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forre 04-06-2003 05:57

forre's mind f*cker
All right. I'm starting this thread to show you something - precisely how much the correct answer can vary depending on the information given. Purpose? To show you that simple analysis can give very wrong results. Anyway here is the test. Some info is given, try to provide the correct answer(s).

Initial info:
It's 4.00 AM in the morning. June 2003. It's clear (no clouds, no rain). Location - my house in Sweden. I open the window and .....

Which statement(s) is(are) correct?
1. Hear the sound of the cleaning the street/picking the garbage truck.
2. Enjoy the sun shining right to my face.
3. Count the stars in the sky.
4. Hear the birds singing.

Step 2, added info:
The window points to the East. The house is located outside a major city.

Step 3, added info:
It's Sunday. Sunrise at 2.45 AM, sunset at 10.40 PM.

Step 4, added info:
It's usually the coldest time of the day here.

Let's finish the sentence
It's 4.00 AM in the morning. June 2003. It's clear (no clouds, no rain). Location - my house in Sweden. I open the window and hear the birds singing.

Echoed 04-06-2003 06:09

It all depends. Not enough information is given.

Well... I really have no idea what #1 is, so I can't comment on it. LOL.

2. At 4:00AM it's false dawn, there is no sun as of yet. That's physical fact. Unless your hours work differently. The sun usually rises around 5:00AM at the earliest, if the hours are right. And depends, is it raining? Yes? No?

3. Again, is it cloudy? Has false dawn already faded out the stars?

4.Normally, yes. But again, if it's raining, there's less of a tendency to hear that. Do you live in the city? Then too would there not be birds.

There's more still. I'm just too lazy to think of it. Lol.

*Laughs.* I'm aware of how information could be misleading without the right amount of information provided. ^_^


forre 04-06-2003 06:14

It's clear. (no clouds, no rain).

Kappa 04-06-2003 06:19

Belceboob, I read the title and got frankly scared. :P

Give me a sec to think...

You say that simple analysis can give wrong results? As, per example, skimming over the initial info and providing you with an answer based perhaps in, only the hour but not the country? Or just not thinking overly the answer?

I might be screwing the answer (or not, since I still have to refine my geographics) for the rest of the readers of this post, but I'd say that, 3. You count the stars in the sky? and/or 4. You hear the birds singing (althought I lack info for this one). Why? Because basing myself in the knowledge of the geographical position Sweden has, the sun wouldn't rise until, what, 6-7 am? (Of course, it's been two years since I last opened a geography book, and I might be wrong and you might be enjoying the sun shining to your face).

The latter one is just something I would guess because I have no goddamned idea of how birds behave in Sweden... but I've seen birds chirping and singing at 3 am here in Mexico...

Echoed 04-06-2003 06:29

Well. 2, 3 or 4. For the same reasons as I've written above, except for the inclusions of rain and/or cloud possibilities. Lol.

I still don't know what #1 is. o_O


Kappa 04-06-2003 06:33

Hey, why not 1?! Some garbage trucks do early morning cleaning!

Echoed 04-06-2003 06:36

OH! Garbage trucks. LOL. That's what it is.

Well, it could be the garbage truck passing by, depending on whether or not that's how the system works in Sweden and on what day it usually passes, or if this was a special week and as such the truck would then pass on that specific morning where you, forre, would open your window.

... Too much thinking. I'm lazy. Do go on, darje. Lol.


Kappa 04-06-2003 06:53

One would think we over analyze stuff. :P forre, care to give us more info on your mind f*cker?

Bitty2002 04-06-2003 06:55

I think it is four, that was the only comment that would grammatically complete the sentence. However, they would be very early birds. But it depends on which "correct" you are looking for, grammatical or logical.

Or I choose 5. see and hear, whatever the hell you see and hear.

luxxi 04-06-2003 08:31

I'd say 2. Altough I have no idea if there is long day or long night at this period.

EeZeReal 04-06-2003 11:48

I'd say four..

As Bitty2002 it is grammatically correct and I hear the birds singing at 3 in the morning over here so I'd say its the most logical answer. :D

Tom Violence 04-06-2003 11:48

I'm going to guess that it's all four at once.

In June in this country it's often fully light by 5 o' clock in the morning. So it's certainly feasible that at 4a.m. the sun would be over the horizon, even if a few stars were still visible in other parts of the sky. And if it is dawn, it'd be no surprise to hear birdsong.

