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Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 02:15

2003 Balkan Man of the Year Awards
so take a look :D

man of the year

it's not really like that... :lalala:

freddie 01-12-2003 04:37

LMAO!! Yeah that's us. :D

Kappa 01-12-2003 05:21


Mexico rivalizes you guys. XD

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 05:32

:laugh: well, i dont know if i should be laughing or if i should be crying !!! But i always say that one should be able to laugh at themselves, so....
:laugh: :lol: :laugh:

thanks for the very entertaining link... the Winner is definatelly not from the Balkan State Bulgaria ..the street is too clean and the beer is too 'lux' ;) .. but the Second and Third places - well definatelly COULD be photos taken in Bulgaria :coctail:

prostrel 01-12-2003 11:26

$in this one is good!:laugh: Well, I can understand situation in pics 3rd and 1st cos those women look much more stronger than those men, but what I didn`t know was that they have slave markets in Balkan area. I assume they are going there in 2nd pic. :D

Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 12:05

well, in some places when a man is looking for a wife, he wants ehm... a "strong" one... (read it: fat but strong, no matter if ugly, just be able to work...)

a friend of mine is a little fat :lalala: and when she goes to her grandmother (somewhere in south serbia) she is considered skinny and unhealthy. she is always told to put on some weight ?!?

oh yes, this is balkan :lol:

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 15:19


Originally posted by $in
a "strong" one... (read it: fat but strong, no matter if ugly, just be able to work...)
ah ha... mainly in the Villages though, right? Cities (at least my city - Sofia) totally different thing.... lol...


a friend of mine is a little fat and when she goes to her grandmother (somewhere in south serbia) she is considered skinny and unhealthy. she is always told to put on some weight ?!?
so, I dont think of myself as fat :laugh: and when i was younger i was even skinner..... but when i went to visit my grandparents in the summer (little village somewhere in the south west part of Bulgaria) I would hear 10 times a day: "AHhhhhhhhhhhh EAT kid EAT.. look at YOU... DRINK MILK to get strong and healthy...look at 'this' and 'that' kid (some of my second cousins who by my understandings were pretty 'overweight' :gigi: )... look how GOOD they LOOK!!!.... ARE you wearing PANTS?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH .. what GIRL are you... who is GOING to marry you?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH is that your KNEE showing>??!?! :eek: HIDE IT HIDE IT !!!! are you showing ATTITUDE???? BEHAVE yourself.... "

ja, Balkans :lol:

spyretto 01-12-2003 20:30

that goes for Slavic Balkan man of the year, I suppose. :rolleyes:

We don't treat women like that.

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 20:51


Originally posted by spyretto
We don't treat women like that.
:grustno: really spy? Even in the little Greek villages? I was under the impression it was somewhat the same :heh: ... my dad's parents were both born and grew up till 10 in Greece (although they are 100% bulgarian) ... :gigi:

spyretto 01-12-2003 21:36

are you implying that we carry old women in cages? no, we don't.

The same in what sense?

What part of Greece did they grow up in?

As for the old woman carrying the bulk of cans, I'd say that villgae women are strong, and she might not have wanted to give it to the man. It's not out of the question.

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 22:04


Originally posted by spyretto
are you implying that we carry old women in cages? no, we don't.
:laugh: ha ha... spy, that's one way to describe the pic... it is not 'carrying old women in cages'.... the grandmas are just getting a RIDE in the Traktor's (spelling) umm whatever you call that 'pull on' thing in english....they are probably just coming back/going to doing work in the garden or something... :heh: as far as i know.. the grandmas are completelly satisfied and dont think too much about riding in the back of a Traktor :gigi: they arent really used to riding in a mercedes with leather seats...


What part of Greece did they grow up in?
not in Athens ;)

spyretto 01-12-2003 22:09

ok, then what about the other two?

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 22:35


Originally posted by spyretto
ok, then what about the other two?
well, i said the first place one doesnt look Bulgairan.... but.. if i had to comment on it... yes, village women are strong, lots of them... they do a lot of physical work, definatelly not sissies like ME !

And the first one... well, they needed something to make fire with... of build a fance... or whatever they are going to do with that wood,..... and yes it looks REALLY BAD, but it is very possible that that's the least for now... and yes it pisses me off... but at the same time... that is what most of those people were brought up, that's what they are used to and believe that's how it should be :bum: .... my grandma and my grandpa believe that the woman should serve the man - in 2 generations LOTS have changed...I am not their generatio- didnt grow up like them, didnt live their live in a small village (it's like they live years behind in time)... so there are worlds of difference between us ;)

QueenBee 01-12-2003 22:43

Flashback, flashback!

