Unofficial forum of group TATU

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-   -   Have Tatu severed with Ivan ? (

nikki 10-02-2004 02:41

Have Tatu severed with Ivan ?
This is more of a question really' On a couple of web sites yesterday STS reported that Tatu had severed with Ivan. It was something to do with the album. There was no further comment.

A Russian friend swore that he was sure it was because the album had not been done.

Is there any truth in this ?

denial 10-02-2004 03:50

how we to know? .. how your friend to know? .. my russian friend said ... only hell knows .. :rolleyes:

... ne zhnayu...

guesshoo 10-02-2004 04:37

well i've been following it up on and everyone basically has the same attitude/opinion:
just anutha pr stunt.

xena225 11-02-2004 16:25

"What will be further?
Does follow continuation?
You look into these output!"

Be sure to tune in on Saturday and Sunday, same channel, same time!

As far as I know, 20 episodes are planned - so let's hope for a happy ending after all the drama!

The suspense, the suspense!

Let's hope for the best. :done:


Lena410 11-02-2004 16:45


Originally posted by xena225
The suspense, the suspense!
:lol: girl you crack me up :D

well I dont know. But I dont believe it. I have no idea what they are trying to achieve but this seems more like a soap than a reality show. :gigi:

nasnedagoniat 11-02-2004 23:35

This is stated on the "Tatu In Podnebesnaya" website.

Didn't Ivan say that "it is necessary to always stay on a path of conflict." All of the conflicts that are present in Podnebesnaya are just too suspicious. It would make sense that this is all created by Ivan. One would be crazy to miss the next episode. If his goal was to get people interested in watching the next episode then: Job well done Niko! :done:

la aurora 11-02-2004 23:40

this started at Reality Show actually :gigi: The last seconds of Sunday episode were showing Ivan holding this notification in his hands. And some guy read it aloud. It sounded like only Lena's notification. But in subtitles by Mansky BOTH girls were mentioned... :hmmm:

spyretto 11-02-2004 23:49

So the whole business of the girls being "unhappy with Ivan" is a well-orchestrated plan by him to spice up things in their reality show?

la aurora 12-02-2004 00:05


Originally posted by spyretto
So the whole business of the girls being "unhappy with Ivan" is a well-orchestrated plan by him to spice up things in their reality show?
well... u can never know with TATU lol May be it's another of Ivan's 'great ideas'. But i also don't reject the opportunity that he could loose the control over situation. Seems this Reality Show is run by Mansky and STS channel more than Ivan. So... let's wait and see... Although Ivan did many mistakes lately... without him TATU would loose a lot. Pimenov from PPK is a nice guy... and his song was a hit in US dance charts... and he has producing experience... but his projects are mostly undeground. So... I doubt TATU's future if everything that seems to going on now is really true.

nasnedagoniat 12-02-2004 00:13

To spice up things in the reality show as well as to strike temporary interest in the group in general.

If Tatu as we know them (or think) would suddenly end I would be shocked for the first time since I first saw the YSSU music video. There is a lot going on in the world of Tatu. They could at least wait until after Tatu Paragate is released in Europe and Japan. I wonder how much Lena and Julia are worth solely. About half of that would be paid to Neformat to break the contract. With no support from these companies and Ivan, what will they do besides disappear for a while?

spyretto 12-02-2004 00:21

Shocking time may be approaching then :p

freddie 12-02-2004 08:33

There are more and more rumours yes. But still I think it's practicaly impossible. Honestly. Universal Russia won't break a contract that they've put so much money in and didn't got the desired prifit out of it yet. I'd wish Ivan left or at least move aside and play a side-role while wester managers and producers took over. It's just to unlikely... :/

haku 12-02-2004 10:00

If Yulia and Lena leave Ivan, they may disappear. If they stay with Ivan, they *will* disappear, at least in the west.
No amount of PR is going to make the western markets regain interest in the band, not even a "break up" rumor.
If the break up is only a PR move, it's only aimed at the Russian market, and Universal International is going to be *pissed*.
Tatu is going back to being what they were at their beginnings, a local Russian band, but maybe that's what Yulia and Lena want after all. *shrugs*

Lena410 12-02-2004 17:47


Originally posted by freddie
I'd wish Ivan left or at least move aside and play a side-role while wester managers and producers took over. It's just to unlikely
why western? I mean Id like him to step aside and let any capable manager take over..from anywhere

thegurgi 12-02-2004 21:02

i'd prefer them to keep their manager and producers and song writers Slavic. I'd hate to see them in the hands of an American or English Producer.

