we all danced

And when the room was empty
All the friends were gone
I remained only with my guide

No question of sober sentences
Nor of Revolution of October
We were not there any more
Finished the tomb of Lenine
Chocolate from Pouchkine
It was, it was far already

That my life seems to me empty
But I know that one day in Paris
It is me which will be used to her as guide
Nathalie, Nathalie

When I read Tatu's interviews which occur to the Pouchkine Coffee, I say me :"They went in "my" song's Coffee...."
Narcissistic Nathalie ;°)

aoitenshi 29-06-2003 10:30

I'm ..
Bond .. James Bond *lol*

denial 29-06-2003 10:51

hi Nathalie ...

beautiful name.. beautiful song .. :)

jockdstylez 29-06-2003 11:21

yea..and im pussy galore..bwahaha.. =p
Allo! Im Lisa.. nice to meet you all..

alright well since I can't sleep.. i'll give you some background on my sn:

i was actually going to choose Akane as my sn (after a character in one of my fav. anime's) but I thought that it should coincide with my other sn' i chose jockdstylez.. it's a slang, or ebonics if you will..jockd meaning to want or to copy.. and stylez meaning so its wanted or copied styles.. as in my "stylez" are copied or yea i know.. my friend made it up for me.. what can i say? :gigi:

EeZeReal 29-06-2003 12:06

My name is Phil...

and...I havn't a daaaayumed clue what my sn means...

nath 29-06-2003 12:30

Hi Denial..thanks..What's your first name?...Denial is a nickname that I've met somewhere,in another place that this forum..but I can't remember where...kiss

nath 29-06-2003 12:33

Sorry Denial...I'm stupid...I remember now.."Little minut"..".Blink" to you..

Disengage 29-06-2003 14:27

I'm John.

Disengage is a song by an old hardcore band from the 80's called Youth of Today. I love the song, and I thought it made a cool user name. That's about all there is to it. A little fact for any Rival Schools fans: Walter Schreifels(singer/songwriter for RS) and Sammy Siegler(drummer for RS) both played in Youth of Today back in the day.

sheerblade 29-06-2003 15:05

Im Alex

sheerblade has like 2 origins, 1) It was the surname of my EQ Char that I played for 2 and half years before I sold my account. 2) I used to walk around with a knife cause I used to live in a bad neighborhood so the name kinda stuck.

crni 29-06-2003 15:37

i'm Petar...

...and my nick is my true nick from real life...and it's been a shortened version of my last name... :D

freddie 29-06-2003 18:01

My name? It doesn't matter. I'm a man of mystery. My identity can not be uncovered. Never!!! I think that no one wants to hear my stupid name. I'm planing on having it changed anyhow :p

Lets just say for now that I'm a Freddie Mercury wannabe...

Just some useless trivia: Did you know that Freddie's real name was actualy Faroukh Bulsara, and that the name "Farouk" (or "Faruq") means "a person who can tell right from wrong" in Arabic. I was even called Faroukh for a short period of time in secondary school after my obsession with Queen. :D

snowangel14 29-06-2003 18:52


my real names Karen:)

And my nick is taken from a novel. I've forgotten the authors name soo..:rolleyes: anyways...
snowangel is the name from the novel and 14 is my age...there :D :)

luxxi 29-06-2003 18:58

Luka. Luxxi is what folks call me.

QueenBee 29-06-2003 19:26

<-Monica Eve D*********

<-Queen of the bees.. The bees protect their queen and do everything she wants them to do :D Without her there would be no life and when she's mad she can eat her eggs :p *ohboy* And then Lil Kim came with that Queenbee s*it and totally ruined the meaning of it :p

prostrel 29-06-2003 20:58

Prostrel (with 2 r:s in it :) ) When I registered to this, my head was filled with emptiness and I had no idea what could be my nickname. Something in Russian it shall be. I leafed through my dictionary of Russian and there it was : prostrel. It has 2 meanings: it is a delicate flower (Pulsatilla/Anemone) and it is also a lumbago = just like me :) Perfecto!
My real name, not important.

Bitty2002 29-06-2003 21:16


I have been Bitty2002 since I was 12. It is like a second name really. On any messenger service, email, anything, it is my online name. Bitty? just because some people used to call me Little Bit, Britt the Bit, etc. And the 2002 was a special year, now it is past, but when I was 12 it was big deal of a year, lol.

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