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haku 26-01-2004 17:31

Tatu in Podnebesnaya - Episode 3 - 24-01-2004
[Episode 2 was cancelled, so this one is in fact Episode 3.]

Again, many thanks to denial and the lovely Russian girl. :rose:

Reality Show Episode 3 - Denial's exclusive

Well... it all began with telling about the previous weekend. Some
moments from the first show were shown and then they said about that
cancellation... they said it was only 50 days before the album should be
finished and that now they are gonna explain why it all happened and where
were the girls at the moment they should be in Podnebesnaya...

Lena in her flat was shown... washing dishes and talking to her granma
and Vitaly Mansky. Yulia was sitting in some car and talking... the
camera was switching from one to another. They all were talking about Ivan
and what a bustard he really is LoL

Both girls were saying he becomes worse and worse with every day. That
he lost the plot... that the album is nowhere to be seen. That they ask
him if it's ready and he sais yes... but refuses to show it... and then
says they have to choose songs again... That he crossed the line...
that he's the only star in the project and doesn't need them. So Yulia was
like: 'let him promote himself if he wants... why us?' That they could
record the album in 2 weeks if had material... And that they see Ivan
is very nervous as he realises he won't have the album in time. Lena
said she doesn't believe they can have better album than the first one.

Yulia says he doesn't care about ppl... he doesn't care about her voice
problems... and all the songs they tried to record required high
screaming from her... while they could be sang lower... that if everything
keeps going this way she'll just refuse to scream... coz TATU will end
one day and she'll still have her life and no voice... that problems came
back and she'll just say Ivan to invite someone else to sing so she'll
be only opening her mouth...

They said they believed in Ivan and now he's so frustrating... they are
thankful and all.... but the don't like what they are now... means
they've lost their popularity everywhere... no new material and he keeps
doing nothing... Yulia said she was always on his side... but now she
sees that ppl who left the project... THEY were the ones who made it so
huge... Galoyan wrote most popular songs... Kiper was also important...
that all good ppl leave Ivan...

Both girls seemed frustrated... and sounded like if they continue like
singers... it won't be TATU. Even Yulia was talking about having a solo
project when said about her voice problems and that she doesn't want to
ruin her future.

So the first part was 'Ivan bashing'.

Then Tokiyo concert was shown... with all going on behind the stage...
with Lena walking on Tokyo streetes and saying she just realised she
has no talant.. so she'll better leave show-business and become a
lawyer... lol.. with the scandal that happened here when Japan promotes didn't
let Ivan see girls and attend concerts so he couldn't ruin everything
again lol And they showed how bad Yulia was... those doctors... that
pale face... and when the concert was about to begin she got the phone
call from Ivan and he said they had to go down and see him... or he'll
forbid the concert... Yulia was like...'Ivan, come here and we'll
discuss... I feel so bad... I can't go down... and we have to do the concert'
but after long talking she sighed ans said ok with a hopeless facial
expression. So they went down... Ivan acted like a spoiled kid... but
first thing he said when saw girls was: 'give Yulia the jacket! now!'
Anyway... Yulia acted like the mature one with the sense of
responsibility... not Ivan...

Than it was the concert... and they even showed Lena's faint... she was
carried on some guy's hands... I don't know if it was a right thing to
show... I mean c'mon! She's a human... why show such things... but it
came out as a very cute moment after all... Yulia... brave and
agressive... bad temper girl... she was sooo sweet with Lena... There were many
ppl around panicing... and she was calm and seemed really knew what to
do... she took some water in her mouth and soon lena opened her eyes
lol she couldn't speak even... so Yulia was taking the black maskara from
her face... very carefully... and then ran and brought some tea with
sugar... saying Lena didn't eat anything again... and she helped her to
drink it... then kissed Lena's arm, pressed her cheak to it ans sighed
looking very sad... that was very 'awww'... and especially if we don't
forget Yulia had fever herself...

Of course I don't remember ALL that was shown... but this time show was
fun... tho I'm not sure what was the role of Ivan in it... may be STS
producers decided to give the all power to Mansky? Or it's just another
of Ivan's stunts? lol

Oh... and they said the project won't be around Podnebesnaya only...
they were show life of main characters as well... Podnebesnaya will just
be the place girls spend some time at... doing the recording and all...