QueenBee 12-02-2004 21:05

*Reads TheGurgi's message, thinks of Britney Spears and gets heartattack*

haku 12-02-2004 21:15

Y&L should go to Sweden, they have a lot of good producers/writers over there, and they know what they are doing. Sweden is a good base for artists who don't speak English natively but want to have an international career.

I agree that Y&L should *not* go to the UK or US.

QueenBee 12-02-2004 21:20


Y&L should go to Sweden, they have a lot of good producers/writers over there, and they know what they are doing. Sweden is a good base for artists who don't speak English natively but want to have an international career.
Wooohoooo! :laugh: Yeah they can come to Sweden! I WOULDN'T MIND! *Waits at airport with sign that says "Tatu"* Actually, they can just come to my apartment.. I wouldn't mind fixing up a studio yo! :lol:

Let's hope they don't get rid of Ivan then.. 'cause then he will show up here too.. oo! *Jumps around with joy* :lady: :laugh:

Lena410 12-02-2004 21:56

thegurgi, I agree. It wouldn't feel right for me if their manager wasn't slavic as well.

denial 13-02-2004 01:23


Originally posted by haku
Y&L should go to Sweden, they have a lot of good producers/writers over there, and they know what they are doing. Sweden is a good base for artists who don't speak English natively but want to have an international career.
ABBA? :rolleyes: ....... instead of Brtney/Xtina .... :lol: ..well.. why not ..

RowerB 13-02-2004 01:24


Originally posted by thegurgi
i'd prefer them to keep their manager and producers and song writers Slavic. I'd hate to see them in the hands of an American or English Producer.
If they have split with Ivan, then I have to agree with thegurgi.

spyretto 13-02-2004 02:09


Originally posted by thegurgi
i'd prefer them to keep their manager and producers and song writers Slavic. I'd hate to see them in the hands of an American or English Producer.
Like Lena's father? ;)

haku 13-02-2004 02:14


Originally posted by denial
ABBA? :rolleyes: ....... instead of Brtney/Xtina .... :lol: ..well.. why not ..
I was being serious.

Sweden is the second biggest music producer in Europe in terms of export. The Swedish music industry is excellent and knows how to produce and market worldwide.

Sweden is a great choice for artists who are aiming an international audience but don't want to deal with the Anglo-Saxon music industry.

denial 13-02-2004 02:25


Sweden is the second biggest music producer in Europe in terms of export. The Swedish music industry is excellent and knows how to produce and market worldwide.
Sound very good ...but..

haku, how come I know NO one from Sweden since ABBA? :dknow: ....and how come I know TATU ...? and even went out of my way to buy that mugshot CD.. how many CDs of TATU that I have here .. hmm .. oh .. and let see .. songs were written by infamous writer and lyrics are know.. videos directed by Ivan advertiser and psychiatrist... Y&L from out of nowhere... can't sing live .. throat problem.. smoking problem ..:rolleyes:

So .. who is interesting in Sweden now?

spyretto 13-02-2004 03:02

Swedish bands/artists who had international hits ( there's more )

Ace of Base
Eagle-Eyed Cherry
Army of Lovers

haku 13-02-2004 06:08

And also:

The Ark
Cesars Palace
Neneh Cherry
Dr. Alban

And numerous hits by Britney Spears, N'Sync, Back Street Boys, etc... have been written by Swedish writers.

A page on the Swedish music industry:

And denial, Britney Spears' first and third albums were done in Sweden by Swedes. Max Martin in particular, Y&L would be *so* lucky if they could work with him and his team. Contrary to Ivan, they know what they are doing.

thegurgi 13-02-2004 06:16


OMG i LOVE KENT!!!! :: they are my favorite band ::

as opposed to going into a long boring explanation of why i love them...

i won't.

freddie 13-02-2004 07:30

We have so many threads about the girls splitting from Ivan, the lawyers trying to break up the contract etc... we should all merge it to one universal thread about that topic. It's no confusing like it is now... you write your oppinion on one thread, while the points you discussed on that one have been mentioned in ANOTHER thread about the same topic.

