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QueenBee 05-12-2004 02:18 Forum Awards 2004 > Discussion
Will they ever happen?
The last one was so much fun, and it's almost the end of the year... So I thought I'd make a poll. The problem is, there aren't that many people active anymore and I wonder who would have the energy to "host" it? ;)

Y'want it?

Unplugged 05-12-2004 02:39


And I want some new categories :yes: :gigi:

QueenBee 05-12-2004 02:41

staringelf, well if we decide to have it, there will be new categories of course... ;) We just have to fix them, hehe!

Unplugged 05-12-2004 02:43


Originally Posted by QueenBee
staringelf, well if we decide to have it, there will be new categories of course... We just have to fix them, hehe!

True, true :cool:

I'd really like to add a new category called Good Sport Award, cause I know of somebody who really deserved it this year! ;)

crni 05-12-2004 03:03

yeah, it'd be fun! :done:

freddie 05-12-2004 04:11

Yeah, sure. I'd lobby to get Echoed the most attractive member award. (Eventhough she's not active on the forum anymore)

Kate 05-12-2004 04:24

Already? Lol. It seems like it's only been a short while since we finished with the last awards.

But yeah, it'd be fun! :D

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forre 05-12-2004 10:41

Yeh, why not.

Mossopp 05-12-2004 10:49

Yeah, I think we should have another awards ceremony.
Now there are less regulars I might actually have a chance of winning something this time!

kishkash 05-12-2004 18:37

Yerp i reckon we should have em...and as far as a new category goes...we should have somefin like

Phattest Member :gigi:

rosh 07-12-2004 12:54

hell yeah ;) the way things are going , there are so few people posting we could ALL win an award each ;) [just need enough categories hehe]

teeny 07-12-2004 13:57


Originally Posted by rosh
[just need enough categories hehe]

and some planned voting system so that each category has a new winner :heh:

Mossopp 07-12-2004 16:11


Originally Posted by teeny
and some planned voting system so that each category has a new winner :heh:

That wouldn't be entirely fair.
I do think however that there should be some rule defining eligibility. For example: a member cannot be nominated if he/she hasn't posted in the last 6 months.

Unplugged 07-12-2004 17:17


Originally Posted by Mossopp
there should be some rule defining eligibility. For example: a member cannot be nominated if he/she hasn't posted in the last 6 months.

I totally agree! So stop thinking about voting for Echoed, Freds! She's not here anymore. Dot. :p

Anyway, shouldn't we start the nomination process? I mean, we gotta start figuring out what categories should remain unchanged, what new categories should be created, and then start voting on nominees for each category, just like last time, and then the most voted get nominated!

If we had the nomination process done by the end of the December, we could start voting in the beginning of January.

What do you think? :D

Mossopp 07-12-2004 17:30


Originally Posted by staringelf
If we had the nomination process done by the end of the December, we could start voting in the beginning of January.
What do you think? :D

Yeah, I'd say that sounds pretty good.
Who's organising all this BTW? Who's in the 'Awards Committee'? :D
And who voted "No" on the poll? Speak now, traitor! :bebebe:

Kate 07-12-2004 17:31


Originally Posted by Mossopp
Who's in the 'Awards Committee'?

I nominate Miguel, haku and Queenie.

Unplugged 07-12-2004 17:34


Originally Posted by katbeidar
I nominate Miguel, haku and Queenie.

Yeah, I nominate myself and haku and Queenie too :laugh: We organized the last nomination procedures too, and I personally counted all the votes :gigi: But also with your precious help in choosing the categories, Kate! :p

haku 07-12-2004 18:03


Originally Posted by Mossopp
That wouldn't be entirely fair.
I do think however that there should be some rule defining eligibility. For example: a member cannot be nominated if he/she hasn't posted in the last 6 months.

Personally i would be even stricter, i would say no nomination if the person hasn't posted in the last 30 days. If someone doesn't even post *once* a month, i can't see how they could be nominated, this is not the " Lurkers Awards". :p

QueenBee 07-12-2004 18:29


If we had the nomination process done by the end of the December, we could start voting in the beginning of January.
Yeah! But then it's like... we'll be voting for the Tatysite 2004 Awards, in 2005! :lol: But there's no other choice really, we're too late anyway. :p Weren't the last awards in November? Or am I totally crazy here?


I nominate Miguel, haku and Queenie.