Source: ..she's a Russian.... a lovely Russian...

transcend 26-01-2004 18:01

Well, this is all very interesting, and many thanks to all of you lovely Russians everywhere for providing the info. Actually, this is starting to correspond to one of my favourite Tatu fantasies; namely, the girls realize that Ivan is a spent force, has taken them as far as he can, has become a drug-addled shadow of his former self/ a megalomaniac/ both...and they take control of the project themselves, realizing that what really made Tatu great in the first place, was their own "personal charm" as Brian Epstein might have put it. And then they set out to reconquer the West, they understand they need a new creative dynamo to guide them...someone untried and unsullied by the wicked ways of showbusiness, but somebody with integrity and imagination, who knows that it should be all about the music really, who understands that in spite of all the shenanigans these two girls love music. But where to find such a person? They happen upon the tatysite forum, see that there's an English fan (almost old enough to be their mother, who cares, who's tried to communicate the way forward for the group over the past year in her previous guise of rachelc) - it's a risk, a hell of a risk, but being bold has always worked for them so they give her a try... and the rest is the stuff of pop legend, as they say.

Of course this whole Ivan-bashing thing could be the latest part of the scam/show, as the lovely Russian posited. Either way, I'm still watching the show...until I get the chance to start running the show (oh, I can dream can't I?).

protoman2k1 27-01-2004 01:48

We so have to get videos of this , thanx guys damn!!! I really want to see this

spyretto 27-01-2004 02:03

it seems like staged, right? And then Ivan will come with a miraculous set of songs...and then the truth will be revealed that Tatu are really lesbians.

Staged or not, it just won't happen :D

haku 27-01-2004 02:14

I had posted this on the temp forum about this episode. I stand by what i said, except that now i do believe that Lena really fainted. The poor girl fainted before and she will probably faint again.

How could i ever doubt her? I wonder what led me to become so skeptical... :rolleyes:

Copied post starts here:

He he, actually i do think everything was staged :D

Ivan would have never let this air if he did not agree with it.

Obviously this first part was done to please a significant part of the fans, those who dislike Ivan. The girls appear as victims who want to do great things but can't because Ivan has no clue about what he's doing.

Maybe the girls do have a lot of anger toward Ivan, and had private arguments with him. In that case Ivan decided to use those feelings to create an entertaining twist in the show.

But the whole thing may have been written by Ivan himself and in reality the girls still think he's a genius.

Either way, the girls were "allowed" to bash Ivan. They wouldn't have done it if they had not been asked to. It's staged.

Now the second part. I'm in such a skeptical position now that i'm not even ready to believe that Lena really fainted. If she fainted precisely when Manski's camera was on her, i'll have a lot of doubts.

But let's say she fainted. Yulia's reaction just shows that she's level-headed and remains calm in emergency situations. They've known each other for years and it's only normal to help a friend that collapses in front of you. It doesn't show or prove anything more than that.

But hey, i'm a hopeless romantic so i'm sure i'll fall for it again and will go awwwww... until i remember that Yulia and Lena's boyfriends were spotted in Podnebesnaya by journalists.

denial 27-01-2004 14:35

By Katbeidar

Reality Show in "Podnebesnaya" Thread - [Part II]
« Thread started on: 01/23/2004 at 22:30:38 »

Time to start a part two, so move your thought to this thread. The mods will close the other one soon. Here are two new translations to kick us off.

Tatu in Podnebesnaya: There is no danger of Tatu’s project in Podnebesnaya to result in a failure!