Oh! About Swedish bands... you forgot Alcazar (Crying At The Discoteque, Sexual guarantee), and Harpo (Movie Star).

dollparts3000 13-02-2004 09:58

No, I think Yulia and Lena are smart! They know that they can't survive without Ivan. It's not like they write their own songs, or have a wide vocal range. They are not exactly rock so they can't do a courtney love and split from their group. Their voices need more mixing and modification when put into songs. Ofcourse, they could always go back to Lena Kipper!!!!! That would be hilarious.

Tatu is composed of marketers, songwriters, managers, song editors, musicians. Tatu would not be what it is withough all those people and the software. I also don't think Yulia and Lena want the stress of taking care of everything themselves. They see how much work it is. They are 18, they probably don't want a lot of work to do. They also probably want to make more money out of tatu.

If Lena and Yulia were seriously considering leaving Ivan, they would do it swiftly. They would already have another producer to organize their events or they would have been signed to another record company (or the same one). It smells like a PR stunt because the articles report that Yulia and Lena have announced that they have left the group and do not talk about their future plans.

If this is not a PR stunt by Ivan, it's prob. just Lena and Yulia's way of making more money. They realize that tatu will end in the next 2-3 years so they probably want to draw up a new contract.

On another note, Yulia, Lena and Ivan all seem to get along. They don't exactly look like they want to split up.

Rob 13-02-2004 10:38

Re: hey

Originally posted by dollparts3000
No, I think Yulia and Lena are smart! They know that they can't survive without Ivan. It's not like they write their own songs, or have a wide vocal range. They are not exactly rock so they can't do a courtney love and split from their group. Their voices need more mixing and modification when put into songs. Ofcourse, they could always go back to Lena Kipper!!!!! That would be hilarious.

Tatu is composed of marketers, songwriters, managers, song editors, musicians. Tatu would not be what it is withough all those people and the software. I also don't think Yulia and Lena want the stress of taking care of everything themselves. They see how much work it is. They are 18, they probably don't want a lot of work to do. They also probably want to make more money out of tatu.

If Lena and Yulia were seriously considering leaving Ivan, they would do it swiftly. They would already have another producer to organize their events or they would have been signed to another record company (or the same one). It smells like a PR stunt because the articles report that Yulia and Lena have announced that they have left the group and do not talk about their future plans.

If this is not a PR stunt by Ivan, it's prob. just Lena and Yulia's way of making more money. They realize that tatu will end in the next 2-3 years so they probably want to draw up a new contract.

On another note, Yulia, Lena and Ivan all seem to get along. They don't exactly look like they want to split up.

Hm, I agree with this.

By the way concerning Max Martin - he is a gifted song-writer but I don't want Y/L to sound like B. Spears and Backstreet Boys! :none:

haku 13-02-2004 11:33


Originally posted by dollparts3000
They know that they can't survive without Ivan.
I don't agree with this. They won't survive *with* Ivan. Even Yulia and Lena *must* realize that the way the band has been managed those past months is disastrous.


Tatu is composed of marketers, songwriters, managers, song editors, musicians. Tatu would not be what it is withough all those people and the software.
Well, it's the same for most pop acts. Ivan is not the only manager who can provide a team for a band. And there are *dozens* of much more organized management teams.


I also don't think Yulia and Lena want the stress of taking care of everything themselves. They see how much work it is.
Again, there are dozens of management teams that can take care of that for them, and with much more efficiency than Ivan (it's not hard). They've been taking orders from Ivan since they were young teenage girls, i wouldn't be surprised if they want to be more in charge of their future with more professional people.


If Lena and Yulia were seriously considering leaving Ivan, they would do it swiftly. They would already have another producer to organize their events or they would have been signed to another record company (or the same one).
Not necessarily, the "recording" of the second album has just begun, and they may have realized seeing the material they were asked to record that it was going to be a big flop (seeing the lyrics of Squirrel may have been the triggering event lol) and decided they wanted out, now!
And also, i don't think Y&L must be too happy about the way the RS has been going on. Most episodes have been about Ivan! He has had much more screen time than Y&L! They might have realized then in his opinion they are secondary characters.


If this is not a PR stunt by Ivan
I agree that it could be PR, but hey, it's the first time i'm happy since Anatomy so i'm going to cling to that hope. LOL


On another note, Yulia, Lena and Ivan all seem to get along.
Hmm, i don't think so. I think Lena despise Ivan, and Yulia has a love/hate relationship with him.