As for the street being cleaned, I'm often enough woken up by that myself - albeit usually around 7 or 8 in the morning. It's possible that you have your rubbish collected earlier.

petert 04-06-2003 13:54

Aren't parts of Sweden very close to the arctic circle? In which case the sun might never completely set at this time of year which rules out 3 and probably 4. 1 would be unlikely in the country (as opposed to a town or city) and 2 would only happen if your window faced the correct direction, with no intervening obsticles (buildings, trees, mountains etc).

So the answer could be any of the options or none.

freddie 04-06-2003 14:22

I go with the "grammaticaly correct" theory. 4. is the only one that's correct in that way.
And the birds around here start chirping at around that time (early dawn) - maybe we have similar birds to Sweden.

So this one could be correct all the way - grammaticaly and logicaly.

coolasfcuk 04-06-2003 14:52

petert, of course, I am with ya, ha ha, for all we know could be all or none of the answers.

forre good mind f*cker ! :gigi:

Havent been to sweden, so dont know for how long exactly the sun sets down in June, but 4 am seems like all over Sweden would be light already. Not to mention, we dont know location, maybe forre's house is all the way up there in the northern part of Sweden. ;)
I also agree, if you live in a little village, chances of someone clening the street at 4:00 am are slim, while in the city, very possible.
Birds could be singing anywhere - village, city , maybe forre has couple of doves living under her roof ;)

Jan 04-06-2003 17:33

In St. Petersburg (which is on the same lalitude as Stockholm) it doesn't get dark in June. Sun is below the horizon for a while, however stars are not visible.
Garbage- rings very true.
I'd say:
1 likely, 2 likely, 4 possibly, 3-no.

No definate conclusions can be reached from this much info.

coolasfcuk 04-06-2003 17:49

Jan, that was interesting to hear - About the stars in the sky.
:laugh: I know you can witness some pretty specific 'sky effects' uuuuuuuuuuup there North, say in sweden - and the only answer that really puzzled me if it possible or not, was the 'stars in the sky' one. That is why I didnt comment on it, because I wasnt sure if this is possible or no - but maybe in Sweden it is - I have seen moon on a morning/evening sky, I am not sure how you would see stars if it's light, but why not... ha, everything is possible :gigi:

russkayatatu 04-06-2003 17:58

I wouldn't feel comfortable even guessing which of these could be people have said, you can't reach a definite conclusion from this much info. I don't see how 'simple analysis' is supposed to work here, really, but then maybe I'm dumb :dknow:

Ah, does the window face the side the sun comes in? If not, then the question of when the sun rises doesn't even come into play :)

QueenBee 04-06-2003 18:09

1. Hear the sound of the cleaning the street/picking the garbage truck.

That's what I hear in the morning.. and I don't wake up at 4. But it can be really different depending on where in Sweden you are located... But I doubt garbage trucks come at 4 in the morning..

2. Enjoy the sun shining right to my face.

Well it's june.. So maybe. This statement could very well be correct.. BUT then again, it depends on stuff. The sun comes up in west or east (as if I know o.O), so, it depends on where you are directed. And, on where in Sweden you are located. If it's high up, like in Kiruna, the sun never sets in the summer. But since I have no idea where your home is, I can't tell.

3. Count the stars in the sky.

I wouldn't think so.. But it depends if you live in the big city, or out on a farm or something. In the big city you can't see the stars because of the streetlights, who possibly are on at 4 in the morning.

4. Hear the birds singing.

Yeah.. this could be right. I hear birds sing all the time, especially in June. If you live close to the sea you hear those damn gulls who crap everywhere.

I guess 4 sounds about right.. right?

nath 04-06-2003 18:15

I think 1,2,3,4 ! Knowing you gives me the hope to travel in all your countries!

forre 04-06-2003 18:17

As I see everyone is providing their own alternatives for a correct answer based on their personal experience.

Let's add some more info:
The window points to the East. The house is located outside a major city.

russkayatatu 04-06-2003 18:52

Well, as far as I know you still could be doing any of those things, or none at all. Unless it is a trick question. I'd have to wonder why you'd be counting stars, because from my personal experience people count them rarely :)

I could guess, but they'd only be guesses, and not very educated ones at that, since I don't think my personal experiences/knowledge is going to be that useful here. I mean, sometimes guessing is a good option, but sometimes it's just a shot in the dark, and here I feel like it's more a shot in the dark.

luxxi 04-06-2003 19:08

Ah, that narrows it down. 2. or 4. Altough I'd say 4 as "shining" and 4am don't exactly go together (Plus can you enjoy sun at 4am? Isn't it a bit cold to be enoying the weather that early?)