Channel STS will continue to broadcast Tatu reality show “In Podnebesnaya” this weekend, which is dedicated to the recording of Tatu’s next album live. The next broadcasts are on 24th and 25th of January at 8:00pm. Rumors about troubles with the project surfaced after the first broadcasts on 17th and 18th of January. In the Saturday broadcast the girls from Tatu appeared on the screen for no more then five minutes – had a fight with the photographer and left, on top of that, according to some sources, this incident was recorded a long time ago when nobody even planned the reality show yet. Most of the program showed Tatu’s producer Ivan Shapovalov, thoughtfully discussing irrelevant topics. On Sunday, 18th of January, "Tatu in Podnebesnaya" wasn’t broadcasted at all, replaced by Vitalyi Mansky’s documentary film about the group “Anatomy of Tatu”. As Tatu’s press-attachй Aleksandr Tityanko informed InterMedia, that happened only due to technical problems: the films prepated for the second broadcasting of the show were of bad quality, and they were decided not to be shown. According to Tityanko, there are some problems in the relationship between Shapovalov and managers of STS, but "there are not conflicts that can end the project". It’s just that Shapovalov and the management of STS have different views on how Tatu’s reality show in Podnebesnaya should be like. What their arguments lead them to can be seen in the next broadcasting of Tatu’s reality show this weekend. Julia and Lena, most likely, will appear a bit more this time, since they do visit Podnebesnaya two to three hours every day. "This is a very unpredictable project,” - says Aleksandr Tityanko. – “Nevertheless, the album is being recorded, and potential authors are arriving". One song is almost ready, and the sons author is not one of the contestants who sent in the lyrics, but the leader of group “7B” – Ivan Dimyan. The composition was not intended for the duo, but producer Ivan Shapovalov decided that it suite the girls after having a listen of it.”

Source: InterMedia
Translated by katbeidar for


Tatu in Podnebesnaya: The girls couldn’t split the money with their producer

In the next broadcast of “Tatu in Podnebesnaya” the viewers will be informed how much Tatu girls earn while working in “Podnebesnaya”.

Channel STS, which started the broadcasting this reality show for one reason only, discovered and intends to let its viewers know the financial position of this girly duo. The thing is, Tatu are the only Russian project that earned a lot of money in the West. They sold nearly 7 million albums, sell out tickets to huge arena’s in capitals all over the world, and after a successful breakout in the East their earnings will only increase. According to “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, currently Tatu have earned over 300 million dollars!

STS reports, that the viewers will find out the secrets of the Tatu phenomenon, which allows them to earn the money. According to the producers, they can discover a lot of this from the project on how to earn money in show-business: about contracts, author rights, renting of huge arenas for concerts and hotels.

But this is not the only intriguing part of the next episode. According to “KP”, the young Tatu girls are going to “leave” their producer Ivan Shapovalov! As we all know, money is able to start a fight even between the best friends. In seems as though the dilemma about «whether it’s possible to split 300 million dollars and remain partners» was resolved negatively by Tatu. It’s very likely that the money was the reason why the girls had a fight with their inspiration and teacher and threatened him that they want to find another “leader”. Whether the clever and tricky Ivan Shapovalov be able to change the girls’ mind and put them on the right track, the viewers will find out in the next episode of the reality show.

Source: Natalia Voloshyna from KP
Translated by katbeidar for

xena225 27-01-2004 15:28


Than it was the concert... and they even showed Lena's faint... she was carried on some guy's hands... I don't know if it was a right thing to show... I mean c'mon! She's a human... why show such things... but it came out as a very cute moment after all... Yulia... brave and agressive... bad temper girl... she was sooo sweet with Lena... There were many ppl around panicing... and she was calm and seemed really knew what to do... she took some water in her mouth and soon lena opened her eyes lol she couldn't speak even... so Yulia was taking the black maskara from her face... very carefully... and then ran and brought some tea with sugar... saying Lena didn't eat anything again... and she helped her to drink it... then kissed Lena's arm, pressed her cheak to it ans sighed looking very sad... that was very 'awww'... and especially if we don't forget Yulia had fever herself...
Awww, poor Lenotchka.

How disturbing that she seems to faint a lot, but at the same time, how very nice to read / see that Yulia takes such good care of her. Same thing happened during that press conference in Moscow, remember? Lena felt weak and dizzy, Yulia "sprayed" her with water and then led her to an open window, and stayed close to her, even resting her head on her shoulder. Good to know she takes good care of Lena.