Originally posted by Rob
By the way concerning Max Martin - he is a gifted song-writer but I don't want Y/L to sound like B. Spears and Backstreet Boys!
Me neither, but if they break free from Ivan, Y&L are going to need new quality material fast. They won't be allowed to sing their old songs, and i'm sure they don't have a lot of money, most of it went to Ivan.
But those people are professional, i'm sure they can create a Tatulike sound with good lyrics for Y&L. And most importantly, they can do it efficiently.

denial 13-02-2004 11:38

Re: Re: hey

Originally posted by Rob
By the way concerning Max Martin - he is a gifted song-writer but I don't want Y/L to sound like B. Spears and Backstreet Boys! :none: [/b]
Exactly too ... I went straight to shower after I saw the list of the artists there.

TATU music are so different...with concept and everything.. and random lyrics .. and how they were promote.

We are so different in what we see in TATU or what we want them to be next and why we still fan even without release of new album or unpromise future.

I agree with Dollarspart about Yulia and Lena being smart and beside that they have been working with Ivan for like 4 years. They must have learned alot from him.

But .. this really seems like "reality PR stunt" for Reality Show.. the next level.

denial 13-02-2004 12:02


Originally posted by haku
But those people are professional, i'm sure they can create a Tatulike sound with good lyrics for Y&L. And most importantly, they can do it efficiently. [/b]
And we are to settle with copycat style or songs? Song written and prepare efficiently in very efficient amount of time but they must sound like tATu so they could sell them?

How does that make you feel?

haku 13-02-2004 12:25


Originally posted by denial
but they must sound like tATu so they could sell them?
Y&L don't need to sound like Tatu to sell, they could go for a different sound and still sell, they just need a good team behind them. I was just saying that they could make them sound Tatulike, not that they should.

Anyway, i don't see the problem. If Y&L leave Ivan, Ivan will probably hire two new girls to record the second album and continue as the new Tatu since he owns the name.
So the fans who prefer Ivan will follow him and his new band, and the fans who prefer Y&L will follow the girls in their new career.
Everybody wins.


How does that make you feel?
Much better than after Anatomy when i realized that Ivan had been selling me a lie from the beginning.

forre 13-02-2004 12:55

It has nothing to do with the PR. What's the problem? All artists get into disputes with their managers from time to time. Some manage to uphold their good cooperation and some part.

To the question if Yulia and Lena will survive without Ivan, the answer is "the time will show". Ivan is not a super-star, you know? Managers come and go.

denial 13-02-2004 12:59


Originally posted by haku
Much better than after Anatomy when i realized that Ivan had been selling me a lie from the beginning. [/b]
But Yulia and Lena were also part of the 'lie' show.. infact they are the ones that performing it. Would you still follow them?

To me can't really say it was a lie .. everything begin with Lena Kiper's idea wasn't a secret.

spyretto 13-02-2004 16:53

It's all about making more money as dollparts3000 very well said.

And having control over their project...

..and making more money...and did I mention making more money?

QueenBee 13-02-2004 17:28


everything begin with Lena Kiper's idea wasn't a secret.
I argee... We knew how she came up with the song from the beginning, so it couldn't really be "Just for them about their lives" :rolleyes: But I think there are so many things that mattered, not only where the first song came from.. because people knew very well from the beginning Tatu could be fake (we even told them :gigi: ) but they decided they wanted to keep believing.. And some still do. :rolleyes:

Mossopp 13-02-2004 19:47

Let me start by saying that I think all this is just another publicity stunt. Ivan has obviously realised that we're all wise to his little game of creating scandals purely to keep the band in the public-eye while he f#cks around and wastes even more time. Realising we're onto him and he can't get away with this kinda thing for much longer he plays the ultimate mind-f#ck and turns our opinion against us by letting us believe that Julia and Lena themselves are sick of his little game!
Anyway, the point I wanted to make was this: we are all discussing what kind of new management would be best for the girls, where the management should be based, what direction the new management should take the former tATu in etc. But what makes you so sure that any management company is actually going to want Julia and Lena now? After all, it's gonna take a hell of a lot of work to clear up the mess Shap has made - their reputation (or lack of) is a complete joke now, even in Russia! Any management company that takes the girls on now is gonna have a lot of work on it's hands and, quite frankly, I don't see anyone wanting to have to salvage what's left of Julia and Lena's musical prospects.

haku 13-02-2004 20:01

Well, we'll soon know if the break up was a PR stunt from Ivan. If it is, it will be the final straw for a lot of people.

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