Bitty2002 04-06-2003 20:53

forre, here is my guess: It is whatever it is for YOU. This is a subjective drill, one in which to show everyone how EVERYONE reads the same material differently. There will always be what if's. So outside a city you say? How far outside a city? major city- subjective, what is a major city to an Islander is very different than a New Yorker. We wil run over and over this expercise, trying to figure it out, only wasting our times, and feeding into exactly what the true purpose of this thing is: to show how we all think differently, analyze differently, etc.

For example, each of us has a different take on the girls' relationship, how we read articles, even though we all read the same articles and see the same videos. We each see different things.

Regardless of the new info, I still say 4. Cause in MY mind, I read it as a grammatical Q.

EDIT: doesn't everyone see that it being is Sweden doesn't matter? She just chose that because she is writing it and why not. Her making it personal shows me that the location doesn't matter. If this is a true "test" that she picked up from somewhere else, and I guessing it would not say, at Forre's house in Sweden. Which means it can be done without this info.

Charles 05-06-2003 01:40

They could all be false. As many as three could be correct. In my experience, 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive options. If the sun is up, stars will be too dim comparatively to be seen.

Here are the points in order. As with all things, I can only base my answers on what I know, or have experienced. I've never been to Sweden.

1. Could be true. The likelihood of curbside garbage pickup is proportional to the size of the city. Below a certain size, you won't have curbside pickup, but close to a big city, you are in the suburbs, so you probably would. Is today garbage day?

2. Could be true. Is the sun up? Do you in fact enjoy the sun shining in directly in your face? Maybe the warm is good after a cold winter and spring, or maybe you have bad eyes and can't stand the direct sunshine. Not enough information to objectively know. See below for sunrise information.

3. Could be true. Has the sun come up yet? Even if you can see the stars, you aren't necessarily counting them. Seeing stars is not the same as counting them.

Again, 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive answers, thus only one could be true. Either the sun is up or it isn't. If it is up, you can't see stars. Pre-dawn light would probably make the stars invisible, so both could be false. A deciding factor is how far north is your house? Are you above or below the Arctic Circle? Are there mountains or even a building that might delay the time when you could feel direct sunlight at that window?

I know full darkness in Paris in summer is as late as 10pm, so sunrise before 4am in Sweden is possible. Checking Google for a web site, I find that sunrise in Stockholm today is 3:36am, and in Helsingborg it is 4:25am. Again, since I don't know how far north your house is, there is insufficient information to know if 2 or 3 is true. Knowing the exact location of your house would allow me to exclude 2 or 3, but not prove either.

4. I know next to nothing about birds, so any answer I could give is a complete guess.

Based on the information given, I cannot say if any of the 4 options are true. There isn't enough information given, nor in my own head to know. Given you home's location, I can probably deduce if either 2 or 3 is false, but that is as close as I can get to knowing any of these.

Of course, what you have presented as facts, and possible facts might all be designed to mislead us. Given the subject of this thread, that is a real possibility. 1 and 4 assume you can hear. 3 assumes you can see at night. 2 assumes you can feel temperature. I don't objectively know that any of these are true. You probably can, but that is just another assumption on my part.

In a poetic sense, I can find an entertaining scenario based on the options. As you enjoy the warm sun, and singing birds, you are rudely interrupted by the din of garbage cans being banged around.

coolasfcuk 05-06-2003 01:51


Of course, what you have presented as facts, and possible facts might all be designed to mislead us.
:laugh: you think? someone presenting facts? And you say those facts/possible facts are designed to do something? misleading? Ha ha, welcome to the world of tatu.

Now the question is: Is forre. or isnt forre - what is she doing at the window?.......Maybe she is enjoying the sun shining right to her face or maybe she is counting the stars in the sky......;) oh wait - Everybody has theirs own opinion about it :laugh:

and to end this properly, I am gonna say- none of the above, ha ha, forre was standing at the window, thinking... how she is going to f*ck with everybody's minds today ;) and wasnt noticing anything else around her


In a poetic sense, I can find an entertaining scenario based on the options. As you enjoy the warm sun, and singing birds, you are rudely interrupted by the din of garbage cans being banged around. [/b]
I also wondered what that combination of sounds would be like - garbage cans dumping thrash in the garbage truck and birds singing - ha ha