Feeeeeeeel the love! :heart: :cool:

Thanks, denial!! :rose:


skye 27-01-2004 17:41


Originally posted by denial
... she was sooo sweet with Lena... There were many ppl around panicing... and she was calm and seemed really knew what to do... she took some water in her mouth and soon lena opened her eyes lol she couldn't speak even... so Yulia was taking the black maskara from her face... very carefully... and then ran and brought some tea with sugar... saying Lena didn't eat anything again... and she helped her to drink it... then kissed Lena's arm, pressed her cheak to it ans sighed looking very sad... that was very 'awww'... and especially if we don't forget Yulia had fever herself... [/b]
:heart: That's true love :heart: I think they can't live without each other wheather what kind of love exists between them :yes: :heart: They are like a family :newyear:

haku 27-01-2004 17:59

It doesn't mean anything. When someone you've known for years collapses in front of you, you help them, that's only natural.
Any friend of Lena would have done the same thing, and Nastya also helped Lena when she fainted in Japan.

freddie 27-01-2004 18:06

Yeah... I don't think this might mean romantic affection, but it still shows that they're good friends. Remember a while back when people claimed they weren't even friends, that they hate eachother and such? I never doubted that they were good friends and have a great chementry between them.

About the Ivan bashing... staged or not... I liked it. :D
Perhaps it was staged and just perhaps... he just doesn't CARE!! We all saw in the documentary Ivan can be a pretty hedonistic carefree guy... he doesn't concearn himself with life to much. ;)

skye 27-01-2004 18:20


Originally posted by haku
It doesn't mean anything. When someone you've known for years collapses in front of you, you help them, that's only natural.
Any friend of Lena would have done the same thing, and Nastya also helped Lena when she fainted in Japan.

What about kissing the arm? Do u do the same to your friend as well?

haku 27-01-2004 18:29


Originally posted by skye
What about kissing the arm? Do u do the same to your friend as well?
In France, between family and friends, yes (And i live in the north! People in the south are much more touchy-feely!).

It's a question of culture, physical contacts between friends can go pretty far here without having any "romantic" meaning.
For example, if i'm presented a woman my age in an informal situation, we kiss each other on the cheeks even though it's the first time we meet.

Slavic culture is also lile that, and we all know that Yulia particularly likes physical contact.

Lena410 27-01-2004 18:37


Originally posted by haku
It's a question of culture, physical contacts between friends can go pretty far here without having any "romantic" meaning.

you're right in that but although I'm very touchy with my friends I can not see anyone of them kissing my'm not saying that that means that lena and yulia are a couple since neither of them is me :gigi:

it was no matter how they would label their relationship a *very* sweet gesture...:D :p

EDIT: this is my 500th post! :coctail: *grins*

QueenBee 27-01-2004 18:49


What about kissing the arm? Do u do the same to your friend as well?
Well, I would.. I've kissed my friends on the cheek several times (so comparing to that, the arm is practically nothing :D).. And as Haku said, you kiss someone when you greet them in France. Let's just face it, Lena and Yulia are not a couple. :P

Lena410, congratulations!!! :rose:

haku 27-01-2004 18:52


Originally posted by Lena410
you're right in that but although I'm very touchy with my friends I can not see anyone of them kissing my arm
He he, for the arm kissing i was not talking about any casual situation, but specifically of the fainting situation.

If a friend of mine fainted in front of me, that kind of behavior would be totally possible. It's just something you do on "impulse", because you are worried for your friend.

And we have to keep in mind that Yulia and Lena are special cases. They've been kissing and groping each other since they were forteen! They bathed naked together! They are used to contacts with each other's bodies, and of course we can expect a very touchy behavior from them in a situation where one of them is sick.

freddie 27-01-2004 18:57


Originally posted by haku
Slavic culture is also lile that...
Yes. Yes it is! And I have pictures to prove it! :D

Anyway... seriously. even if they were a couple this wouldn't be much of an evidence. I thought we were past those discussions already. We're on a higher level of existance now guys! :p

Lena410 27-01-2004 18:59

Thanks Queenbee! *takes rose*
but I cant agree with you..I kiss my friends on the cheek and on the mouth but I wouldnt kiss their arm..maybe I'm just weird :p

but yulia reacting in the protective way she did is understandable since they are friends but I don't think its common..I know a lot of people who just wouldn't care...and no matter what its sweet that she does :D

and being used to touchy behaviour in front of cameras does not mean that you would be touchy in a situation like that too..but it surely is a possible explanation..although I think that its more based on yul being worried about lena

but it still only proves that they care for each other and are my opinion anyway :p

EDIT: higher level of existance? :lol: freddie you crack me up :p

haku 27-01-2004 19:05

Congrats about your 500 Lena410 :rose:
I knew i had forgotten something, i'm so rude. :lalala:

teeny 27-01-2004 19:06


Let's just face it, Lena and Yulia are not a couple. :P
but it's still cute :p
<-- hopes to get to see the scene sometime

