Unofficial forum of group TATU

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shizzo 18-02-2004 06:07

I found this - it's got an artist's illustration of her, but I've
yet to find an actual pic. :none:


QueenBee 18-02-2004 06:13

Wow.. she's transparent!
Apparently this is her website, but I can't tell since I can't get into it. :gigi: Page cannot be displayed, for me.

denial 18-02-2004 06:23

cniaju, OHH!! thank you !! *kiss* *kiss* *kiss* *kiss* ...ooopsss.. sorry sir .. I'm over reacting ...but .. *hugggggggg* ... okay . :none:

QueenBee, oiiii! . and you dare to go to her site? and you dont have anti virus?? :znaika: :blabla: ..but thank for the new coming thread .. for you :rose:

haku 18-02-2004 06:32


Originally posted by QueenBee
haku, bahh.. :znaika: Unfair stereotypes.. How do you define a nerd? Come on.. For you she might be ugly but for others she could be beautiful.
LOL QueenBee, i meant the exact opposite of what you understood. I have this fantasy that female nerds are sexy (i call that the Alysson Hannigan syndrome), so what i meant is "despite being a nerd (therefore sexy in my mind and also denial's apparently), she might be unattractive".

Plus, i consider myself a big nerd, but that's a counter example since i *am* unattractive. :P

denial 18-02-2004 06:52

haku, we get those syndrom from movies ...LoL .. remember 'Hacker' ? and they use Angelina Jolie .. and The Net .. Sandra Bullock ..

I am not computer nerd or anything like it .. I just like to read articles and news about it.. and you don't have to be a singer to adore a good singer .... while waiting for TATU new album I mean .. :lalala: ..

QueenBee 18-02-2004 07:48

haku, so you mean I am attractive?! *Jumps around in joy* Well, I might not be a COMPUTER nerd, but an INTERNET nerd.. or wait, maybe I'm just a nerd in general.. :rolleyes:

teeny 18-02-2004 07:58


haku, we get those syndrom from movies ...LoL .. remember 'Hacker' ? and they use Angelina Jolie .. and The Net .. Sandra Bullock ..
and in 'antitrust ' Ryan Phillippe. Was Rachel Leigh Cook a nerd in it.. I fail to remember due to the other castmember listed.. :dead:

*Joins nerd club*
oh wait.. I was already a member :gigi:

rosh 18-02-2004 08:36

im a nerd ... i dont think im sexy though :) damn i need to get me a pair of glasses with masking tape in the middle of them and a pocket protector ! then i will be uber sexy :)))

denial 18-02-2004 10:42

denial: what is 'nerd' ?
Febrika: whats the song about?
Febrika: :ithink:
Febrika: LOOL
Febrika: hahahahaha
Febrika: :laugh:
Febrika: one regarded as a dull, ineffective according to websters newworld pocket dictionary
Febrika: :D
Febrika: to me nerd is a kutu buku (book worm)
Febrika: one who likes to read and kinda refuse to socialize
Febrika: loner but smart
Febrika: somekind of that

*looks at all the people above* :rolleyes: ..

:eek: .. where are those people above??!! :confused:

rosh 18-02-2004 11:53


Originally posted by spyretto
I have a question too...when you go to a website that requires to log onto a secure connection - to make a money transaction, for example - you can stay logged on for a limited time only - like 10 minutes or something. Is there a way to remain logged indefinitely? It has happened to me once or twice but I don't know how it happened. What internet security changes are required to do this?

thanks :)

spy this is not something YOU can set or unset. it is programmed into the code of the backend of the website. the company whose website it is, will instruct its programmers to set idle timeouts in order to ensure that should the person leave their pc while busy with a transaction, no one comes along and fiddles with it and commits fraud [for example] .

so really that control is in place programmed into the website for your own protection :)

you could try emailing the technical support of the company and ask them to extend the idle timeout by a few minutes.

rosh 18-02-2004 12:01

symantec virus advisory
WARNING : W32.Welchia.B.Worm
Threat level : Category 3, Moderate (scale of 1-5)
Type : Worm

What is W32.Welchia.B.Worm and how does it affect me?

As of February 13, 2003, due to an increased rate of submissions, Symantec Security Response has
upgraded this threat to a Category 3 from a Category 2.