Yeah, I nominate myself and haku and Queenie too
AAAAWWW *Wipes a tear* I feel so loved :gigi: Do I sense a group hug coming up?


i would say no nomination if the person hasn't posted in the last 30 days. If someone doesn't even post *once* a month, i can't see how they could be nominated, this is not the " Lurkers Awards".
I agree, 6 months is still a pretty long time. I can understand if someone is away on vacation or whatever - but I don't think anyone of the active users is. :p

Okay now let's figure out how we're gonna set this up! :)

Kate 07-12-2004 18:36


Originally Posted by QueenBee
Do I sense a group hug coming up?

Definitly. GROUP HUG, EVERYONE!! :D :D :D


Originally Posted by haku
i would say no nomination if the person hasn't posted in the last 30 days. If someone doesn't even post *once* a month, i can't see how they could be nominated, this is not the " Lurkers Awards".

I agree, too. :) It's only fair. But I'd make an exception of Rachel. Even though she came back to the forum only a short while ago, she managed to do so many nice things and contribute so much that I didn't have nearly enough time to keep up with giving the reputation points to her. Lol.

haku 07-12-2004 18:37


Originally Posted by QueenBee
Yeah! But then it's like... we'll be voting for the Tatysite 2004 Awards, in 2005! :lol: But there's no other choice really, we're too late anyway. :p Weren't the last awards in November? Or am I totally crazy here?

Yeah, you are. ;) Look at the Awards forum and check the dates, they happen in early 2004. :D

Unplugged 07-12-2004 18:40


Originally Posted by katbeidar
But I'd make an exception of Rachel. Even though she came back to the forum only a short while ago, she managed to do so many nice things and contribute so much that I didn't have nearly enough time to keep up with giving the reputation points to her. Lol.

Yeah, maybe we should stick for people who haven't posted in the last 3 months?


Originally Posted by QueenBee
Yeah! But then it's like... we'll be voting for the Tatysite 2004 Awards, in 2005! But there's no other choice really, we're too late anyway. Weren't the last awards in November? Or am I totally crazy here?

They were in February this year. Well, Queenie, it's normal, I mean the Oscars also refer to the movies which were big the year before! So, the Forum Awards 2004 refer to what happened in 2004 but it makes more sense to vote for them only in 2005. But I think voting for the nominations can already begin, since not much is gonna happen, and even if it does, we can still edit our posts until the end of the month! Then in the beginning of January, we count the votes for nomination, announce the nominees and the final voting shall start :coctail: *suspense*

QueenBee 07-12-2004 18:45

I get it now. :gigi:

Btw, Kate, Rachel has posted in the last 30 days, just no everyday, hehe. ;) But it still counts. Even if she would post only once per month, we would still be able to nominate her.

haku 07-12-2004 18:58


Originally Posted by QueenBee
Okay now let's figure out how we're gonna set this up!

Well, the first step is to define the various categories. I think we should discuss it here because it's not worth creating a new thread just for that, lol (i'll move this thread to the "Awards forum" once the process is on its way).

Last years categories were as folows:

Best General Male Perfomance.
Best General Female Performance.
Best Moderator.
Most Helpful Member. (provided most info/exclusives)
Best Avatar.
Most Unpredictable Member.
Most Addicted to this Forum.
Best Original Nickname.
Best Fan Fiction Writer.
Most Changed. (after comming to this forum)
Best Statement Maker.
Most Controversial Member.
Most Predictable Member.
Best Member of the Year!!
Hottest female member
Hottest male member

So, anyone think new categories should be added?
Anyone think some of the old ones should be dropped?

QueenBee 07-12-2004 19:06

Well, two categories that I am unsure of now are

Best fanfiction writer and
Best original nickname

'cause not many people write fanfics now... it's pretty much the old fanfics that are being updated. I must say I love Kate's though, but the thing is - the more the merrier. So we kind of need alot of fanfics to pick from. I could be wrong though, maybe we're being flooded by fanfics... :p But it just doesn't appear that way.

And the original nickname one is because well, the old members are pretty much still here, so most have their old nicknames. And it would be kind of boring to vote for such a thing again.


And who voted "No" on the poll? Speak now, traitor!
Don't worry. :D It probably didn't have anything to do with the awards, I'm pretty sure they just wanna tell me I suck. :p

haku 07-12-2004 19:11


Originally Posted by QueenBee
Well, two categories that I am unsure of now are

Best fanfiction writer and
Best original nickname

I agree for fanfiction writer, this one's a goner.
But i think we should keep the best nickname, lest year's winner is gone, so it will be a new one anyway. :)

Here's a few new categories i've "stolen" on another forum who took our idea of forum awards. :D I think they are interesting.