QueenBee 27-01-2004 19:11

TLFdk, yeah I know.. :gigi: And FINALLY something that's not staged! :P Hehe

Lena410 27-01-2004 19:13

awwww...haku thanks! *takes that rose too* your not rude :p *hugs*

QB I agree! Its so good to see something that is not staged *and* cute! :done: :gigi:

xena225 27-01-2004 19:23

Oh puh-leeze, ARM KISSING is a casual thing? :lol:

Just face it, Yulia and Lena are totally close. They are very special to each other, you gotta be BLIND not to see it, and anyone who feels the need to put them in a tidy neat little box that says "they are this" or "they are that" will keep on failing to understand the true scope of their relationship.

For the record: I wasn't talking about them being a couple at all. I was talking about LOVE. How interesting to see people fall over each other to explain how very normal it is to kiss someone's arm, and how very banal it is to tenderly care for your friend. Jeeezus. :rolleyes:


QueenBee 27-01-2004 19:34


and anyone who feels the need to put them in a tidy neat little box that says "they are this" or "they are that" will keep on failing to understand the true scope of their relationship.
Well that's kinda unfair to say since you just did that yourself by saying they are really close friends (even though I agree). :gigi: And we don't know their true scope of their relationship (but I'm sure some people on the forum do) so I don't think we are allowed to judge...


For the record: I wasn't talking about them being a couple at all. I was talking about LOVE.
Well that's what I was talking about too. :confused: Kissing your friend is love, and that's what I meant. I kiss my FRIENDS out of love. In France it is just a tradition, and Haku mentioned that. He didn't say Lena and Yulia were not close.


How interesting to see people fall over each other to explain how very normal it is to kiss someone's arm
Well for some people it is interesting, maybe not to you, but that was a pretty interesting discussion if you ask me. And to some people it actually IS normal to kiss someone's hand.. What's wrong with that?


and how very banal it is to tenderly care for your friend
We were saying the exact opposite, that it is very cute that Yulia did that.

haku 27-01-2004 19:36

Their relationship has no "scope". At best they are close friends, nothing groundshaking. Dozens of people on this very forum have relationships that have more "scope" than theirs.

And yes, arm kissing *is* casual for two people who have been paid to kiss and grope for four years.

coolasfcuk 27-01-2004 19:39

Hmm, to comment on te arm thing...I wont even go into are they lovers, in love, love eachother, friends, etc, etc....

Simple - if anyone fainted in front of you - forget about friend, grandmas, grandpas... wouldnt you help them?!!? :confused: I hope so, becase I would.. and especially if it is someone you know.. that one

second... kissing the arm eh? ha ha - this summer I was in a club with a freind of mine, who I had just recently met... lets say less than a month before that! How good can we know eachother? not THAT good right? I was dancing around and booom, hit my elbow pretty hard on a bar, stopped dancing and went - "ahhhhhhhh". My fried grabbed my arm and she kissed my elbow 'to make it feel better' ;) Are we in love? I dont think so - absolutely NO romantic involvement-did anybody say culture? :gigi:I doubt that could happen here in the U.S.

QueenBee 27-01-2004 19:44

coolasfcuk, aaw.. so nice of your friend :D and you gotta stop dancing like a lunatic so that you don't hit yourself next time :p

Anyway, I think it was very nice of Yulia to help a friend. I feel really sorry for Lena since she seems to be fainting so much.. Apparently it's cause of the diets.. :(

Lena410 27-01-2004 19:47

haku I'm just do you know that their relationship has no "scope"? *frowns* I know that most of my relationships who people just dismiss have more scope than those they say that are important to me. I don't think that anyone can judge a relationship as long as he is not in them.

and how can you be so certain that its casual? when I think about all the relativity and individualism in this world *I* would never say that something that is casual for me has to be casual for someone I dont even know with so much certainity.

I'm not arguing that they are a couple or in love..I just want to understand your point of view..I think that it was cute no matter what it meant to them..but I think that it *did* mean something to them..whatever it was

haku 27-01-2004 20:07

I'm saying it's casual to them because they are *so* used to touch each other's bodies. We have seen them put their hands down each other's pants in front of cameras, that's how far they are willing to go, so kissing an arm is as casual to them as shaking hands to most of us.