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 22:47


Originally posted by QueenBee
Flashback, flashback!
are you saying that the images look like they could be Polish too, QB?

QueenBee 01-12-2003 22:52

coolasfcuk, actually it looks like it's taken directly from a village and city in Poland. :D That's no news.. fat babushki on the fields taking care of all of their 12 children.. :bum: Hehe no who am I kidding? I am dissing my own people. :bum: But it does look quite similar to Polish villages.. Especially the second picture.. Reminds me of my home... Boo, now I wanna go to Poland.. Oh and that beer picture could also happen in Poland but it's WAAAAY too clean.. :)

Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 22:56

hey, some men have problems with their back! my dad had too, so my mom didn't let him carry things. (yelled at him... r u crazy?! put that down!!! ) he felt like sissy, but what could he do? u know how wifes are...

cirrus 01-12-2003 22:58

Yeah, 2nd place reminds me of Poland. But only the countryside. Warsaw and the other (sorta big) cities are more modern. But the country? It's like it's 20 years behind or something. And 1st place is too clean. Add some trash, some gypsies, and more beer.

Not to say that Poland doesn't have it's nice spots... As I'm sure the Balkans do. But some parts of eastern europe are culturally, uh, different. :grustno:

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 23:02


Not to say that Poland doesn't have it's nice spots... As I'm sure the Balkans do. But some parts of eastern europe are culturally, uh, different. :grustno:
culturally different and BEHIND ja :none:

cirrus 01-12-2003 23:02

Oh and maybe the man in the first pic has emphysema. All that smoking, ya know. He's out of breath just walking up that hill. :p

coolasfcuk - if women are bred to big and strong, how do you explain all the beautiful supermodels from czech republic, ukraine, etc?

Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 23:03

well, if u had seen some places, u would probably faint. there is beautifull nature here, sometimes i just can't belive my own eyes...
let's make a big balkan picnic :gigi:

QueenBee 01-12-2003 23:05

I agree! I'm all for picnics... And yeah you're right cirrus but look at that road.. Doesn't seem to be from bigger cities like Warszawa and Lodz (my dear Lodz! :heart: )..

Sooo... who brings the champagne? :D

Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 23:07

women bring everything!!!
beer, food, woods... :lol:

cirrus 01-12-2003 23:09

QueenBee, Lodz huh? Yeah it's not considered one of the nicest Polish cities, and it's Polands 2nd biggest. But Krakow is nice and clean(er)


women bring everything!!!
Yeah! To keep in the spirit of the thread. :)

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 23:11


Originally posted by $in
well, if u had seen some places, u would probably faint. there is beautifull nature here, sometimes i just can't belive my own eyes...
I hear ya my Balkan's sista ! :done: Bulgaria has such beautiful nature .... so littl eland and we have everything there is to have (almost) from Black Sea to the Highest peak on the Balkans, to gigantic Valleys, planes..etc....


let's make a big balkan picnic
AH HA Great idea :coctail:


coolasfcuk - if women are bred to big and strong, how do you explain all the beautiful supermodels from czech republic, ukraine, etc?
first of all wait... NOT all women are, I never said that.... but women that live in the little villages in my country tend to be a lot 'stronger' than your average city girl ;)
Second... I thought we were talking about the Balkans here, no? Well, I always get confused exactly which countries go in that 'term' :o .. but Czech Republic is already pushing the limits... I am not even sure if it is considered part of the Balkans... and Ukraine is definatelly not ! But dont worry.. there are enough .. or more than enough gorgeous women at the Balkans.... ask any visitor that is non-balkan :D ja ja

QueenBee 01-12-2003 23:13

Well I think it's sort of clear that women in villages are usually stronger. :confused: Most of them (well all that I've seen/heard of) have to work more than city girls.. They usually grow their own vegetables, take care of animals, blah blah blah..

Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 23:15

go in belgrade :)
one american nba player plays basketball for a team from belgrade, and he is stunned how beautifull the girls are.

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 23:16


Sooo... who brings the champagne

women bring everything!!!
beer, food, woods...
:laugh: but but but... I am from the capital - Sofia - I am a spoiled brat sissy city girl !!!! :bebebe: :gigi: I refuse to carry anything havier than a bottle of vodka and few packs of ciggs.. oh... and some sandwiches of course.... salad with white cheese anyone? is that a very common balkans thing? cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, pepers, white cheese and if you like olives? ja?

edit: I think we need an Eastern European thread.... :coctail: for all my Slavic bratya i sestri :D

cirrus 01-12-2003 23:18


Originally posted by coolasfcuk
I thought we were talking about the Balkans here, no? Well, I always get confused exactly which countries go in that 'term'
Oh my mistake! :rose: I was just thinking of Eastern Europe in general, but the Balkans do not include any of the countries I mentioned. Apologies.