Biggest post whore
Most missed member
Most creative member
Most entertaining member
Most supportive/helpful member
Weirdest member
Most noticeable member

QueenBee 07-12-2004 19:13


Here's a few new categories i've "stolen" on another forum who took our idea of forum awards.
Bastards! :p


Biggest post whore
Most missed member
Most creative member
Most entertaining member
Most supportive/helpful member
Weirdest forum member
Most noticeable member
Ooooo I REALLY like those! I can't believe we're not as good with coming up with things as they are. *Sighs* "Biggest post whore"... :lol:

Unplugged 07-12-2004 19:18

Hey people, do you mind if I open a new thread on the TatySite.Net Forum Awards subforum to discuss the categories for nomination?

edit: I created it! :p Forum Awards 2004 - Nomination Categories - Discussion Thread

Shall we continue the discussion there, my friends? :coctail:

Unplugged 07-12-2004 19:20

TatySite.Net Forum Awards 2004 - Nomination Categories - Discussion thread
So the Forum Awards are coming again! :10x:

Before that, we must decide which old categories and which new categories should remain in the Award Ceremony :D

These were the previous ones.

Best General Male Perfomance Award
I think it speaks for itself. The male member whose performance most pleased you during the year.

Best General Female Performance Award
The female member whose performance most pleased you during the year.

Best Moderator Award
The moderator who, for you, was the best doing his/her job during the year.

Most Helpful Member Award
The member who you think provided the most/best information and exclusives to this forum.

Best Avatar Award
The member who had the best looking avatar(s) in the past year.

Most Unpredictable Member Award
The member who you thought was the most unpredictable.

Most Addicted to this Forum (I think this could be changed to Addiction Award)
The title speaks for itself: the member who, in your perspective, was more addicted to than any other!

Best Original Nickname Award
The member who you think has a nickname that gets attention for being so original.
Not many have changed nicknames, so I don't know if it makes much sense to nominate the same people again.

Best Fan Fiction Award
The member who wrote the best fan fiction in 2004.

Most Changed Member Award
The one who, in your opinion, went through drastical change over the year.

Best Statement Maker Award
Those deadly one-liners. Who had the most of them? Who had the best? Who could knock out any competition in a hot discussion? You decide, voting for the one who you think made the best statements on the forum.

Most Controversial Member Award
Some people get attention and are popular, but are not always seen with good eyes. Some people love them, others can't stand them. Some don't love them or hate them, but can't stop noticing their sharp, controversial remarks. Vote for the one who you think was the most controversial in the past year.

Most Predictable Member Award
The member whose opinions or attitudes are always the same, with no surprise.
Now that I know everyone, it's really rare to see someone who actually surprises by changing their point of view or giving in! Most people stick to what they believe in, even if it's predictable. So I don't know if there's much sense in making this again... But let's discuss it!

Best Member of the Year Award
The one you can't forget, the one you love with no regret! The member who, for you, had a brilliant performance in the past year. You love the attitude, the opinions, the humor, he/she is the best there is in the forum!

Best Looking Member Award
Last year we had this one first, and then we decided it wasn't enough and then created TatySite.Net Hotties Awards for both male and female. I think this year we should correct the mistakes, and go from the beginning with the Hotties. I make this suggestion: Best Male Hottie Award, Best Female Hottie Award ;)

New Categories:

I would like to add two. Let's see if you agree.

Good Sport Award (we can change the name if you want to... I know "Good Sport" it's too much family vibe, but I can't think of another word to describe it LOL)
Maybe they didn't participate in the discussions that much. Maybe they didn't contribute with much material or news. But, deep inside, you can't help but loving them for the good personality they show off, their kindness, great sense of humour, their own personal style. They deserve an award too!

Special Mention Award
You came close to voting for him/her in one of the categories, but you decided someone else should make it. Nonetheless, you think she/he deserves a special mention for his/her contribution to the forum. Give your reasons and vote.

haku added these too:

Biggest post whore
Most missed member
Most creative member
Most entertaining member
Most supportive/helpful member
Weirdest member
Most noticeable member

Let's discuss it, people! :coctail:

haku 07-12-2004 21:56

My view on things:

Unchanged Awards:

Best Statement Maker Award
Most Controversial Member Award
Best Moderator Award
Best Avatar Award
Most Addicted to this Forum
Best Nickname Award (i think we should keep it because last year's winner is no longer there, so people will have to choose a new one.)

Modified Awards:

Best General Male Performance Award
Best General Female Performance Award
Best Member of the Year Award
^ I think we should make those three into just 2:
Best Male Member of the Year Award
Best Female Member of the Year Award

Most Helpful Member Award
^ I think we should call it Most providing Member Award (to make a difference between people who provide material and people who are helpful in a personal way, see lower in new awards).