And like cool said, kissing arms is indeed casual in some cultures, and the Russian culture is one of them.

As for the "scope" of their relationship. What i mean by that is that there is no reason to be amazed by what is shown in that video. It's a pretty common display of affection and caring between friends, it's cute, but it's in no way extraordinary. Millions of people would have done the same thing in a similar situation.

In their current state, Tatu is no longer breaking any barriers or pushing any limits in terms of what kind of relationships are socially acceptable in our societies. They are now two close female friends who love each other. Totally banal and common.

But it *is* cute! I agree there. :) They are both so pretty, what's not to like.

thegurgi 27-01-2004 20:11


but it's still cute
i agree... it is cute! they are the best faux lesbians ever! although, Denial might have something to say about that.


:: wow, i must have like been behind in where i posted this... cause i thought i was replying to Tina......

i need some sleep ::

Lena410 27-01-2004 20:19

*nods* haku, thanks for clearing that I understand *smile*

transcend 27-01-2004 20:47

Back to the good old days - I knew you wouldn't let me down. For the record, if my best friend fainted and I kissed her arm, she would be extremely worried about me. In fact, there is more chance of hell freezing over than me kissing my best friend's arm...But then...we're English. How I envy you Latins and Slavs. (sigh)

skye 27-01-2004 21:34

Alright alright, I was not discussing are they or aren't they, but it's true they do care about each other quite much. But as the kissing arm , we chinese are not that common to do it(asian people are more conservertive, even kissing cheek is not that common). As my memory of close interaction, that could be lovers or parents towards children :ithink: the way Yulia did is just so nature in that way :) So I don't believe the media said that they hate each other :yes: That is the love, no matter what kind of love ;)

transcend 27-01-2004 21:38


Originally posted by skye
That is the love, no matter what kind of love ;)

teeny 27-01-2004 21:52


Originally posted by thegurgi
i agree... it is cute! they are the best faux lesbians ever! although, Denial might have something to say about that.
Lol.. she prop. has a thing or two to say about that.


:: wow, i must have like been behind in where i posted this... cause i thought i was replying to Tina......
LOL yeah I figured it was my quote and began to wonder why it was quoted this far down.. :p

One time I almost did faint, and 5 sec after I had said, that I didn't feel wel,l I had 10 people or so around me at a vets waiting room. Even though most of the people in there must have been waiting with their ill pets, I was the center of their attention for a few min. Think the reation by Yul was pretty normal, and most people would have helped out everyway they could.
Kissing arm a mayor plus I wouldn't mind at all.. :lalala:

thegurgi 28-01-2004 02:25

TLFdk, i can be a moron sometimes....

I love how Episode 2 is getting so much attention.
like, SCREW YOU EPISODE THREE!! :: that moronicness again ::

But, yeah... i'm starting to get a bit impatient for a cap.

denial 28-01-2004 05:23

I am with xena225, the spontanous act by Yulia for kissing Lena's arm probably came from sort of daily practise. :laugh:

And also when Lena fainted at press conference when Yulia sprays water at Lena ..

Yulia will always take charge when something like that happened.

During the photoshoot with the rude photograher.. Yulia was so upset .. she could just leave by herself .. but she waited for Lena to change .. awww .. :)


PS: I dont kiss anyone arms ..unless.. during ...*ahem*

But again we haven't seen the video .."duh!"

haku 28-01-2004 05:31


Originally posted by denial
the spontanous act by Yulia for kissing Lena's arm probably came from sort of daily practise.
He he denial, no one said this was "rehearsed", all i'm saying is that since they can put their hands down each other's pants in front of cameras, kissing an arm is no big deal, that's all. :)

Lux 28-01-2004 05:55

when i love a friend, i am affectionate. hugs, touching, etc. but it's not necessarily sexual. so what if they are affectionate? i think they love each other on some level, if not in a sexual relationshippy kind of way.

this isnt out yet so....:none:

denial 28-01-2004 05:56

oh well .. why not ..

*kisses Haku's arm*
*kisses Cools's arm*
*kisses Queenbee's arm*
*kisses Tina's arm*
*kisses Greg's arm*

ack! :dead:

Lux 28-01-2004 06:01

*bleeding ensues*

does it matter so?

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