KillaQueen 05-06-2003 02:09

i'd go with 3 (count the stars in the sky) because i don't think the sun would be shining then... nor the birds would be singing... cos here, they start singing when the sun is starting to rise, and that is at about 5am... hmm... so considering Sweden is one hour behind Ro (or so i think), and considering the sun rises at the same hour for everyone, i am guessing at 4am there's no sun yet and no birds singing :done:

and i'd add 1 there too, but i dunno what time does the garbage truck start its job there, so... it wouldn't be impossible though... so yeah, 1 and maybe 3 are my options.

forre 05-06-2003 16:34

Added info:
It's Sunday. Sunrise at 2.45 AM, sunset at 10.40 PM.

smilie faces 06-06-2003 06:20

i'm very simplistic my answer is #4
or is it i'm lazy..?? I just tend to ingore some facts and go with the one that I like best... :D besides why not the birds?
I have a thing for captious questions.. they make me nervous..

well.. i'm just F*ucked .. what about tha? :D

forre 07-06-2003 04:13

Added info: It's usually the coldest time of the day here.

QueenBee 11-06-2003 19:46

forre, I was up until 4.30 yesterday... I went to bed at 4 (and fell asleep a half an hour later).. What happened? No sun, just really light sky, no garbage trucks, no stars.. I heard the birds sing. :D Annnnd I'm located outside a big city.. Damn. :p But I guess the point here isn't what happened, it just shows that everyone has different opinions and there are a thousand ways to see things.

coolasfcuk 11-06-2003 19:58

queenbee, were you at your window opening it though? LoL
Or even better - Were you at forre's house?
Was it the same day- that same moment? (Yesterday was raining here, today it is sunny ;) )
Does your window face East?

blaaaah blaaaaaaaaaah

so, you answered yourself - with the opinions matter - lets not quote Lena again :gigi:

QueenBee 11-06-2003 20:16

coolasfcuk, hehe okay, i'm not flawless :p

coolasfcuk 11-06-2003 20:19

queenbee, ;) it's not your fault, dont sweat it. But if everyone wasnt to be super 'strict' about it - we have to face it - it is a very specific thing we are talking about here - look at all the details given by forre. :gigi:

KillaQueen 11-06-2003 21:31

ok, KQ lost her patience...
*stomps foot* None are correct, ok? None! :rolleyes: :ithink:

kishkash 11-06-2003 22:27

I'd say none of the above...Forre was at the window spying on a neighbor!! LOL

KillaQueen 11-06-2003 23:15

yeah or forre was sleeping like all normal people do... or ahem she was online like all insomniacs are *points at herself* :D

forre 11-06-2003 23:53

Okay no more teasing
It's 4.00 AM in the morning. June 2003. It's clear (no clouds, no rain). Location - my house in Sweden. I open the window and hear the birds singing.

Now check through the thread and look at the alternatives given. Just try to think of what great analysis and theories everyone is capable to create while I just supplied you with a few facts. The test was very simple.

Speak about analysing t.A.T.u.! Oh my!

P.S. freddie of course you can always question my credibility. Pssss ... he-he. :)

coolasfcuk 12-06-2003 02:46


Now check through the thread and look at the alternatives given. Just try to think of what great analysis and theories everyone is capable to create while I just supplied you with a few fact. The test was very simple..

Speak about analysing t.A.T.u.! Oh my!
So great, i can write a book on it :gigi: ohhhh wait, maybe someone already did write a book about it ;)


P.S. freddie of course you can always question my credibility. Pssss ... he-he
no, psssss forre... are you kidding..... of course we are gonna question ;) ....Prove your facts. Otherwise we will just have to say it's your own opinion, ha ha. Every little detail of how, with what, where, how long...ect.. otherwise it's not valid. What if you read about such story in tabloid and now are presenting it to us, ah? Or... you are only basing your facts on your own one time experiense, which took place in the past.... ;) :spy: :lol:

mda..... thanks for the very entertaining and interesting thread forre I was following it from start to end with enjoyment. :D

spyretto 12-06-2003 03:06

Are you trying to say that all 4 answers are correct? Is that something to do with Tatu as well?

Does the sun really shine at 4am in the morning in Sweden?


oops, you gave the answer above. I only saw your first post and a couple below before I posted but it was kinda obvious. :D

But the wrong statement is that you hear the sound of the cleaning of the road and the truck cause I wouldn''t expect the cleaners to be working Sunday :p

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