Best Looking Member Award
^ This one is split in two and becomes:
Hottest Female Member
Hottest Male Member

Abandoned Awards:

Most Unpredictable Member Award
Most Predictable Member Award
^ I think we should abandon those two, they are not very interesting.

Best Fan Fiction Award
^ I think we should abandon this one, fan fictions are only posted on now.

Most Changed Member Award
^ I think we should abandon this one, the idea came from the fact that after Anatomy a lot of members changed, there has been nothing so dramatic this year.

New Awards:

Biggest post whore
Because it's just fun.

Most missed member
Because there are quite a few.

Most creative member
Because we have creative people.

Most entertaining member
Because we have entertaining people.

Most supportive member
For people who help others on a personal level.

Weirdest member
I think we have quite a few too.

From Staringelf
Special Mention Award
I like this one, it's better than Most Noticeable Member, and it is kinda the same idea, giving an award to someone who "stands out" but can't be nominated in a specific category.

Good Sport Award
I'm not sure about this one, maybe Kindest or Sweetest Member instead?

Rachel 07-12-2004 22:03

I think we should have Most Horniest Award and I should get it :laugh:

Unplugged 07-12-2004 22:48


Originally Posted by haku
Good Sport Award
I'm not sure about this one, maybe Kindest or Sweetest Member instead?

LOL Well, "kindest member" or "sweetest member" sounds even gayer then "Good Sport" :laugh: What I mean is somebody who's low-profile but very nice, amusing, helpful, etc... How about "Best Underdog Member"? :hmmm:

As for the rest you said, haku, I totally agree :D

haku 08-12-2004 00:50


Originally Posted by Ice_Cream
I think we should have Most Horniest Award

Why not. :D


Originally Posted by staringelf
LOL Well, "kindest member" or "sweetest member" sounds even gayer then "Good Sport" What I mean is somebody who's low-profile but very nice, amusing, helpful, etc... How about "Best Underdog Member"?

Haha, maybe Best Low-Profile Member like you said. :D

Ok, that makes 20 categories, it's a nice number, i think we should stay on it, no more, no less. :gigi:

1- Best Female Member of the Year
2- Best Male Member of the Year
3- Hottest Female Member
4- Hottest Male Member
5- Most Providing Member
6- Most Supportive Member
7- Most Creative Member
8- Most Entertaining Member
9- Most Controversial Member
10- Best Statement Maker
11- Best Low Profile Member (or Good Sport, we're still working on it, lol)
12- Special Mention
13- Horniest Member
14- Weirdest Member
15- Biggest Post Whore
16- Most Addicted to this Forum
17- Most Missed Member
18- Best Moderator
19- Best Avatar
20- Best Nickname

Unplugged 08-12-2004 01:27

I AGREE! :10x: And Best Low-Profile Member sounds good too.

But... should we wait for suggestions from more people? :dknow:

haku 08-12-2004 01:35


Originally Posted by staringelf
But... should we wait for suggestions from more people?

The thread has already 80 views, if people had something to say, they would already have :p

I say we create the nominations thread now, i can do it if you don't mind. :D

Unplugged 08-12-2004 01:38


Originally Posted by haku
I say we create the nominations thread now, i can do it if you don't mind.

OK :D I don't think one could make up much more, unless it was either bad categories or completely crazy ones :laugh:

Sure, go ahead! But don't forget to explain what the category is about, and also that every member must gave their reasons for nominating that person for that category! And that it's not allowed to nominate people who haven't posted, etc :p

haku 08-12-2004 01:43


Originally Posted by staringelf
every member must gave their reasons for nominating that person for that category!

Haha, well, people were asked to give reasons as well last year and very few people did it, LOL. I'll say that it would be nice if people give reasons, but i don't have much hope. It's already going to be hard to get people to post names, LOL. :D

Unplugged 08-12-2004 01:45


Originally Posted by haku
Haha, well, people were asked to give reasons as well last year and very few people did it, LOL. I'll say that it would be nice if people give reasons, but i don't have much hope. It's already going to be hard to get people to post names, LOL. :D

But for the SPECIAL MENTION AWARD, you HAVE to give a reason. Like "Ice Cream, because although she didn't post for most of the year, when she came back she provided us with lots of quality material", for example. At least for that award, you forcly have to give out a reason!

thegurgi 08-12-2004 02:13

What about "Best Comeback" ... a lot of people are leaving and coming back later out of the blue, and i'm sure that Ice Cream would get this (hehehe, we're all thinking of awards that she should get!)

Unplugged 08-12-2004 02:19


Originally Posted by thegurgi
What about "Best Comeback" ...

Well there aren't many comebacks except hers... :hmmm:

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