I tried searching "supermodels from the Balkans" on Yahoo, but all I got was "black gay sex pics" and "teacher sex free galleries". Seriously! :grustno: :bum: :ithink:


Veggie Delite 01-12-2003 23:26

ciggies... gimme-gimme-gimme!!!
*trying to quit*

and vodka is ok :D

i dunno in other countries, but in serbia without meat --> no meal!

i don't eat meat, and i'm like:
uhh... she's weird :ithink:

and beer is kinda popular... my friends have no problem in drinking 10 liters...

QueenBee 01-12-2003 23:26

cirrus, so? It's just as fun to look at those instead :P

coolasfcuk, I'll carry all of that with pleasure :D

Edit: But I hate olives :bum:

cirrus 01-12-2003 23:28

Bulgarian Girls

And for the single ladies out there...



Edit: But I hate olives
Me too! :bebebe: and mushrooms

QueenBee 01-12-2003 23:30


Bulgarian Girls
I can't find coolasfcuk :confused: :heh:

Edit: Mushrooms = Biggest "EW!" ever.

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 23:35


Originally posted by cirrus
Bulgarian Girls
:eek: awwwwwwwwwwww, i am at WORK right now... so I really dont wanna be opening links with 'that' content LOL ! But i can only imagine what is there.. will check it at home and get back at ya... but if you wanna see this years Bulgarian SuperModels :

Go Here ...

...and click on Miss Bulgaria 2003... then on the top yellow strip there is Gallery click it... and those are the winners... can't say those are the 'prettiest' BG women.. but they arent that bad :gigi:

and Olives... ja... I said 'optional'.. good thing you guys dont like them, 'cause i DONT love them either... mushrooms... oh I LOVE LOVE ! and meat... ha ha YES, same for Bulgaria... lots of meat... but I can do without it just fine as well :D

cirrus 01-12-2003 23:40

Nice, nice! Do most Bulgarians have dark hair? I find dark hair to be sexier than blonde.

Miss Bulgaria World 2003 has an interesting look. Not in a bad way, but she has strange features. I dunno, it's just me.

QueenBee 01-12-2003 23:43


I find dark hair to be sexier than blonde.
Well, HMPFFFFFFF!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 23:44


Originally posted by cirrus
Nice, nice! Do most Bulgarians have dark hair?
:D yes, bulgarians tend to have more dark hair... you know dark overpowers light... so blonde has been slowly overpowered when the Slavics mixed with the other 2 tribes in the 600's he he.... but we still have some blondes too.


Miss Bulgaria World 2003 has an interesting look. Not in a bad way, but she has strange features. I dunno, it's just me.
I know what you are saying... i am trying to figure out what it is as well... lemme go read her biography... he he...:gigi:

freddie 01-12-2003 23:47


Originally posted by $in
go in belgrade :)
one american nba player plays basketball for a team from belgrade, and he is stunned how beautifull the girls are.

Oh I belive you! When I went to belgrade I couldn't belive my eyes! Those girls ROCK! I could stand all day at a bar downtown Belgrade and just watch them go by (really amazing since I'm not much into slavic girls but the ones from Belgrade... :eek:). I am absolutely not exaggerating when I say that I haven't seen an average looking woman there!


Originally posted by Coolasfcuk
edit: I think we need an Eastern European thread.... for all my Slavic bratya i sestri
That would be great since the good-old language thread sadly parished!
And regarding what's Balkan and what's not - I think Slovenia is the very edge of Balkan - we're talking about the Balkan peninsula here right? Czech Repubic is SO far inland that it couldn't possibly be considered part of a peninsula, let alone Ukraine.

cirrus 01-12-2003 23:52


I think Slovenia is the very edge of Balkan - we're talking about the Balkan peninsula here right? Czech Repubic is SO far inland that it couldn't possibly be considered part of a peninsula, let alone Ukraine.
I know! I know!
*goes and studies more geography*


Milla Jovovich = Ukraine. THAT was my reasoning...

Atleast I didn't include Italy or something

coolasfcuk 01-12-2003 23:56


Originally posted by freddie
Oh I belive you! When I went to belgrade I couldn't belive my eyes! Those girls ROCK! I could stand all day at a bar downtown Belgrade and just watch them go by (really amazing since I'm not much into slavic girls but the ones from Belgrade... . I am absolutely not exaggerating when I say that I haven't seen an average looking woman there!
*writing down in my journal: da otida v Belgrad ljato 2004 !* :gigi:
freds, i think you should visit Sofia one day too then ... to check out the BG girls :heh: since I am UGLY for BG lol, majority is prettier than ME ! LoL

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