W32.Welchia.B.Worm is a variant of W32.Welchia.Worm. If the version of the operating system of the infected machine is Chinese, Korean, or English, the worm will attempt to download the Microsoft Workstation Service Buffer Overrun and Microsoft Messenger Service Buffer Overrun patches from the Microsoft® Windows Update Web site, install it, and then restart the computer.

W32.Welchia.B.Worm propagates by exploiting the:
1. Microsoft Windows DCOM RPC Interface Buffer Overrun Vulnerability (BID 8205)
2. Microsoft Windows ntdll.dll Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (BID 7116)
3. Microsoft Windows Workstation Service Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (BID 9011)

The worm also attempts to remove the W32.Mydoom.A@mm and W32.Mydoom.B@mm

if any of this is too technical, please let me know and i will attempt to explain :)

best thing to do people, update your virus definitions !

denial 18-02-2004 13:39

Thanks rosh, oiii .. my home PC I haven't update since 4th Feb!!!

*runs virus update again for today* ....make it your life style ......:yes: :done:

teeny 18-02-2004 15:06


best thing to do people, update your virus definitions !
Clicked update and it turned out to be updated already.. autopdate :coctail:

A nerd is someone with a huge interest in a given subject. Or was that geek? :dknow:
Anyway.. not a bad thing at all to be a nerd.. I hope :none:

haku 18-02-2004 15:21

Geek and nerd have very close meanings.

From my dictionary:

Geek: a person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest.

Nerd: an intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession.

Of course, some people use those terms derogatorily to mean something like "lacking social skills and boring", but that's because they are less intelligent than us and jealous. :bebebe:

denial 18-02-2004 16:36

awww ... :laugh:

Anyway .. FREE FIREWALL!! introduce ....
Download: ZoneAlarm (free)

Okay.. so .. now we have the list of things to do since we are NOT a nerd or a geek and we want to have more time for social life and sex and romance ...

1. Run Windows Update Regularly [ set to automate download]
2. Run Anti-virus update Regularly [ automate update]
3. Install Firewall

For those spywares and pop-ups that slow our computer. Eliminate them FREE!!

1. Pop-Up Blocker
2. Spybot

uhh .. I'll fix this post later.

teeny 18-02-2004 16:43


For those spyware and pop-ups that slow our computer
- Pop-Up Blocker
But that would make surfing more fun :lalala: Then one will stay online even longer.. *tries to put blame at norton internet security* :lalala:

anyway.. I am a nerd/geek, so the list don't apply to me, I guess :gigi:

denial 18-02-2004 16:59

TLFdk, ummm .. yes..not apply to you ....since you are the geek/nerd ...its your job... I will later suggest that we gather info from this thread and put them on the first page .. so it will be easy to find link than have to read the whole thread. Like the link to free Anti Virus, spybot and firewall, divx codex.. what else .. I'll do tomorrow to gather the links.. its already 12 midnight. :bum: ..or if you free...maybe you can help me .. .:lalala: ...thank you in advance.. for you :rose:

*is off to sleep*
.. blows a virtual kisses to Gigabyte... good night baby .. see you in my dream so I could tell you how much I love your mouth.

Kappa 18-02-2004 17:03


Originally posted by denial
darje, why are you so worry .. let them have fun and be creative .. people like that helps develope/improve computer security .. so those people selling computers and software will take seriously of the security of their product while keeping the "user friendly' enviroment.

For home user patch your computer regularly and update your virus patern and protect your ports with firewall. (which I dont do this myself :hmmm: )

Denial, I build computers. The largest I've ever gotten when it comes to virii was a trojan, and that was on Lenok v.1. Lenok v.2 has never been infected nor hacked into, and I expect it bloody keeps that way.

What you think is creative is hacking. What is NOT funny about it is that this girl isn't a hacker, she's a cracker. Oh don't mind me, I respect her enough already, most crackers have little to no imagination. The coconut virus shows that she at least knows how to create something fun while fucking up your system.

I stand my point, you're completely crazy. A hacker helps improve the security in a network/computer by breaking into it and checking out mistakes. They're seldom the same as crackers, whose "creative virus writing" only sends us back one month of development for each virus that goes worldwide. :/

teeny 18-02-2004 17:07


..or if you free...maybe you can help me .. .
hehe.. well I was thinking a bit in that direction. But just wanted to find out if the computer section would be up first. If not I planned to keep it in here. I could edit the first post since it's mine.

haku 18-02-2004 19:26

Two new and quite nasty worms are spreading right now...




You can always check the latest threats here:

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